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ive been looking on the internet, and there are alot of phobias. some weird, and some not.

i want to know if you have any weird phobias or just got any comments about them

Psychological conditions


Non-psychological conditions

Biology, chemistry


Jocular and fictional phobias

According to the UrbanDictionary...



Fear of erect penises



Anyone here got that? :heh:


No. Not that that means I like them I just don't fear them.


But I do suffer, as I imagine a lot of people do, terribly from Arachnophobia.

Guest Stefkov
Hippopotomonstrosedelaquipelaphobia (God I hope I spelled that right).


The fear of long words.

I'm proud to say I learnt how to say and spell that.

I have a fear of Phones. I hate answering them, I hate making phone calls.

I'm proud to say I learnt how to say and spell that.

I have a fear of Phones. I hate answering them, I hate making phone calls.


Did I get it right? :yay:


Well i go red just speaking to people, which has led me to hate public speaking or just to people i don't know... maybe i do have Erythrophobia? Dun dun dun!

Guest Stefkov
Did I get it right? :yay:


You mixed up the 'quippedali' bit.

Psychological conditions
  • Acrophobia, Altophobia — fear of heights.
  • Agoraphobia — fear of a place or event where escape is impossible or when help is unavailable.
  • Taphophobia — fear of the grave, or fear of being placed in a grave while still alive.


If Agoraphobia means exactly that, then I think I have these.

I'm not sure about Taphophobia, though. I'm only scared of being buried alive (one of the most terrifying deaths I can think of).




Oddly, I have an irrational fear of insects, except spiders (also bees). I never understood why, since many people suffer of the opposite.



  • Chemophobia — prejudice against artificial substances in favour of 'natural' substances.


Heh, look at that. I hate prejudice, yet I seem to have one (it's not that big, but it's there to some extent).



Jocular and fictional phobias



I don't know about you, but I think an anorak-wearing spider would be quite creepy.:heh:


  • Xenophobia — fear of strangers, foreigners, or aliens.


Also, I thought Xenophobia was just prejudice. Why is it listed in the "phobia" section?

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