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I was circumcised due to medical reasons...


*sigh* This will probably go down in NE history. I was born with my urethra in the wrong place (on the underside of the top of my cock) so they had to correct it.


Due to this however, i've lost alot of sensitivity and it really, really sucks and takes me ages to get off most times :(.


Good or bad thing? Probably bad for sex. Good for hygeine.

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I'm chopped, twice chopped remarkably. Health reasons. There was a balls-up on the first run-through, so two sets of nurses saw my tiny nine year old bullet-case.


Whenever I see a doctor on telly or indeed IRL I cover my groin with my hands in the same way one would a shield a child's eyes from a school-gate pedophile with a calculator and his knob lopping out onto his slacks.

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I was circumcised due to medical reasons...


*sigh* This will probably go down in NE history. I was born with my urethra in the wrong place (on the underside of the top of my cock) so they had to correct it.


Due to this however, i've lost alot of sensitivity and it really, really sucks and takes me ages to get off most times :(.


Good or bad thing? Probably bad for sex. Good for hygeine.


I would hope it doesnt, due to it being a medical/birth flaw, so hopefully no one will mock. But whats the urethra?


As for me.....I have a foreskin.

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What all americans have to be circumsised?!?!



Well thats news to me =/



And I'm uncircumcised, and whenever circumcised people say "at least I won't have hygiene issues" it really annoys me, I never get that manky stuff because I actually shower everyday.



And yeah, I would like to know the answer for ReZource's last post XD

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Not really "Standard". But most Americans do, if not all. I know they have to ask first though, if not you would have some very angry parents. As for that whole hygiene thing, I mean who the hell isn't going to clean themselves. Do they think some magic fairy will come at night and do it for them.:heh:


BTW I am not. and I love it that I'm not. :yay:

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It takes all my self-control to not make a sexual connertation.....but i'll do it anyway.


"yer ma was eating my candy bar last night"


nobody is mutilating my fireman!


Yeah, well, my fireman was busy spraying foam all over yer ma last night.

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