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Super/Street Fighter IV


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4Chan did that




I'm planninng on buying this game when it comes out for PC, will I be the only one?


Also, the Pop music at the beginning is so annoying, yet so addicting.

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4Chan did that




I don't care. A lot of things I find funny come from 4chan. It's when people like you rim 4chans every move and follow it like some sort of lemming, thinking they're super cool because they're in on /b/'s memes.



I'm planninng on buying this game when it comes out for PC, will I be the only one?


Looks that way. Might er, acquire it, see how it runs on my system purely out of interest. Might not bother though. No point having it for single player and won't be able to play it online, plus I don't actually know anyone getting it for the PC. They're talking about bundling sticks with the PC version.

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Do the two punches, land then quickly jump again and do the triple kick.


Nice, thanks! Stuck on stage four now haha. Focus - crouch HP - M bird kick. I can do it but it just gets blocked. Dont see how i can do it any faster. I'm already cancelling the hard punch into the bird kick so surely it cant get any faster =/

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Nice, thanks! Stuck on stage four now haha. Focus - crouch HP - M bird kick. I can do it but it just gets blocked. Dont see how i can do it any faster. I'm already cancelling the hard punch into the bird kick so surely it cant get any faster =/


Just need lightning quick buttons presses. its a real pain really.

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From CheapAssGamer

Dear Capcom,


I'm writing this open letter to let you know that I won't be buying any of your Street Fighter IV downloadable costume packs.


Like many Street Fighter fans, I've dumped a lot of money into your franchise. I've spent an incredible amount of time and quarters on your arcade versions and have purchased home console versions too.


Despite it's problems, I'm having a lot of fun with your latest version, Street Fighter IV. The gameplay brings back a lot of fond memories I've had for the earlier games, yet includes plenty of new stuff to add some depth and keep things interesting.


Two weeks before the release of Street Fighter IV, you announced the details of 5 x $4 downloadable costume packs, the first of which was available on the games release date, with more coming during the subsequent 4 weeks.


I believe it to be extremely bad form for you to release and plan so much downloadable content so close to the games release date. This is especially true considering the title's online play shortcomings.


Are you aware that the online play for the $60 Street Fighter IV is vastly inferior to its $15 XBLA/PSN cousin, Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix? Instead of planning how to suck an extra $20 out of your devoted fans, perhaps you could have included a lobby/quarter match system like SFIITHDR. Also, it's incredibly time consuming to get an online match going. Your developers seemed to not understand the concept underlying the "Quick Match" option and I bet one could download all 5 costume packs faster than launching a single ranked match. I spend as much time looking for matches as I do fighting in them. Just Google "street fighter quick match" to find plenty of complaints.


I recently purchased the $8 Legendary Car Pack for Burnout Paradise, which is basically new costumes for cars. How is that different you ask? Their game came out over a year ago, and during the last year, Criterion Games has spent a lot of time fine-tuning their product and adding new FREE content. Because of their vast efforts, I didn't feel too guilty splurging.


Capcom (and other guilty publishers), your customers who pre-ordered and/or purchased your games at full price at release are being punished with incomplete products when we should be rewarded for supporting you. Maybe next time we'll just wait for the inevitable price drops or buy the games used at a discount. We can use the money saved to reassemble which was broken apart to maximize profits.






Argee or disargee?

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I agree with almost everything said here, particularly paying extra for content thats already on the disc, and HDR having better online options


BUT, at the same time, ive had far less trouble with lag (maybe 2 out of over 100 matches have been laggy) on SFIV and ive already gotten more hours of fun out of IV than almost any other game this generation. Still worth the asking price

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Guest Captain Falcon

Well I finally cracked and picked this up today. Didn't play it for very long but I'm certainly enjoying it - not played a Street Fighter since Alpha 3 on the PSX.


I have to say that the 360 pad is nowhere near as bad as I was expecting. Charge moves are a touch awkward, but moves for the shoto characters are quite easy to pull off.


That said, I'm still absolutely awful - I couldn't beat Balrog for the life of me with Ryu so I came off.

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Guest Captain Falcon
guys i don't get the whole cancelling of moves...how??


Have you tried the challenges? They give some examples of move canceling either via focus attacks or Supers and Ultras


I'm fairly sure you can't cancel all moves (some for the obvious reason of being in the air), but it's mostly down to timing... I think. It was in the EX plus Alpha games at least.

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I dont quite get cancelling other than the fact some moves combo into others if you do them quickly.


For instance, im on the last Chun Li hard trial and cant figure out how to do an Ex Focus after an EX fireball. I watched a video of someone doing it and theres no way it can be done that fast without some sort of cancel. I'm guessing its a focus dash cancel or something, but damn, i cant do it. Gutted as i did the others! Pretty proud too! Got my gold titles as a reward :)


Dont agree with that complaint by the way. SFIV is an amazing game. The fact he wants all of the DLC is testament to how much he likes it too, otherwise he could just ignore it. Personally, i think its great its coming out so soon. Would it be better if it were already in the game for free? Yeh, but i dont mind. Im not buying them all, only the Femme Fatales. They've split them into packs to make it cheaper at least.


As for the online stuff, he states a blatant untruth. So it can take a few tries to get a ranked match started. In no way does it take longer than it would to download the DLC. Thats not even the point though, hes complaining about a technical menu-based issue with the game, something that can be resolved in time, and no doubt will at some point.


And isn't the DLC for the online upgrade free? Honestly, some people.


I dont think alot of gamers realise how much it costs to make a game and in how much trouble the industry is in at the moment anyway. If you ask me, Capcom have every right to try and make a bit of extra money.

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When you put it that way, I guess you're right. But it's something that is already in the game; it's not extra work, it's stuff they've hidden away needs unlocking via a code and that's what everyone is getting worked up about.


I bought the Femme Fatale pack and will buy the Shoryuken pack regardless, though. I enjoy the game too much as it is.


Plus, the game came out, for me, at £27.99 as opposed to 39.99. I can justify spending an extra few pounds from the savings at release!

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Guest Captain Falcon


That game was notoriously shite. The concept of cancelling barely existed in that game, it was mechanically kaput.


That game was awesome. People moaned about it being in 3D and how Street Fighter shouldn't be in 3D, but the gameplay was totally 2D - no dodging into or out of the screen here.


Well canceling was a bit new back then. Besides combos that had always existed due moves unintentionally canceling others, that game allowed virtually any special to be canceled by a super, which could be canceled by a different super.


It still plays a mean game today and I don't think it's aged that badly graphically either. I often find myself going back to that game. The music also rocked.

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That game was awesome. People moaned about it being in 3D and how Street Fighter shouldn't be in 3D, but the gameplay was totally 2D - no dodging into or out of the screen here.


Well canceling was a bit new back then. Besides combos that had always existed due moves unintentionally canceling others, that game allowed virtually any special to be canceled by a super, which could be canceled by a different super.


It still plays a mean game today and I don't think it's aged that badly graphically either. I often find myself going back to that game. The music also rocked.


There is so much misinformation in this post I don't even know where to begin. You do realise that cancelling had existed, and was a fricking huge part of the original Street Fighter 2, and every single 2D SF game since? That game was a completely untested, slothlike shallow mess, probably because it wasn't even developed by Capcom internally, it was outhoused.


Anyway, starting to get half decent at this game, not making the same stupid mistakes I was before, but those were mostly due to old habits from past iterations. I haven't had this much fun in so long :D

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Guest Captain Falcon


There is so much misinformation in this post I don't even know where to begin. You do realise that cancelling had existed, and was a fricking huge part of the original Street Fighter 2, and every single 2D SF game since? That game was a completely untested, slothlike shallow mess, probably because it wasn't even developed by Capcom internally, it was outhoused.


Anyway, starting to get half decent at this game, not making the same stupid mistakes I was before, but those were mostly due to old habits from past iterations. I haven't had this much fun in so long :D


From my understanding, combo's and canceling were a result of programming errors and that were purposely implemented in the sequels to maintain the flow that people had gotten used to in the earlier games.


Wasn't the super canceling touted as one one the key new gameplay mechanics for this particular sub-series?

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Nope, you're right there. Never claimed that it was better either - but I'd love to play it again and see how I fare now.


SFIV is much better from what I remember though, yes. Though I'd like Dr Dark and Skullomania back please :heh:

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