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Uncharted: Drake's Fortune


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I agree with forums members that this game is spectacular in terms of story, graphics, voice acting. But it lacks severely in terms of aiming, and in crucial, tight spots, in terms of the camera too. My problems were always where intense shootouts are coming into the picture. I died way too many times in tense situations, because I couldn´t hit the enemies with the PS3 controllers analogue stick.


I couldn´t draw the gun, point, and just hit the damn enemies like I would have done for real. In this game that is not possible. The Wii mote makes it possible, but to me the PS3 controller´s stick doesn´t. I would describe the problem I have with aiming with that stick by using the word "waver". That is what it felt like. I turned the stick towards the rapidly incoming enemy, but I always initially missed the target by always going too far to either side of the target. Trying to make up for the inaccuracy, I then manually sought to correct the error, wavering with that annoying stick for aims, costing me too many precious seconds so, in close combat situations, I got constantly mauled and killed. This happened throughout the whole of the game, where I was really close to enemies or being surrounded. Consequently, I felt really bad in almost all of the shootouts.


In one of the last chapters, where Nate is inside an abandoned U Boat base, I died constantly because the NPC monsters kept coming at me so fast in the dark, often at blind angles, and with turning and pointing being simply too slow to be usefull in such a constricted space. I needed a lock-on system to hit the enemies in the dark, and feel GOOD about blasting them. I didn´t, I felt miserable. I got to turn all three switches on, get lighting, only to be attacked close-up by another monster (they kept coming like noone knows from where) which came around the corner with no prior warning, or in any visible light...which I couldn´t aim and hit it with that stick fast enough. So I died, again and again, and had to start all over. I think I went with that for 10-12 times, and then I got so mad that I threw the game out. I had at that point endured hundreds of re-tries throughout the game´s many chapters. This was like the drop that made it all over for me.


In any normal encounter when surrounded by enemies, I would adjust my aim to whatever comes at me. Couldn´t do it here since Nate turns too slow, or the bloody stick makes it impossible to just lightningly fast point, and shoot at the rapidly incoming targets. I didn´t see the treasure at all. If I ever play this kind of game again, it will only be if it has a lock-on system, or if it comes out on Wii. Yes, a lock-on system folks!


Nintendo´s got it right as for solving aiming problems in shooters. Naughty Dogs doesn´t. I find it incredible that they didn´t include a lock-on system in a game where shootouts takes place so frequently. The flow of the shoot-outs is badly interrupted when dying so many times for reasons of aiming errors. And where enemies need so many rounds of shots before actually dying. Sorry, if that puts any of you off. But I have had it with games that get ultra-high review scores for otherwise excellent in-game feautures, but where nobody deals with little, hugely annoying facts. Such as the exclusion of a truly needed lock-on system that forgetfull, or overconfident developers, tend to just leave in games before they ship to retail. Lock-on has been invented, Naughty Dog.

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Having a lock-on system would have made the game stupidly easy. There was a great satsifaction in shooting someone in the head knowing that you made it happen. I never had a problem with the controls and I went through the game many times over including on the hardest difficulty level.


You want simple controls? Go play Wii Sports!

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.... Waah? :D


I just skimmed over that, but seriously lock on targetting? This isn't Zelda where you need to lock on to a target to be able to easily dodge their moves and it would take out alot of the 'skill' required to shoot enemies.


Imagine Gears of War with lock on targetting, dear christ... it'd be a joke. What other third person shooters do you know that use this? Oh and this game isn't coming to the Wii, Naughty Dog are an exclusive Sony 3rd party.

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Too easy with lock-on? Head-shots feeling great because "you did it". I can follow you. But try dying close-up tens of times because you can´t hit the target. Then you will know what I am talking about. Lock-on didn´t feel "too easy" in Metroid Prime!


Instead, I find a lock-on system more fun because I can just give the enemies hell, and walk away feeling I could give them something back. And see the whole game. In my opinion, you just gotta have some sort of compensation for the fact that you don´t have a light gun to aim with making it way harder to point and shoot naturally (!), since using a stick to move the crosshairs over on targets feels incredible unnatural for a weapon(!!).


I would have not minded an option to turn lock-on in that game on and off. Then gamers could choose how they wanted to engage the enemies.

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Guest Stefkov

I was gonna get this today. I've been meaning to since I got my PS3. £44.99 in both gamestation and game...


jesus. I'll just wait a while and look online, probably get it for £20 if I looked around.

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(New Zero Punctuation review of the game)


Seriously, anyone who hasn't got this game yet really should, its just such a fantastic experience. Story's pretty good, a bit predictable but excellent characters make up for it. Combat is quite hard at first but you get used to it after awhile and sorry Hylian Knight but I don't see how you had trouble with aiming, its exactly like any other game!


I must also add that the graphics are just so stunningly beautiful, only game I've seen better in is probably Crysis on Medium and up!

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Fandango - for me it´s like this: gaming has evolved with the advent of Wii, and the fabulous Wiimote. When playing Resident Evil 4 on Wii, it was like a revolution for me controlwise, as I could now just dead-on accurately point and shoot at targets. Not steer-a-stick and then-shoot! My whole range of gameplay options just sort of evolved incredibly with Wii. Like a dream being fullfilled. Then PS3 comes along, with drop-dead gorgeous graphics, awesome blue-ray playback, and yet: the same old steer-a-stick principle for shooting targets on the screen. So, going from Wii´s enourmously convenient control, to the, to me, outdated one on PS3, I feel like dropping from an airplane with a parachute that wont open. I am screwed controlwise.


So, while you argue that lots of other games are like this, and that you therefore cannot see what my problem is, I can only say that for me the problem is the control-induced interruption in the gunplay momentum, which results from nolonger being able to just dead-on point the reticule and shoot the targets. It´s not natural to guide a stick over on a target, point-and-shoot is!


Wii is indeed a gaming revolution, as Iwata put before it´s official unveiling some years ago, and Sony and Microsoft has got to follow, and come up with a new type of joypad. If need be, with a license from Nintendo. It might have to snow green before that happens. But I don´t see the old joypads being usefull much longer as games grow increasingly large and complex, necessitating a kind of inventive easing of the strain on people who have to control them for all of those hours, so to speak. Nintendo´s approach to control is definitely the future, and sooner or later the other two will have to follow somehow if they want to stay competitive since the Wii control keeps getting more and more popular, thus appreciated, and in the end simply demanded by a majority of gamers!

Nintendo invented the very principle of analogue control in games. They set the future trend with it. They invented this new point-and-shoot principle too, and in the form of something everyone is familiar with already: the tv-remote. So they will, I predict, also set the trend in the future for among others gunplay control without any doubt. It is just a question of time before that happens. It is simply far, far more convenient to point at a target like that. And then Sony and Microsoft will have to follow somehow.


I wont buy another shooter on PS3 unless it has lock-on control at the very minimum. I can´t do it with the analogue stick movement principle anymore alone, and I consequently will have to just wait for games like Resident Evil 5 to come out on Wii, before I can feel good about gunplay in games for the forseeable future. I sure wont play it on PS3. Unless of course it will incorporate a lock-on system. It would be wise for the developer(s) to do so, since it would give them a competitive edge in the fight for global marketshare with Nintendo.

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Hang on, so since using the Wiimote you've suddenly become unable to use a traditional controller? I love Wii Edition's controls, but that doesn't stop me being able to headshot goons in Uncharted.


Now, if we were talking about Resident Evil 5 and you mentioned that it felt like it was missing RE4's precision then it's a fair enough comment to make — I'm sure it will feel a bit odd to begin with. However, as we aren't talking about that you simply sound like a Nintendo press release.


For the record I do think the Wiimote (potentially) offers the greatest sense of tactility when it comes to shooting mechanics, but that doesn't mean the analogue sticks we've been happily using for years suddenly become hopelessly unwieldy. What you're saying is akin to me claiming that I won't bother buying any more Wii games until they look as good as PS3 titles.

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Just for the record I voted for Choze to stay :)


While Resistance: Fall of Man's integration with Home should have bonus content fans excited, old school run-and-gun shooter fans should be pretty pumped about what they may be getting with Uncharted: Drake's Fortune's contribution. We hear that the Home portal for Naughty Dog's PlayStation 3 adventure will follow in Resistance's footsteps, allowing Home avatars to explore the game's levels without the threat of being shot at, a nice feature.


But it's the Uncharted mini-game that has us far more pumped.


According to our sources, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune comes to Home armed with a side-scrolling 2D arcade game, described to us as reminiscent of both Contra and Out Of This World. Sounds kind of like Capcom's 2D remake of Bionic Commando in its execution, full of enemies and exploding barrels to shoot.


Sony is apparently pitching features like these to developers to extend the lives of their titles, using strong first and second party development showcases to prove that Home can effectively market outside of traditional means. We hope they take them up on their offer, because we're definitely excited about the prospects.

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Wii mote is quite frankly rubbish for shooting games. Sorry excuse for crappy hardware that cant even play PSP ports properly.


Perhaps a tad harsh.. I'm all for Sony at the moment having just bought a PS3 and there are tons of points where Nintendo are trailing behind, but I do not think controls are one of them. The wiimote is great for FPS, both Metroid and MOH Heroes 2 show this but it is by no means a replacement for the twin stick shooter just an alternative...a very able one at that.

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Perhaps a tad harsh.. I'm all for Sony at the moment having just bought a PS3 and there are tons of points where Nintendo are trailing behind, but I do not think controls are one of them. The wiimote is great for FPS, both Metroid and MOH Heroes 2 show this but it is by no means a replacement for the twin stick shooter just an alternative...a very able one at that.


Thats true, however Choze being an ignorant fanboy means he doesn't understand logic. Just plain idiocy...

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Aimless wrote:

Hang on, so since using the Wiimote you've suddenly become unable to use a traditional controller? I love Wii Edition's controls, but that doesn't stop me being able to headshot goons in Uncharted.


For the record I do think the Wiimote (potentially) offers the greatest sense of tactility when it comes to shooting mechanics, but that doesn't mean the analogue sticks we've been happily using for years suddenly become hopelessly unwieldy. What you're saying is akin to me claiming that I won't bother buying any more Wii games until they look as good as PS3 titles


Ok, Aimless. Then so it is for you. I understand that well enough. But I can´t do it with analogue control anymore without a lock-on system. At least not in Uncharted. I should include, though, that it worked acceptably on XBOX360 playing HALO 3, as well as all of the first two Halo games on the old XBOX. I don´t know what Bungie did with the aiming in those awesome games. But it felt simply way easier to aim with the sticks there. Halo 3 was even better to aim in, than the first two games in that series. I think that is why I have given up playing anymore Uncharted as the aiming is impossible for me there. The dissapointment over the perceived huge difference in aiming-control from HALO to this otherwise awesome game was too much for me in the end. I did try over and over so many times, but had to ultimately give it up.


So to me this experience bears witness to the fact that one developer apparently can implement an ease of aiming-control with the analogue sticks in FPS games, while another can´t or wont. I do recall that I have often noted clear differences in the way that shooters controlled from one game to the next across many platforms. I wouldn´t say that the analogue sticks have become hopelessly unwieldly. Racing games still do fine for me with those. I would, as a matter of fact, only use those for car games. Not a steering wheel, which I feel takes up too much space.


And I agree with Flameboy that the Wiimote is no replacement for the twin stick shooter. Only an alternative. I just got hooked on that alternate way of aiming as it is, somewhat in the words of Aimless: more tactile in terms of shooting mechanics. Thanks dazzybee for your support! I really needed to express my opinion on a subject which I feel is relevant to the entire future of FPS gaming.

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well downloaded the demo of this last night and played it. Great game, it looks gorgeous and plays so well. I will admit I did find the aiming a little odd perhaps I need to alter the controls to finetune them abit... Anyway I will definitly be buying this come payday.

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Playing through this game much more, does the game GLITCH a lot for anyone else? Maybe a lot is much, but at certain points it glitches, horizontal shifting in the scenery? Hope so because I'm worried it's my TV or something.


Anyways, amazing game!!!

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