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PlayStation 3 Console Discussion


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No, but I have other awesome PSN-related news:


All Mirror's Edge DLC seems to be free at the moment on the euro PSN stores. Everybody should download it before it turns out to be some kind of mistake and it gets a price tag again!


Just downloading the time trails one, seems the exclusive map has always been free though as I have already downloaeded it in case I one day pick up the game.

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I've pretty much exhausted all of my current games. I have:


Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune

Metal Gear Solid 4

Resistance 2

Ratchet and Clank: ToD

Little Big Planet

Fallout 3

Motorstorm: PR

Unreal Tournament 3

Killzone 2

Fifa 08

Socom: Confrontation



Wipeout HD


Super Stardust: HD


Battlefield: 1943


Plus I've borrowed these:

Grand Theft Auto IV

Resi 5

Cod 4




And I'm looking for something new to play, I want to get Demons Souls but looking for something else. I don't want Blazblue btw, only fighter I'm going to buy is Tekken.

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I mean I would take your suggestion seriously but my PS3 just told me that it doesn't want to read games anymore. His exact words were "I won't show you the disc icon when you put in a game or CD. Fuck you!"

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And I'm looking for something new to play, I want to get Demons Souls but looking for something else. I don't want Blazblue btw, only fighter I'm going to buy is Tekken.


Shame as BlazBlue is like damn bloody fantastic! It's on par for SF4 for best fighter of the year, it's so well made and a brilliant online to boot, probably the best netcode for a fighter yet.


Valkyria Chronicles is indeed an awesome game too! That should be in everyone single persons' collection

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No but he's saying it does look real, no?

I don't know what to think really, looks a bit cheap though.


Yeah I didn't read him right...your comment is more akin to what I think. Think the PS2 Slim and PSOne both made the console look more sexy this sure as hell isn't as good looking.

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So I was wondering something. Whenever I have my PS3 in the living room its wired and when its in my room its wireless.


I carry it back and forth a lot because I like watching movies on the big downstairs tv but its easier to play games in my room without my mam complaining.


Anyway my question is, when I switch from wireless to wired do I have to go and reconfigure the settings again. It gets annoying having to retype my WEP every day.

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So I've been thinking about getting a PS3 lately. I can afford it, I'm just not sure if it would be worth it for me at the moment.


I'm guessing it would be best to wait at least until TGS to see what happens about a PS3 slim though.


My questions are more, what games should I get with it, and anything else I should just know in general before buying one, even just little features that aren't really mentioned much.


In terms of games, I've been thinking about Fallout 3 and MGS4, but I'm open to suggestions. I'm a bit tired of shooters though. I don't have a 360 or a capable gaming PC, so multi-platforms and exclusives are fine.


Also, if anyone knows, how easy is it to upgrade the HDD and will it void the warranty. I have a laptop HDD lying around that is bigger than 80GB, so I would possibly be interested in swapping them at some point.



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My questions are more, what games should I get with it, and anything else I should just know in general before buying one, even just little features that aren't really mentioned much.


In terms of games, I've been thinking about Fallout 3 and MGS4, but I'm open to suggestions. I'm a bit tired of shooters though. I don't have a 360 or a capable gaming PC, so multi-platforms and exclusives are fine.


Also, if anyone knows, how easy is it to upgrade the HDD and will it void the warranty. I have a laptop HDD lying around that is bigger than 80GB, so I would possibly be interested in swapping them at some point.




I'd say get Uncharted: Drakes Fortune and Ratchet and Clank: Tools of destruction, both very good games and quite cheap. Oh and Warhawk if you're into the online play.


The HDD is easy to replace and doesn't void the warranty. It's pretty much just removing a cover, unscrewing a blue screw, sliding it out and removing another 4 screws. Easy.

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So I've been thinking about getting a PS3 lately. I can afford it, I'm just not sure if it would be worth it for me at the moment.


I'm guessing it would be best to wait at least until TGS to see what happens about a PS3 slim though.


My questions are more, what games should I get with it, and anything else I should just know in general before buying one, even just little features that aren't really mentioned much.


In terms of games, I've been thinking about Fallout 3 and MGS4, but I'm open to suggestions. I'm a bit tired of shooters though. I don't have a 360 or a capable gaming PC, so multi-platforms and exclusives are fine.


Also, if anyone knows, how easy is it to upgrade the HDD and will it void the warranty. I have a laptop HDD lying around that is bigger than 80GB, so I would possibly be interested in swapping them at some point.



This is what I posted in another thread:

Exclusives (at least timed):


Uncharted: Drakes Fortune - see sequel video below

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - stunning animations and multiplayer added.


Metal Gear Solid 4 - amazing game, hard to find decent gameplay videos, but just buy it.


Resistance 2 - it's a solid shooter but It's my favourite for online pr0ness. Vid gives an idea of game.


Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction - a colourful game for you. Great franchise. Also has sequel coming soon. (Crack in Time)


Little Big Planet - another colourful game. Some levels are astounding.


Motorstorm: Pacific Rift - a great racing game, brilliant art style as well.


Killzone 2 - decent campaign but online is very fun and deep.


Wipeout HD - amazing racing game, possibly my favourite of all time. Game only 1/3 of the price of a retail game yet has so much content, it's amazing value, only on PSN.


Gran Turismo 5 - graphical showcase, even if it isnt your cup of tea. Must buy for me.


God of War 3 - another masterpiece in terms of graphics. Looking forward to it.


Infamous - so far it hasnt met my expectations but it is still good at worst.


The Last Guardian - Highly anticipated because the developer has been known for it's incredible games. This looks great just from the trailer.


The Agent - A rockstar exclusive, same team as GTA. Set in 70s, about stealth, sounds interesting.


Heavy Rain - looks brilliant. More of a movie than a game but it looks really interesting and almost like a thriller film that you have control over.


MAG - 256 players online....


Modnation Racers - Similar in vein to LBP, but racing. No videos that cut to the chase for this though. Anyway:


Flower - Second PSN game I will post, it's a quirky and vibrant game that uses sixaxis effectively.


Super Stardust HD - a great dual-stick shooter on PSN.


Fat Princess - another promising PSN game, huge multiplayer game by the looks of things.


Shatter - another promising PSN title. Who said brick games were a thing of the past?

Embed doesn't seem to work, here's link:




Cba to get videos for these but I'll list the biggies:

Fallout 3


Bioshock 1 / 2

Call of Duty 4

Modern Warfare 2

Assasins Creed 1 / 2

Resident Evil 5

Red Dead Revolver

Fifa (10)

Tekken 6



+ stuff I've missed



That's the PS3 side covered anyway.


Basically the XMB is what you'll be growing used to and it's very slick. You have all your friends to the far right which are easy to scroll to and message, plus playing music and everything else is quite easy.

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In terms of games, I've been thinking about Fallout 3 and MGS4, but I'm open to suggestions. I'm a bit tired of shooters though. I don't have a 360 or a capable gaming PC, so multi-platforms and exclusives are fine.


both of those games are great, one lovely looking exclusive and possibly the most addctive game ever, good combo! in terms of not shooting, id recomend little big planet. my seal of approval is given. infamouse is kinda shooty, but not entierly. even if you doint like shooting, get uncharted, its not a typical shooter, and a hugely awsome game. civilisation is fun, and again, i know its a shooter, but dead space is a great, atmospheric and exciting game. valkeria chronicles is a good game aswell.

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