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That was monstrously good. 5 hour charted session, with only one or two annoying games.


Guys, that was sommat else. Srsly


Dude, you seriously had reflexes like a cat. Maddog, you're kill stealing borrowing is epically well timed.


The confusing thing about all this is how that guy managed to double hax backflip (haxflip) after being convinced to be pulled down by the JamiesonMan.


goDdaM you eavesdropping nob... \:o/


Edit: I'm cinemarring dat right now


I'm getting Uncharted (1) for my birthday!




I'm quite excited.


I'll obviously buy Uncharted 2 after that.


Uncharted is my post anticipated when I bought a PS3, other stuff just cropped up.


That was seriously amazingly insane. So good. I want to do more right now.


I've just been cinemarring everything and man it's hot, turned on. I can't remember what Rez did that turned me on but it was certainly something special... Might've been a Deagle headshot.


I checked that haxflip out, turns out it was a triple back-hax into faceplant humiliation pound.


Also, a few hilolious tripledz. One with the Hammer where I somehow god-like take out 3 bellends without killing the Jon, then we just gently jog away from the situation, him with a shotgun in tow. Bad. Ass.


Yeah that was so good. So many good moments. I also got a hammer tripled. Oh on Plaza, the grenade I laid into our base on the top level as the two guys stole our treasure and I got a double down (and it was lol-grenade so even more impressive) was amazing.



Wesley, Uncharted 2 is IMO the best game of the last decade.


Yeah that was so good. So many good moments. I also got a hammer tripled. Oh on Plaza, the grenade I laid into our base on the top level as the two guys stole our treasure and I got a double down (and it was lol-grenade so even more impressive) was amazing.



Wesley, Uncharted 2 is IMO the best game of the last decade.

I just watched myself in the game where I went 19-1 in 2x speed, it was pretty impressive, then for the lolz I looked at your 17-4 in the same game in 2x.


We're fucking incredible. Seriously, the skills that were shown by us in that round could melt the sun.


I'm really, reaaaally looking forward to getting into Uncharted.


Especially the second considering the critical acclaim it got.


The demo alone blew me away.


The thing is, team wise, N-E were awesome today. Dog has turned out to be quite the team player, and Cough was the resident shotgunner. Then there's me and Rez: the rest is history. It sometimes depends on that 5th member, but still.


We must do this more.


We definitely should. Considering MadDog is just a level 22 he is really rather decent. Think he was pretty much always on positive today.



And MicroMilliwin was insane. Literally every two seconds it came up that he had shotgunned someone. Or I'm about to shoot someone and MicroCoughigram just runs past me, mowing my target down and just casually walking on.



Wes, it deserves the praise. Made me play it on 3 difficulties which I can't say for any other game ever. Also the multiplayer is win. Be sure to join us.


I have been playing a bit of Killzone 2 today, online private match with a friend.


It was decent fun, it would be nice if we could organise something on here, just have a massive private N-E game.


It could be fun!


Today was just awesome. Rez and Matt are seriously epic and Maddog is really good for someone who is relatively new to the game. It's definitely worth getting a mic, You spend half the time laughing or in my case at the moment coughing. I was on for a couple of hours and I don't believe we got beat once in deathmatch. As Rez said about difficulties, not many games have made me want to play them over and over again but I just love this game.

I have been playing a bit of Killzone 2 today, online private match with a friend.


It was decent fun, it would be nice if we could organise something on here, just have a massive private N-E game.


It could be fun!

I'd agree, but it won't happen. Plus it wouldn't be as awesome as Uncharted, KZ maps are too big, plus it isn't as loltastic to shout at people.


Get Unch 2 in your disc drive.

I'd agree, but it won't happen. Plus it wouldn't be as awesome as Uncharted, KZ maps are too big, plus it isn't as loltastic to shout at people.


Get Unch 2 in your disc drive.


To be fair, we should play a variety of different games, most people (including myself), stick to the same game all the time!


I will definently sort myself out, for some Unch 2 goodness. :grin:


You can get it for £15 new. I wouldn't be too surprised if the likes of of GAME will charge you more than that for a preowned copy.


Yeah, I've noticed that.


Sometimes I'm in Game and I see a used game for example, £39.99, but a brand new version of the same game only costs £34.99! :confused::wtf:


The Playstation Network will be down tomorrow from 8am to 9pm for scheduled maintenance.



They always choose to do it when I have a fucking day off.

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