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Guest Jordan

Oh quick, run to someone door, knock on it THEN BEZZ IT.


Yeah, i don't find that funny to be honest. It just pisses people off.

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Haha, why would that woman keep opening the door!!!? :D Neg's urban Sports are good, only part of the show I watch! :p


Anyway I haven't done much today as I haven't been up that long as I went to be late but last night I finished Season 3 of How I Met your Mother which is fantastic. :grin: and now I have to wait for the new season. :(


I also watched Lily and marshalls honey moon and bloopers on youtube.


Ooh and yesterday I also got Wall-e through the post which I'm (sort of) meant to review! and I played it for 3 hours. It's not that bad. Also Super Mario RPG is excellent fun!

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Knock and run is actually awful, try knocking and running on an old woman's home or a disabled. Or better yet knock on my door, I'll get in my car and run you over ^_^?


Went and put four more money bags into the bank ready for shopping next week, I'll be damned if I want to buy from topshop but they seem to have the best coats and not too expensive, so I'll be going manchester next week. I have nothing else to do really, I should go and find something productive.


Last night was shit, my ex started talking to me (I had a feeling all day that if I went on msn last night he'd talk to me, low and behold he did an hour later..) it did nothing to improve my mood when flo who was on for a few hours didn't even bother saying hi..like I wasn't even a part of her life no more.



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That's pretty lame. At least you have a new town, new crowd to look forward to though :)


It's funny though- eventually I just dropped out of touch with a fair few friends from my school years. If we ever meet, all there is to say is what we've done at uni and stuff- just boring small talk. Odd that it happens without you even noticing or caring much in the end.

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Neither are school friends Dan, all of them have gone. Flo is an actually pretty recent friend from this year.


Which makes it even fucking worse that after all I was being nice to her and ever since she stood me up she's not bothered fucking talking to me, I attract bad friends it seems alot! -.-

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Neither are school friends Dan, all of them have gone. Flo is an actually pretty recent friend from this year.


Which makes it even fucking worse that after all I was being nice to her and ever since she stood me up she's not bothered fucking talking to me, I attract bad friends it seems alot! -.-


I know how you feel.


I've decided to do something really evil today, I'm sending a photo of this supposed friend, who has been shit stirring and got me excluded from things, in a compromising position to a load of their work mates.

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^^^ If you were waiting for her to say Hi, why didn't you say hi to her?



Well, the last couple of days have been spent drinking, BBQ'ing swimming and sleeping on a lump in a field.


See now I was going to, but it's a case of ''which should I always have to make the effort'' it was interesting to know that in this case she was only interested if I made the effort rather than her.


Ah rokhed if only, but alas she doesn't work, be interesting to see how that pans out, let us know :heh:

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Work has been good today. Finally finnished Mercs 2 and then PES 09 and TNA Impact came in so loads of us have been playing on those this lunch time.


I'm thinking about buying Castle Crashers tonight, but i dont know if i should. I'm pretty skint, and its not a cheap download so. Hmm, decisions...

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Ah rokhed if only, but alas she doesn't work, be interesting to see how that pans out, let us know :heh:



It wasn't a suggestion for you, this is quite extreme really, especially the photo I'm going to be sending. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes though.

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See now I was going to, but it's a case of ''which should I always have to make the effort'' it was interesting to know that in this case she was only interested if I made the effort rather than her.


Perhaps she was thinking the same thing.


It wasn't a suggestion for you, this is quite extreme really, especially the photo I'm going to be sending. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes though.


Can we see the photo? (or do we not want to?)

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Do you work for a games rag, jav?


I work at Imagine Publishing, officially for PowerStation magazine which is a walkthrough, cheats and secrets magazine for Sony, but i write freelance for Play, X360 and NRev (the latter two the most).


I'm thinking about buying that, how is it?


It's awesome. There arn't that many standout missions, most of the contracts are based around capturing outposts along with some vehicle challenges and stuff (54 contracts in total, but only about 15 are lengthy multiple-objective ones, but they are badass). There are so many air strikes and tactics you could try out its incredible, and that makes the repetitive nature of the contracts less noticeable. The story is pretty straightforward but cool nontheless, and there's loads of side stuff to do; namely destroying buildings and verifying key targets, i.e. killing them and taking a picture, or subduing and extracting in a chopper.


It's loads of fun. It's like GTA but without having to worry about cops, only armies trying to gun you down for pissing them off. I love it. It has loads more abience than GTA too, with how the surroundings and music change with each location, which i particularly like. It can be a bit glitchy here and there (the AI can just shut down on occasion) and the realism is totally out of the window because the things you can do are just absurd, but if you dont care about that and just want to blow stuff up and have a laugh, it's perfect.

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Guest Jordan

It's awesome. There arn't that many standout missions, most of the contracts are based around capturing outposts along with some vehicle challenges and stuff (54 contracts in total, but only about 15 are lengthy multiple-objective ones, but they are badass). There are so many air strikes and tactics you could try out its incredible, and that makes the repetitive nature of the contracts less noticeable. The story is pretty straightforward but cool nontheless, and there's loads of side stuff to do; namely destroying buildings and verifying key targets, i.e. killing them and taking a picture, or subduing and extracting in a chopper.


It's loads of fun. It's like GTA but without having to worry about cops, only armies trying to gun you down for pissing them off. I love it. It has loads more abience than GTA too, with how the surroundings and music change with each location, which i particularly like. It can be a bit glitchy here and there (the AI can just shut down on occasion) and the realism is totally out of the window because the things you can do are just absurd, but if you dont care about that and just want to blow stuff up and have a laugh, it's perfect.


Thanks for the heads up, seeing as i didn't buy the BS fest that was Too Human, i'll be picking this up along with Spore me thinks.

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Can we see the photo? (or do we not want to?)


It's not really fit for posting here. There were worse ones, but I needed one with the face in so his friends would recognize him.


Anyway, the photos been sent now, to half a dozen or so of his work colleagues, should make things hell at work for him for a while.

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