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Something worrying has happened to me, earlier I went through the themes and though the air paint one looked really good with the neon stuff etc. Anyways, I turned my PS3 OFF and the flowers and icons are ghosted on the black!!!! Burned in the screen!!! It's a brand new 42" Panasonic plasma!!! Does anyone know if this happens and it fades or if this is a serious problem!!!!

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I think plasmas / projection tv's are the worst potentially affected with burn in. and LCD is supposed to be the most resistant, afaik, but yes it could well be a serious problem. :hmm:

Something worrying has happened to me, earlier I went through the themes and though the air paint one looked really good with the neon stuff etc. Anyways, I turned my PS3 OFF and the flowers and icons are ghosted on the black!!!! Burned in the screen!!! It's a brand new 42" Panasonic plasma!!! Does anyone know if this happens and it fades or if this is a serious problem!!!!


Plasmas are bad for this.


Well after a nauseating trip to Wal-mart im finally a proud/broke PS3 owner!


Ironically, as i was paying for it, i caught Brawl, Bully, and Dragon Quest Swords winking at me from the Wii section. Im broke and the Wii finally decides to deliver the goods :shakehead

Something worrying has happened to me, earlier I went through the themes and though the air paint one looked really good with the neon stuff etc. Anyways, I turned my PS3 OFF and the flowers and icons are ghosted on the black!!!! Burned in the screen!!! It's a brand new 42" Panasonic plasma!!! Does anyone know if this happens and it fades or if this is a serious problem!!!!


How long before you turned it off? I mean, how long did you leave it on the PS3 menu?


Also, make sure your screen darkens after 20 minutes or so, if your not using it! I think it's in the PS3 display menu.

Anyone know the best place to pre-order the USA version of MGS4 ltd ed?


VGP? : peace:


Thing is though dude, if downloadable content is released for that game, which seems certain, you will have to purchase the content of the USA store because it's a US game! Theres only this entropay thing which works (an online visa company) and i'm not sure you'll be to keen on using that, and the USA PSN cards were scheduled for Q1 08 but are no-where to be seen!


I have a USA version of Warhawk and cannot buy the Omega pack! I wish i purchased the UK version now to save all the aggro!


It IS the PS3's fault!! What kind of fucking gimps designed the brightest neon front end you could imagine; I hardly left it on at all and it's still there. Maybe my TV is particularly sensitive, but its an expensive quality TV and I hold Sony completely responsible for it.


I know you'll all say I'm being ridiculous but this really does add fuel for my hatred towards them!!


How new is your TV exactly? If its brand new you should be running it in on dim settings and not putting static menus on the screen at all. You can hardly call it Sony's fault, they only offered an option - your the one that chose to use it.

It IS the PS3's fault!! What kind of fucking gimps designed the brightest neon front end you could imagine; I hardly left it on at all and it's still there. Maybe my TV is particularly sensitive, but its an expensive quality TV and I hold Sony completely responsible for it.


I know you'll all say I'm being ridiculous but this really does add fuel for my hatred towards them!!


What kind of fucking gimp buys a Plasma for gaming?


All I'm saying is that the Wii, DVD's, 360 is all fine and I've left them on their respective front ends for a lot longer than a minute or two. My first day with a PS3 and that's what happens!

What kind of fucking gimp buys a Plasma for gaming?


To be fair does anyone buy a TV purely for gaming? I doubt it. Plasma is still superior to LCD in terms of outright picture quality - and that includes gaming.


If you didn't leave the PS3 on long at all, then i would contact either Panasonic or Sony and say what the problem is!


You could blame Sony because of the theme was/is too bright for Plasmas.


OR you could blame Panasonic and say the screen burned on a image which was barely on there long enough!


You might as well give it a go, is it under warrenty?


To be fair, dazzybee, you are being rather irrational. Sony haven't purposefully done anything to harm your TV.


Also, if the TV is brand new I'd be much quicker to lay the blame at its door; perhaps you got a duff unit. I didn't think plasma burn-in was an issue these days, and it certainly shouldn't happen due to a simple neon font.


I'd suggest contacting the place where you bought the TV and see if you can get an exchange, and it might be an idea to Google the product code of the television to see if anyone else has had similar problems.


Yeah they're both under warranty Owen.


I have had a lot of problems with Sony products as I know a lot of people have. And it is no coincidence that this happens as soon as I get the PS3 when Ive had the Wii and 360 for over a year!! But yeah, I'm not saying it's a major fault or anything, but just really annoying!!


I just think calling me a fucking gimp because I have a plasma TV is the sign of someone being a bit of ****!

Yeah they're both under warranty Owen.


I have had a lot of problems with Sony products as I know a lot of people have. And it is no coincidence that this happens as soon as I get the PS3 when Ive had the Wii and 360 for over a year!! But yeah, I'm not saying it's a major fault or anything, but just really annoying!!


I just think calling me a fucking gimp because I have a plasma TV is the sign of someone being a bit of ****!


Agreed there is no need for it. At the same time though I don't think you really need to have a go at Sony for your problem.


I don't think I've ever had a problem with a Sony product actually. My old phone worked fine, camera is very good quality, my car stereo is a Sony one, and I've never had a problem with all 3 Playstations. I've even got quite a good Sony CD wallet. :p


If I was you I'd probably be far more annoyed at the TV as that is the thing with the actual problem. I've not heard of anyone else having problems with any of the PS3 themes.

Yeah they're both under warranty Owen.


I have had a lot of problems with Sony products as I know a lot of people have. And it is no coincidence that this happens as soon as I get the PS3 when Ive had the Wii and 360 for over a year!! But yeah, I'm not saying it's a major fault or anything, but just really annoying!!


I just think calling me a fucking gimp because I have a plasma TV is the sign of someone being a bit of ****!


I can understand why your angry to be fair, i mean if it's a brand new plasma, i'll be the same!


I have a 47" Samsung 1080p LCD TV and i'm always worried it's going to break, i couldn't afford the extra insurance either! I'll be heartbroken if something happened to it, all my technology stuff is my life! :D


I think Aimless is right, ring the shop you bought it from and demand another one, i'm sure the screen shouldn't of got screen-burn like that, from something so quickly!


Also, when you first get it (you probably know this already) i'm sure you have to leave it on for a while, and change the channels often (so that the programme logos don't burn into the screen), so that the screen warms-up or something?


Anyone going to buy Everybody's Golf? I've been after a golf game for a while but haven't heard good things about Tiger Woods so thinking this might be a better option. Looks really good though.

Anyone going to buy Everybody's Golf? I've been after a golf game for a while but haven't heard good things about Tiger Woods so thinking this might be a better option. Looks really good though.


No, sorry mate! Theres so many other games out this month, i was going to get it, but i'll stick with Wii Golf for my quick golfing fix!


Decided to order it along with GTA4 on Xbox for my next 3 months of gaming. I'm still trying to get through my back catalogue of unfinished game at the moment so I'm trying not to buy as many games this year as I did last.

VGP? : peace:


Thing is though dude, if downloadable content is released for that game, which seems certain, you will have to purchase the content of the USA store because it's a US game! Theres only this entropay thing which works (an online visa company) and i'm not sure you'll be to keen on using that, and the USA PSN cards were scheduled for Q1 08 but are no-where to be seen!


I have a USA version of Warhawk and cannot buy the Omega pack! I wish i purchased the UK version now to save all the aggro!


Ah right, so even though I have a USA PS3 (which I should be playing properly for the first time tomorrow) I should still preferably go for buying UK games? Which is fine as it's region free for PS3 games as far as I'm aware but region locked for downloadable content? hmm ok, I'll go for the Pal version then, thanks Owen. :smile:

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