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What is the biggest issue your country is facing at the moment?

Guest Ray Falling

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Porutgal is kind of screwed. Even though I think this government is on a good path because they can think in long term, people cant see that. Portugal is poorly advanced, people are lazy, theyre not prepared to make sacrifices and the current oil "crisis" doesnt help. Meaning, its going to be very hard for our economy to recover.

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Guest Ray Falling

I find it sad that, well there should be alot of nice stuff in the world too huh? But you hardly ever see nice stuff in the news...


But theres gotta be good stuff happening all over the place...


Hmm then again, nastiness has a better way to show itself, whereas the good things are mostly hidden...

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In Belgium there's a lot of fuzz about the 'Generation Pact' which is basically a solution for our social security to survive. The Pact means some (a few thousands) will have to work 2 years longer. Now, stupid as the masses are, the people don't like the idea and the unions decided to carry over wrong information in order to have their strike. Now everyone thinks they'll have to work untill they're 60, which is wrong.

In fact, the Generation Pact is merely a piece of a much bigger (and good) plan to save social security, and the unions jumped on it and made it a symbolic file. Idiots.

Besides, the people here are fucking lazy bums, who wanna quit working at the age of 50-55 and they want the state to pay for all that. Now the government has to take action, because we'll run out of money for our social security otherwise, and no-one likes it coz it might affect them a bit. Just a bit.

Now what no-one seems to realise, is that if this Pact doesn't happen along with the other plans, social security will collapse, leaving no money left for anyone. But i guess they're just too stupid to realise.



Now lucky for me, next week I'll be in Italy, Bari to discuss all this (on a European scale) with people from the European parliament. Me and 9 others from all over Europe have the task to come up with some kind of resolution for a better organized (maybe unified) social security that is payable for Europe.

Lets hope they listen to the youth and actually realise some of our ideas eh :p

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  • 2 weeks later...
Immigration. The UK is slowly looking like a third-world country. And our culture is slowy demolishing because of immigrants fleeing to our country, they're making OUR country look like India.


That's my opinion.


Now, as much as I love Britain, are the colony rights of old and the war tyrants of bold really how you want this land to be represented? Besides that, we've got tea, opium, pubs, broken bus stops, spoiled beaches, riots and lovely British clothes made in China. The diversity is one of Britain's greatest cultural assests.


Britain can take pride in its green fields and literature, though.

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In Austrialia we're getting raped by our Conservative-Right government who holds the majority in the upper and lower house. They're using the opportunity of having the majority in the senate to pass all sorts of horrible bullshit.


They're constantly pushing for more 'Terrorism Laws' - basically making it possible for them to arrest who they want for no apparent reason and making it illegal for the media to report on any arrests if they wish. Plus heaps more crap like that.


They're also about to reform our industrial relation laws, abolishing all sorts of safeguards to stop workers being fucked around by their employers - ie: its possible that workers could soon be forced by employers to give up holidays/sick leave/overtime rates etc in return for a slight pay rise. As well as trying to take away power from unions etc.


Finally, the current government is trying to pass a bill that makes University union fees volountary. These fees go towards a heap of important services (councelling, employment services, cheap textbooks, sporting facilities/events, cheap beer and so on) but unfortunately as most Uni students are poor bums they wouldn't pay the fee if they could avoid it (even though they would want the services). It's part of the Conservative-Right's crusade againt unionism. And it makes me furious.

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Guest Ray Falling

My God that sounds horrible! I dont know what to say... The terrorism lawas are getting out of hand yeah. Soon they can shoot people for stepping into a bus with a backpack and get away with it...



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My God that sounds horrible! I dont know what to say... The terrorism lawas are getting out of hand yeah. Soon they can shoot people for stepping into a bus with a backpack and get away with it...




What would you prefer? Another attack, it wil happen if changes are not made.

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I'd say the replacement of our nuclear weapons arsenal is an improtant issue (I'm opposed).


So am i.


I don't actually know much about the situation, but as far as i'm concerned as long as our old weapons still work (and why shouldn't they?) then we have no need for any more.


Heck, there is no point in nuclear weapons. We don't want to use them do we? all we need is just a couple so that we have an ultimate threat, theres no need to have more than the next country, or better ones.

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What would you prefer? Another attack, it wil happen if changes are not made.


i agree 100% that guy that got shot in london was a shame but why didn't he just do as he was told? if he did none of it would have happened.


austalia are lucky to have a conservative government. Brittain have a labour government and the UK is going to shit.

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Guest Ray Falling
What would you prefer? Another attack, it wil happen if changes are not made.


I never said I did. And i wanst referring to that London incident either

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