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  or else you will DIE said:
Wolverine 2? i thought we were suppose to be getting Origins: Magneto?
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Don't Wait for Magneto

Producer says X-Men villain prequel on the back burner.


US, October 19, 2009 - If you're holding your breath for that much talked about Magneto prequel ... well, don't.


In an interview with Empire Online, X-Men series producer Lauren Shuler Donner said, after praising David Goyer's screenplay for Magneto, "I'm not sure that film is going to be made. The studio has a wealth of potential stories, and they have to stand back and decide which ones to make. And Magneto, I think, is at the back of the queue. Maybe it'll get made in five years - who knows?"


The producer did confirm that if and when Magneto does before cameras it will star someone other than Ian McKellen in the title role. Shuler Donner said the de-aging visual effects used on McKellen for X-Men: The Last Stand are too cost prohibitive to be done for an entire film. McKellen may appear as the elder Magneto in a few scenes, but she said another actor will be cast to play his younger incarnation.


Frick on a stick Toy Story 3's release date in the UK is July 23rd, a month after America :( I wanted to be relatively spoiler free (don't mind watching trailers and such).

  Ashley said:
Frick on a stick Toy Story 3's release date in the UK is July 23rd, a month after America


That's very good when it comes to Disney/Pixar.

  Ashley said:
Frick on a stick Toy Story 3's release date in the UK is July 23rd, a month after America :( I wanted to be relatively spoiler free (don't mind watching trailers and such).
Where will the spoilers come from if you just dont look into the movie?
  Cube said:
That's very good when it comes to Disney/Pixar.


Well yes but Wall-E was like a week and this is a fairly big film. I expected better :p


  Retro_Link said:
Where will the spoilers come from if you just dont look into the movie?


Most of the things I look at are American and some people don't really think about others and blurt out stuff.


Oh god. The mention of "child-actors" in relation to an X-Men reboot.






Take me away. *collapses in a swoon*


They obviously WANT this to be shit.


P.S Wolverine 2 will porbably be better than 1 (not hard, it had no story/point as far as I remember), but I hated the shit japan bit of his story in the comics. But then I only like Wolverine in the X-Men, not solo.


Deadpool might be fun.

  Paj Meen Ah said:
They obviously WANT this to be shit.


The mention of "we want it to be like Harry Potter" makes it even more obvious.


Bit of news from today:




Aykroyd's Ghostbusters 3 Update


Aykroyd advised Noury that screenwriters Gene Stupnitsky and Lee Eisenberg are currently "hacking out a first draft" and that Sony is enthusiastic about the project. Although he gave the impression that Ghostbusters 3 was far from a go project, Aykroyd did say that for the first time in years it seems closer to a reality than it's ever been and that both the cast and studio are all eager to finally make it happen.




Alien Prequel Plot Details


For the first time, director Sir Ridley Scott has gone into at least a little bit of detail about his upcoming prequel to Alien.


Talking to Empire at a premiere, he was asked if the movie would tell the story of how the extra-terrestrial critters found their way to LV-426 - the infested planet that John Hurt, Sigourney Weaver and co discovered at the beginning of Alien.


Apparently not: "It's a brand new box of tricks," said Scott. "We know what the road map is, and the screenplay is now being put on paper. The prequel will be a while ago."


He went on: "It's very difficult to put a year on Alien, but [for example] if Alien was towards the end of this century, then the prequel story will take place 30-years prior."


How this fits into Alien lore we're not sure, but Ridders is certainly excited by the project: "I never thought I'd look forward to a sequel. But a prequel is kind of interesting. I'm looking forward to doing that."




Just One Villain in Spidey 4?


We've heard a juicy - albeit unconfirmed - rumour about Spider-Man 4.


MarketSaw is reporting that there will only be one villain in the superhero sequel, with The Lizard alone facing off against Peter Parker.


This rumour hasn't been confirmed by the studio, but if true would rule out the gossip linking the likes of Carnage and Morbius to the project.


Oh Jesus. Lizard is recipe for disaster. To make him a good villain, he'll have to be the classic "talking" version, as opposed to the various beastial incarnations. And that's just going to look fucking stupid.

  Paj Meen Ah said:
Oh Jesus. Lizard is recipe for disaster. To make him a good villain, he'll have to be the classic "talking" version, as opposed to the various beastial incarnations. And that's just going to look fucking stupid.
After seeing Venom I'm inclined to agree!

Mind you, Gollum was made to work extremely well in an otherwise human [played] cast, so it can be done.

  Retro_Link said:
After seeing Venom I'm inclined to agree!

Mind you, Gollum was made to work extremely well in an otherwise human [played] cast, so it can be done.

What ruined Venom for me was the voice, after hearing it's proper evil voice in the cartoon I was expecting something even more sinister. Sadly Topher Graces' voice doesn't have it.


Bring on Mysterio.


As for the Magneto movie, I was told that McKellen would be narrating. Thing is Wolverine was "created" whereas Magneto's powers are 100% natural, and the "origin" was pretty much explained at the beginning of the first film.


I never understood why a Magneto origin needed to be made, as you said, it was done perfectly and succinctly (and quite harrowingly) at the start of X-Men. It's not like he did much other than meet Charles Xavier in between being a child and becoming Magneto.


I'd rather they just made a really good series of animated X-Men movies. Or they somehow resurrect the X-Men movie franchise. I'd prefer they just brought Cyclops back to life so that the movies could be whole again. [/atomic kitten]


Wolverine & The X-Men actullay impressed me with it's first season. When's that back on, does anyone know?

But yeah, DC will top the 90's animated universe of Batman/TNBA/Superman/Justice League/JLU/Batman Beyond.


I remember a Wizard cover I've got from like 5 years ago, and it poses a velociraptor from Jurassic Park in a lab coat, (basically) as a Movie Lizard.


I know it sounds mega retarded, but I think it actually looked SO good.


No no no. I hate the original raptor-face Lizard, not intimidating at all. His more usual "crocodile" longer face is far better.


(PS. I loved Luke Ross' art on Spidey - not sure what happened to him other than I remember reading a comic where the art was done by "luke ross" but it was pretty different in style?- but I hated how he drew Martha Connors there. So unbelievable, if you just saw your home destoryed and son in mortal danger from being devoured by your husband)

What ruined Venom for me was the voice, after hearing it's proper evil voice in the cartoon I was expecting something even more sinister. Sadly Topher Graces' voice doesn't have it.




What they should have done is given him a double 'echo' voice, with the symbiote talking over Brock.


Did Venom even use the royal we in the film? I only recall nightmares from seeing it.

Posted (edited)
  Dan Dare said:
What they should have done is given him a double 'echo' voice, with the symbiote talking over Brock.

Didn't they do something like a double voice [albeit exceedingly wank]? I can't remember very well as I've only seen it once.


EDIT: Tried searching the Tube for the part from the movie, but only found some shizzle from the game:


I don't think it sounded like this in the movie, but this isn't that great.

  Dan Dare said:
Did Venom even use the royal we in the film? I only recall nightmares from seeing it.

I can't remember that either, he barely spoke.

  • 2 weeks later...


Caine: Batman 3 Might Not Happen


UK, November 12, 2009 - Michael Caine doesn't sound that enthusiastic about the future of the Batman franchise.


In an interview with British magazine Shortlist, the actor - who played Butler Alfred in Batman Begins and The Dark Knight - said: "As for the future... if they ever make another Batman I will be in, I will be the butler..."


He went on: "But I don't know if they are ever going to make another Batman. If they do it won't be for quite a while."


Sounds like bad news for fans of the Caped Crusader then, with Batman 3 seemingly a long way off.

I'm actually more relieved by this news than anything.


Because innevitably there will be a third Batman movie,

but for a while there it was looking like they wanted to rush on with the threequel, even if it meant moving on without Christopher Nolan.

At least this news makes it seem that Warner Bros. have carmed down, and are probably now prepared to wait on Nolan, or at least give the film alot more thought and development time, all of which are fine by me!

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