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Transformers 2 gets a name:


Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen


After last months news that Soundwave and Ravage are likely additions for the sequel, here's the latest on the film:




Transformers 2 Title Buzz

What does Revenge of the Fallen mean?


US, June 9, 2008 - Fans have been wondering what exactly the title Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen means, and now a new report online has uncovered that answer.


According to CHUD, who claims to have verified the following scoop via reliable inside sources, "the Fallen" refers to one of the original 13 Transformers created by Primus.


The site points out this entry on the Fallen, which reminds us that "the robot who would become the Fallen betrayed his creator by siding with Primus's dark twin, the malevolent planet-eater, Unicron. In the final battle between Primus and Unicron, the Fallen fell victim to the same fate as his master, sucked through a black hole into another dimension. However, while Unicron emerged into another universe, the Fallen was not so fortunate, finding himself trapped in the 'underspace' between dimensions."


More on this fiery 'bot can be found here http://transformers.wikia.com/wiki/The_Fallen.



Marsden Joins Transformers 2

Resident Evil actor enters sci-fi sequel.


US, June 3, 2008 - You may recognize Brit actor Matthew Marsden from his recent role opposite Sly Stallone in Rambo, or from his parts in the videogame adaptations DOA: Dead or Alive and Resident Evil: Extinction. He'll soon be even more recognizable, however, as he appears set to join the cast of Michael Bay's Transformers sequel.


MTV reports that Marsden has been cast as "Graham," a member of the British Special Forces, in the upcoming flick.


Marsden joins Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, John Turturro, Rainn Wilson, and, of course, Shia LaBeouf in the cast.


The sequel will track the continuing battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons here on Earth.



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Just as a sidenote, it has apparently dropped the "2" from its title.
Good to hear! got the '2' from IGN.

When I was writing it I thought it would sound much better without the 2, if they were gonna go with a title like that.


I really enjoyed Transformers (except for the lack of Stan Bush), I can't wait for the second.
Agreed! I think it's fantastic!
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Marvel Studios has made no secret out of the fact that they’re angling for the broadest possible appeal with their superhero movies. When you’re trying to make your movie all things to everyone there will be, inevitably, casualties. In the case of The Incredible Hulk, it’s meant 70 minutes of casualties. As we told you in our story here, there are a full 70 minutes missing from the movie which will make it onto the DVD.


We speculated earlier that those missing 70 minutes might contain the Captain America cameo director Louis Letterier promised (watch him tease it right here). Well consider that confirmed. Speaking to the site Judao, Letterier says: “There’s a point when Bruce Banner gives up on his quest for the cure and decide to kill himself. So he travels far North and reaches the Arctic Circle. You might have seen bits of it in some of the promos.” Sounds like an interesting scene, but having watched the movie on Monday I can tell you there’s nothing even remotely like it in there anywhere. The reason for that? Louis says, “The result was a very dark and strong scene, which Marvel, me and everyone else’s considered to be too hard to young audiences to take, so we’ve cut it.” The Incredible Hulk is after all, a kids movie. It’s practically a Pixar flick, right?


Anyway, in that missing scene was Cap’s meeting with Bruce Banner. Letterier confirms, “…when Bruce arrives at his destination he meets up with Captain America!” So the cameo he’s been running around all week promising us isn’t in the movie, and it sounds like it never was. It’s on the DVD. Letterier also makes a vague promise that they’ll also have it on the internet some time this week. Of course he also told us that it would be in the movie just a few days ago, and that didn’t pan out.


So to sum up: No Captain America in The Incredible Hulk, but it’s completely safe to take your kids to see a movie about a guy who gets mad, turns green, and beats the shit out of anyone and everything around him. Marvel is all about family entertainment.



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Sony Pictures will do a movie version of


based on the 60's TV show.


I've never heard of it before and it looks like it will take some time before we'll see a trailer.

Hadn't heard of it either, so:



Bruce Lee played 'Kato' the Green Hornets version of 'Robin'


It also had a cross over with Batman & Robin:


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