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Mafia Game #2 - Game Thread


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A majority has been lynched.

Day 13 is now over


The day turned out to unlucky for some.




Night 6

The inventor was eagerly awaiting the results for the lie detector. He rubbed his chest, it was still sore from the magic that had tried to kill him that day. He heard a knock at his door, and gingerly, he went to open it.


Haggis stood at the door. "Mr. Viper, I have a proposition for you..."




Day 13. A woman strode into the room. She winked at the inventor. "Enjoy last night, Mr. Mafiosa?"


"What are you implying!? I am a good man, I would never hurt a fly!"


"Leave that talk for the Devil. I know what you have been doing to the good people of this town."


"Don't start on the morality side, you have no place to judge!" said the Jester with a twisted grin.


"Shut up you." replied the prostitute.


At this moment the inventor saw his chance to escape. He made for the window, and grabbed it to wrench it open. However, the paranoid man had already locked it, for fear that an intruder would come in.


Now the inventor was cornered. The three townies stood around him. He pulled out a gun.


With lightning fast movement, the prostitute lunged forward, kicking the man right where it hurt most. Before he could move to account for the pain, she had already hit her elbow into his nose, breaking it in several places.


"You bitch!"


She didn't wait for small talk. Her kick came so fast to his stomache that he was thrown backwards into the wall.


It didn't take a doctor to realise he was dead.


MoogleViper is dead. He was The Inventor, the last member of the mafia.





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I thought him being in the Mafia was obvious, after Chairdriver said the person he needed hadn't been on since the previous day, and that person happened to be Moogle.

Or was i the only one to check that up?


So we get the fullr eview of everyone's positions now?

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Hurrah! Good game guys :D


I was a good guy...until about Day 4; where I was recruited by Haggis. It was my idea to recruit MoogleViper in to the mafia to hopefully cover up for the lie detector results and prove my innocence but alas, the town wanted me gone.


Next game please! :D

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OMG! well done you guys! Man! I knew moogle was the last mafioso for aaages now and man, i really thought he was going to win. Great game, guys. I think I shouldn't have been so forthcoming about my killer role. Last time I was killed by the rival mafia without any townie suspicion.


Well played all. certainly different this time; a lot less mafia. I hope you realise i was genuinely looking to kill the mafia... well first at least. I know you know that I killed one of them, and that I was controlled by Mcoy *grr!* to kill another and an innocent or two. Shame on you for sacrificing me, mcoy, and ignoring the fact that you killed innocents too!!

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My spell on Night 6 really backfired, it was the one that silenced the town and caused everyone to vote only and use actions. I couldn't defend myself and was lynched straight away :(


But what a game!


Will you be running another one Chair or are you done with it?

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Mundi is a bastard. I knew this was going to happen before the night. Maybe I should have not tried to kill anyone.

lol. If I was in your position I wouldn't have bothered going for anyone!


And Chairdriver - Sanchez said tht his information (i.e. Mr-Paul's) found haggis to be innocent. you say he got all his info wrong, but surely the mafia head would have APPEARED innocent, so mr-paul should have found him to be evil?



- my only fault with the game :)

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Mcoy did his job the best he could, Mcoy was aware of the mafia leader about Haggis and luckily discovered Jayseven was a useful asset, Mcoy used you to kill Haggis and then used you on a very suspicious character who turned out to be good which was a bad choice. :(


Mcoy was hoping to help the townies win but on the day he was lynched Mcoy was unable to post because the person he mind controlled (the lawyer) was killed and that physically hurt Mcoy so much he couldn't post for the day or use his power again possibly :(

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I thought him being in the Mafia was obvious, after Chairdriver said the person he needed hadn't been on since the previous day, and that person happened to be Moogle.

Or was i the only one to check that up?


So we get the fullr eview of everyone's positions now?


I thought of that but yesterday mr-paul was inactive too. I only checked that moments ago, between the playing members he was the only one who didn't post in a during a day.



I must say, I didn't expect him to be in the mafia after all that inventor stuff.

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Now for everyone's roles:


The Doctor - Jonnas


You are the doctor in the town. You can tend to people’s wounds and stop them being killed.


Every night, if you want to protect someone, you must PM me the name of the player you wish to protect.


You are good. You win when all the threats to the town have been removed.


The Nurse - ReZourceman


You are the nurse in the town (male or female, you decide lol). You are training to be a doctor. When the doctor is killed, you will become the doctor for the town. Until then, you cannot do anything at night.


You will be notified when you receive the doctor’s powers.


You are good. You win when all the threats to the town have been removed.

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lol. If I was in your position I wouldn't have bothered going for anyone!


And Chairdriver - Sanchez said tht his information (i.e. Mr-Paul's) found haggis to be innocent. you say he got all his info wrong, but surely the mafia head would have APPEARED innocent, so mr-paul should have found him to be evil?



- my only fault with the game :)


Ah, yes, I spent 5 minutes pondering that.


I rolled a dice in the end to decide.

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Mcoy did his job the best he could, Mcoy was aware of the mafia leader about Haggis and luckily discovered Jayseven was a useful asset, Mcoy used you to kill Haggis and then used you on a very suspicious character who turned out to be good which was a bad choice. :(


Mcoy was hoping to help the townies win but on the day he was lynched Mcoy was unable to post because the person he mind controlled (the lawyer) was killed and that physically hurt Mcoy so much he couldn't post for the day or use his power again possibly :(


its a shame dude :/ honestly, besides all this game talk, I was aiming for mafia members. If you hadn't wiped me out, I guarentee Moogle would've been dead within 3 nights as he was on my List :P

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The Policeman - mr-paul

The Policeman’s Assistant - Sanchez


You represent the law enforcement in the town. You can communicate with each other via PM.


The Policeman

Every night, the Policeman can investigate another player, to see whether they are evil or not.


Every night, if you want to investigate a player, you must PM me with the name of the player you want to investigate.

***What he didn't know: The info he received would always be wrong.


The Policeman’s Assistant

When you vote to lynch someone The Policeman has previously investigated, your vote will count for 2.


Also, you will be promoted to The Policeman rank when mr-paul dies.


You are good. You win when all the threats to the town have been removed.





The Bus Driver - Martinist


You are the town bus driver.


Every night, if you want to use your power, you must PM me with the names of 2 players. You will transport these players on your bus. If someone targets player 1, they will target player 2 instead, and vice versa.


You are good. You win when all threats to the town have been removed.




The Jailer - AshMat


You are the town jailer. You take pleasure from locking people up over really insignificant crimes.


Every night, if you choose to use your power, you may PM me with the name of a player. This player will be locked up for the night, and they will be prevented from using their power. Also, they will be protected from being killed.


You are good. You win when all threats to the town have been removed.



The Nosy Neighbour - darksnowman

The Politician - Rokhed00

The Gossiping Neighbour - jayseven


You three are neighbours, and also best friends. You may communicate with each other via PM.


The Nosy Neighbour

You are so nosy, that you enjoy breaking into other people’s houses.


Every night, if you choose to use your power, you can break into someone’s house, and by looking at their stuff, can get clues as to who they are. Be careful though, curiosity killed the cat!



The Politician

You are wanted dead by the mafia for some of your policies. You have taken to hiding in other people’s houses to survive the night.


Every night, you must PM me with the name of the player’s house you wish to hide in. You cannot hide in darksnowman’s or jayseven’s house. Also, you can’t hide in the same house twice.


If you hide in the house of a good person, you will survive, if you hide in the house of an evil person, you will die.


If you do not PM me, the house in which you hide in will be selected randomly by me.


***What he didn't know: He would live regardless which house he hid in. Every night I would roll 2 6 sided dice, and if he got an 11 or 12, he would die.



The Gossiping Neighbour

You love gossip. You spread rumours about the town, causing misdirection.


Every night, if you choose to use your power, you must PM me with the name of a player. This player’s target will be randomized.



You are good. You win when all threats to the town have been removed.

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I only used my power once, on rokhed at the very start.

He said he'd done some snooping, and i thought i'd see if i was telling the truth by locking him up, to see if he was lying about snooping or not...

It was a shit idea really.


Plus i had 2 days of being unable to talk..

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The Serial Killer - jayseven


In actuality, you aren’t The Gossiping Neighbour. You are The Serial Killer. You want everyone in the town dead.


You do not have the misdirection power of The Gossiping Neighbour. Instead, every night, you must kill another player. You must PM me with the name of the player you want dead. If you do not PM me, I will pick who dies randomly.


Although you are a killer, you still enjoy the company of your neighbours Rokhed00 and darksnowman. You can communicate with them via PM. However, if they find out you are the killer, they will surely kill you.


You are evil. You win when everyone else is dead.

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Truly intense. At least the townies won.


Sorry AshMat, the day we lynched you, I was the one who cast the first vote. I trusted Sanchez.:(


So MoogleViper, that's where you were when I tried to protect you in my last night. And to think I was trying to save the results...


ReZourceman, next time you're my successor, please, don't paint a target on your back for everyone to see.

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