LegoMan1031 Posted July 29, 2008 Posted July 29, 2008 Good list there Dwarf, although i would add Bioshock into the 'definate'. I played it loads on the 360 and absolutly loved it! Great game! Oh and Tapedeck few friends of mine have all said the same thing to me... that i'm missing out on uncharted! I really must get around to buying it....
flameboy Posted July 29, 2008 Posted July 29, 2008 Uncharted is still my favourite PS3 title to this day. A graphically astounding, movie-like epic which, (to me,) feels like a cross between Tomb Raider (the newer versions) and Resident Evil 4. A truly next-gen title and with characters which I hope to see in more "uncharted" titles for many years to come. If you own a PS3 and haven't played this...your missing out. Well and truly. I feel exactly the same. It was one of the first PS3 games I bought and I love it. SUPER STARDUST HD needs to be in that list! Agreed, it is so much better than Geometry Wars. I have tried going back to it on Wii since and just cannot get back into it...SSHD is the king of downloadable shooters, followed closely by everyday shooter another great game that I really need to get back to and complete.
Guest Jordan Posted July 29, 2008 Posted July 29, 2008 Agreed, it is so much better than Geometry Wars. I have tried going back to it on Wii since and just cannot get back into it...SSHD is the king of downloadable shooters, followed closely by everyday shooter another great game that I really need to get back to and complete. Thats because Galaxies looks like utter shit and the controls are terrible on whatever scheme you use. Retro Evolved/Waves/Retro Evolved 2 are were its at... but yeah, SSHD kicks ass.
tapedeck Posted July 29, 2008 Posted July 29, 2008 Oh and Tapedeck few friends of mine have all said the same thing to me... that i'm missing out on uncharted! I really must get around to buying it.... Try the uncharted demo on the PSN. It sets the tone nicely for what the title is all about. I'm loving CoD4 too...keep getting hammered online though. Must. Improve.
flameboy Posted July 29, 2008 Posted July 29, 2008 Thats because Galaxies looks like utter shit and the controls are terrible on whatever scheme you use. Retro Evolved/Waves/Retro Evolved 2 are were its at... but yeah, SSHD kicks ass. I think it works fine on classic controller... Try the uncharted demo on the PSN. It sets the tone nicely for what the title is all about. I'm loving CoD4 too...keep getting hammered online though. Must. Improve. Actually hated the uncharted demo! but still went ahead and bought it...
tapedeck Posted July 29, 2008 Posted July 29, 2008 Actually hated the uncharted demo! but still went ahead and bought it... I thought it felt a little like a videogame version of "Lost" and even though the gunplay seemed a little laborious, I loved the setting. The whole setup of the level 5 demo also made me want to play on to find the plane. Furthermore, the instant 'gob-smacking' graphics, movie-like score and brilliant dialogue made me think this was something much, much grander than what a demo alone could show.
Pit-Jr Posted July 29, 2008 Posted July 29, 2008 Can't go wrong with Grand Theft. I almost consider it a casual game if the quality werent so darned good because you can enjoy it at your own pace and it takes ages to finish
Guest Jordan Posted July 29, 2008 Posted July 29, 2008 I think it works fine on classic controller... I have large thumbs... They often hit against each other when i push the sticks together.
Domstercool Posted July 29, 2008 Posted July 29, 2008 And so it has been posted. Tomorrow is the day the PS3 becomes 320GB MONSTER!
flameboy Posted July 29, 2008 Posted July 29, 2008 MGS; PO on PSP is doing my head in...Don't like it really that much...up to the first boss and just finding it frustrating as a whole, but my desire to watch the story is keeping me going...
dwarf Posted July 29, 2008 Posted July 29, 2008 Well I played the Uncharted demo a while ago and wasn't completely taken with it. I thought the shooting seemed a bit slow, i thought there wasnt enough ammo around, and it was almost impossible to lean out of cover without instantly being shot. I did complete it but wasn't sure if I should part my cash, so haven't, yet. My problem with GTA IV: I have never really played GTA much, and I ended up playing the Bank level which my friend was stuck on and I beat it first time. Now i'm not saying that's special, but it was a bit too easy and later when I looked in IGN's review it was almost unanimous that this level was the best in the entire game. Kind of put me off.
Daft Posted July 29, 2008 Posted July 29, 2008 Well I played the Uncharted demo a while ago and wasn't completely taken with it. I thought the shooting seemed a bit slow, i thought there wasnt enough ammo around, and it was almost impossible to lean out of cover without instantly being shot.I did complete it but wasn't sure if I should part my cash, so haven't, yet. My problem with GTA IV: I have never really played GTA much, and I ended up playing the Bank level which my friend was stuck on and I beat it first time. Now i'm not saying that's special, but it was a bit too easy and later when I looked in IGN's review it was almost unanimous that this level was the best in the entire game. Kind of put me off. Uncharted is more than the sum of it's parts. You get used to the shooting system after a while. I felt GTAIV was way too easy and generally not interesting enough.
That Guy Posted July 29, 2008 Posted July 29, 2008 Downloaded the demo's for Echochrome, PixelJunk Eden, and Siren. Siren I didn't like, I thought the controls didn't seem great, and it was ridiculously dark to the point where I could barely see anything. Not convinced by it and don't really want to use up 9GB on it either. PixelJunk Eden is amazing. Anyone else on here played it? Got the demo off the American Store. Speaking of the American Store it is a FUCKING JOKE how much better it is than ours. They have seperate catagories for demos and crap like that. Ridiculous. PJ Eden is out Thursday isn't it? Echochrome I thought was pretty cool as well and decided to pick it up. Felt like a game I could pick up for 5 minutes and play around with. Along with Geometry Wars tomorrow this really is week of the downloadable games!
Domstercool Posted July 29, 2008 Posted July 29, 2008 I'm on Ep 5 of Siren, more things keep getting added per episode, new ways to play and so on, it's getting creepier now than it's ever been >.< I personally don't find anything wrong with the darkness, I've gotten use to it and find it really adds to the atmosphere, damn enemies getting jumps on me from the corners, FREAKY
Owen Posted July 30, 2008 Posted July 30, 2008 Downloaded the demo's for Echochrome, PixelJunk Eden, and Siren. Siren I didn't like, I thought the controls didn't seem great, and it was ridiculously dark to the point where I could barely see anything. Not convinced by it and don't really want to use up 9GB on it either. PixelJunk Eden is amazing. Anyone else on here played it? Got the demo off the American Store. Speaking of the American Store it is a FUCKING JOKE how much better it is than ours. They have seperate catagories for demos and crap like that. Ridiculous. PJ Eden is out Thursday isn't it? Echochrome I thought was pretty cool as well and decided to pick it up. Felt like a game I could pick up for 5 minutes and play around with. Along with Geometry Wars tomorrow this really is week of the downloadable games! I've played EDEN and it is AMAZING! Probably will be on of my fav PSN games..the art style is lovely and it's pretty addictive.
chrizkerr2 Posted July 30, 2008 Posted July 30, 2008 Might purchase one of this on Friday, just wanna know if its any good for upgrading my PS3 HDD. Price seems pretty nice (£56.00 with free delivery!)
Guest Jordan Posted July 30, 2008 Posted July 30, 2008 I'm pretty sure that'll be cheaper on or
chrizkerr2 Posted July 30, 2008 Posted July 30, 2008 I'm pretty sure that'll be cheaper on or £61.00 on Ebuyer and £58.00 on Dabs, but if I remember correctly, the postage on those sites is £10.00?
Domstercool Posted July 30, 2008 Posted July 30, 2008 Just buy the one I got from Ebuyer, it's 100% known to work with the PS3, some 320gb have been known not to slide in right into the PS3. it was £59.99 with free postage. Update: Oh yeah that seems to be the one I have and has indeed gone back up to £61. Just backing up my PS3 hard drive now, all 50gb of space that is used up. Crazy having a fat32 hard drive that is 500gb, lol. Have to run a format tool that isn't windows formatter as windows has some weird thing of only making it 32gb in size, SILLY! 1 hour and 10 mins of back up waiting >.<
flameboy Posted July 30, 2008 Posted July 30, 2008 Downloaded the demo's for Echochrome, PixelJunk Eden, and Siren. Siren I didn't like, I thought the controls didn't seem great, and it was ridiculously dark to the point where I could barely see anything. Not convinced by it and don't really want to use up 9GB on it either. PixelJunk Eden is amazing. Anyone else on here played it? Got the demo off the American Store. Speaking of the American Store it is a FUCKING JOKE how much better it is than ours. They have seperate catagories for demos and crap like that. Ridiculous. PJ Eden is out Thursday isn't it? Echochrome I thought was pretty cool as well and decided to pick it up. Felt like a game I could pick up for 5 minutes and play around with. Along with Geometry Wars tomorrow this really is week of the downloadable games! You have been having the same as me a demo day! Yesterday I also went on the vastly superior US PSN store and downloaded Eden and just WOW. I mean I was looking forward to it a lot but now I am super hyped it is just so beautiful and organic. Definite buy for me. I have also played Echochrome, downloaded the Japanese Demo months ago and was definitly going to get it, but now I am not so sure, as I quite frankly don't know which version to get. I notice their is the PS3 downloadable, the UMD and then a PSP download called Echochrome Micro?! Can anyone shed any light on which is the best? Yesterday also played through the Rachet and Crank demo as plan on purchasing it once the greatest hits come out as it will be dirt cheap preowned then. Loved it, I have played so many shooters and racers and quirky PSN games on my PS3 so its nice to get a gorgeous looking platformer to play. Finally on the demo front downloaded the Ape Escape Starter Pack for PSP and played that. It's very short as one would expect and theres not much to it but loved it. It's a funny little RPG with everything you would expect from an RPG except it has a good sense of humour and wierd random minigames where your character day dreams about an angel monkey and a devil monkey playing sports and competing in different activities.
Dante Posted July 30, 2008 Posted July 30, 2008 (PS2) Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha Versus King Abaddon/Atlus -10/23 release date -7329 Yen -Producer and Character designer is Kazuma Kaneko -Director is Kamai Kazuyuki -Same Raidou from the previous game -Greater numbers of demons -Ending route can change depending on the player's actions -Location will not be limited to only Imperial Tokyo this time -New 'MAG Scheduling' battle system -80% complete -Plus Edition comes with Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Manaix Chronicle Edition
LegoMan1031 Posted July 30, 2008 Posted July 30, 2008 Time to pick someones brains! Just played the demo for super stardust HD i liked what i played and i know it is popular with ppl on here. How much memory i'm i looking at it taking up if i decided to buy everything that is available for it? I'm quite catious when it comes to my PS3 memory...
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