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Pacific Rift was strange as the level of enjoyment you can have from the game alternates with each session. Sometimes it's brilliant, sometimes it's average. Definitely worth getting though, especially for that sort of price.


Lovely. Pretty much ruined inFamous for myself. My girlfriend played yesterday, and when I came to play her save loaded (which always annoys me about this game) and then I went to load my save while half asleep and ended up saving over my save, which was at nearly 50%. Feel just gutted really, and right now, like I don't ever want to play it again :p

Man, should I get Valkyria Chronicles or Motorstorm Pacific rift first?


Valkyria may be harder to find at a cheaper price. It is a masterpiece of a game.

I know right, what an idiot, all he has to do is go back in time and make seperate profiles, it's so simple.


He wasn't talking in the Past Tense. He said "Use seperate profiles", as in, from now on use seperate profiles. He didn't say "You should have used seperate profiles". So your lame attempt at sarcasm is fail.

I know right, what an idiot, all he has to do is go back in time and make seperate profiles, it's so simple.


Yeah, while I'm on my way there I think I'll go back to the point where I saved over my game and say "WAKE UP!!! DON'T DO IT!!!!!'


Slowly working my way through LBP, really enjoyable. The levels are so fun to play and am impressed with the user content too. Stephen Fry is awesome too. Need to make myself time to create my own level though before I get PES on Friday. Is anyone getting PES 2010 btw? I don't want to turn this into a PES v Fifa, will just be good to have some matches with fellow N-Europe members :)

Slowly working my way through LBP, really enjoyable. The levels are so fun to play and am impressed with the user content too. Stephen Fry is awesome too. Need to make myself time to create my own level though before I get PES on Friday. Is anyone getting PES 2010 btw? I don't want to turn this into a PES v Fifa, will just be good to have some matches with fellow N-Europe members :)


Not wanting to turn this into a FIFA - PES showdown either but I think most of us who are going to get a footie game plumped for FIFA.


Well here is where i get skeptical, I bought Kirby Superstar Ultra on e-bay for what i thought was a steal at £9.99. Turned out to be bootleg which came in a case and with a rather crummy instruction manual. So I'd probably go for more realistic prices.


Ah right, fair enough. In other news my Playstation is fixed and had been returned to the g.parents pick up house, but I don't think I can collect it til Friday. Fook.


At least Uncharted 2 should be here at the same time roughly.


What would you guys consider to be a normal range for download speed on PSN? Im trying to figure out if the sluggishness is on my end or if the PSN is just inherently slow

So Valkyria Chronicles doesn't support trophies?


Not that it matters but it would have been nice.

Fraid not. There was a petition on it, but hasn't gone anywhere. Take comfort in knowing if there is a third game on PS3, that will definately have trophies.

What's the catch with this? Is it that they are releasing it a long time after the release date?

The listing says the game will be sent "on or before 7th December 2009", meaning they get your money almost two months in advance whilst your 'pre-order' nets you the game much later than its release. By that time they'll most likely be able to get a good deal on their wholesale stock, too — buying excess from brick and mortar stores on the cheap, for instance — so whilst it isn't a terrible deal it's not really a chance I'd jump at; if last Christmas is anything to go by you might be able to pick up a copy in GAME for £20 come December.


As far as I'm aware it isn't currently possible to pirate PS3 games. It's the small print you need to look out for, not badly photocopied cover art.


Generally very funny. You need more explanation as to your structure and why you're doing the whole thing, there doesn't seem to be an overall aim. Other than that though it was hilarious, couldn't believe the genius or the Infamous advert.

Posted (edited)
Generally very funny. You need more explanation as to your structure and why you're doing the whole thing, there doesn't seem to be an overall aim. Other than that though it was hilarious, couldn't believe the genius or the Infamous advert.


Well to be honest at the moment am just trying out different things and what does and doesn't work. Before trying to put it in the context of a proper show rather than just me doing what I fancy as and when. I liked how the layton section worked out and intend to try and punctuate every episode with a mock advert. Also always going to have a retro section just perhaps not as long...Also I've hopefully got youtube distribution sorted via blip.tv after I was approved by them for that so all future episodes will feature on youtube.

Edited by flameboy

I'll be buying a new PSP when Peace Walker comes out, probably the 3000. But there's an incling in the back of my mind soon enough the 3000 will be dropped for the..wait for it..PSP '4000'! I've done a quick Google search to catch up on some rumours and it's pretty hard not to notice there's been a new incremental update for PSP each year since it originally launched, with this year's being the PSP Go, supposedly.


So, I'm starting to speculate on the '4000' series. According to rumours, the UMD drive will be retained, so it will be supported alongside the Go for one. Then the usual brighter, crisper screen, and some other internal changes. One thing that benefits the Go is the use of more memory making the in-game XMB possible and the ability to 'tether' to wireless internet from phones (or something). So you can imagine the new 4000 would possibly have these features installed too. But then wouldn't that make the Go seem a little redundant? The new PSP would do everything the Go would, plus a UMD drive..

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