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The selection of games is amazing...so many good titles to pick from


True enough, a number of exclusives there that piqued my interest. I've been permitted to dip into my Christmas fund in case I'm a little short so all the better to try and get this bundle.

Anyone interested in Borderlands?


I wasn't but the current glut of coverage has made me stand up and notice it might be one I have to pick up another time though...


Today I wound up calling Sony and asking for the £100 repair. Guarenteed fix and 3 month warranty persuaded me to do it this way rather than the spare parts buying.


They said to back up save data just incase it is wiped and also to deactivate account.

2 questions:

a) If I've backed up the data to my 250gb HDD and my PS3 has returned with the memory wiped, will I just have to plug in the external 250gb and then transfer it on?


b) what does deactivating the account do?/how do you do it?


a) Yes


b) To deactivate your account, on your PS3 got to your account settings and there is an option there. I just deactivates one of the 5 PS3s you can download titles to.


Just one of them, surely there's a way of choosing which systems you want activated? Would they ask to do that just so they could put PSN games back on or something?


Hmmm but I don't want a refurb. System-locked data and whatnot. To be frank I don't mind too much, it's been broken for so long I'd just like to be able to play some games on it. Has been quite a hassle.

Wahey! Congrats for finally getting your system fixed! My pop at you for going on about it is now null and void!


Agreed - about fucking time lol


Nah nice to see your gonna be back in the fold soon. : peace:


They said it'd take between 1-3 weeks after they collect it on Tuesday. I seem to remember someone saying it took 6 days for them, but whatever it is, I can't help but feel that it's gonna be a while before I get to sit down and plough through Uncharted 2.


In the filming area for Battle: Los Angeles.


I saw this billboard today in Shreveport, Louisiana. There are a lot of movies filmed here, and this one is about some sort of alien takeover of Los Angeles; the name of the film escapes me at the moment.


Snapped off a few photos of the billboard since I wasn't sure if the game had been announced yet or not. If not, then I'm surprised Insomniac would be announcing it here of all places.



I think you all know that I would've been damned excited when I saw that. Not sure if it's a genuine announcement, but if it is then WOOP!


From that it looks like it's set in New York. Nice to be in a familiar place.


I'm looking forward to it. I hope they can build on the awesome co-op in there.

In the filming area for Battle: Los Angeles.


I think you all know that I would've been damned excited when I saw that. Not sure if it's a genuine announcement, but if it is then WOOP!


Well its definitely on the way surely what with the ending? If this is as close to a n announcement as we are gonna have for now then i'm still relatively pleased.


I'm thinking if they could make the competitive mode a bit more robust and less uhh, nichey? I played the competitive stuff so much but understand why it didn't take off with everybody.

I believe it was partly down to the rough presentation of the game, if they made the interface a bit more friendly, along with maybe making it easier to jump in as a newbie then I think it could take off with everyone here.


Maybe it's the arcadey style that deterred NE. Although I wouldn't want them to take that away, it does seem like a bit of a brick wall. Polish the graphics up, make the objective-type modes more meaningful, in the style of battlefield perhaps, then we could be onto a winner.


I really enjoyed R2, so looking forward to a third installment. I would love a Third Person Resistance, with a cover system like Gears of War, maybe fighting as the combine or whatever they are called.

I really enjoyed R2, so looking forward to a third installment. I would love a Third Person Resistance, with a cover system like Gears of War, maybe fighting as the combine or whatever they are called.


Isn't that sort of what Resistance Retribution was trying to offer on a smaller portable scale?!


Why is it everything that can be done on a PS3/PSP is done horribly? I got Gran Turismo PSP today and it needed the new firmware. Fair enough, putting it on the UMD was a good idea. But why can't the firmware be updated when it's plugged in but the battery is low? I couldn't play Gran Turismo because I needed the update and I couldn't update because the battery was low, despite being plugged into the mains. Fucking useless.


I want to love the PS3 and PSP, I really do, but stupid crap like this lets them down.

Why is it everything that can be done on a PS3/PSP is done horribly? I got Gran Turismo PSP today and it needed the new firmware. Fair enough, putting it on the UMD was a good idea. But why can't the firmware be updated when it's plugged in but the battery is low? I couldn't play Gran Turismo because I needed the update and I couldn't update because the battery was low, despite being plugged into the mains. Fucking useless.


I want to love the PS3 and PSP, I really do, but stupid crap like this lets them down.


Yeah that has always annoyed me about upgrading the PSP! It's like for every great idea Sony has they think of 6 shit ideas to make the user experience annoying!

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