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:( Do you live with parents or do you have a mortgage/rent/bills to pay?


If you live with parents tell your work to fuck themselves and then take them to the court for unfair dismissal (yes its still classed as dismissal if you quit) citing the reason you felt you were pressured out of your job.

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Broke a bloody nail today, just what I need with this coming weekend.


On the plus side though, got an email from my photograper friend who did a photoshoot of me back in March, her exhibition was a big success and people actually want o buy some of the photos of me. Looks like she'll be throwing a few quid my way from them as well, which is nice.

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I was @ Linkin Park concert last night. Simply amazing.


The songs they sang were :

01. One Step Closer

02. Lying From You

03. Somewhere I Belong

04. No More Sorrow

05. Papercut

06. Points Of Authority

07. Reading My Eyes

08. Wake 2.0

09. Given Up

10. From The Inside

11. Leave Out All The Rest (everyone cried there)

12. Numb

13. The Little Things Give You Away

14. Breaking The Habit

15. Shadow of The Day

16. Crawling

17. In The End

18. Bleed It Out

19. Pushing Me Away (Piano Version)

20. What I've Done

21. Faint

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I live with my girlfriend in her parents house, but the rent is cheap. Not sure Id have the balls/want to go to court. I am techniquely in the wrong, but thats exactly what sucks - its like they've just seen it and gone "Oh this falls into this category, and so the punishment is this"


When really they need to look at it in context. I post YT vids all the fucking time. Seriously. In a way its good as this job drives me crazy anyway, but in a way its bad because it took me like 9 months to get a job...nowhere wanted me, and now I have to go through all that again and I think the disciplinary shows up on my record or references or what the fuck ever.

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Constructive Dismissal


This is a good site to have a look at, if you feel you are being pressured and treated unfairly to a point where you feel you can no longer do a job then take a look. Regardless of what they say, even though it was a work event if it does not say in your contract "Thou shall not make videos of work do's and put them on youtube" then they are in the wrong.


If your record with them is as good as you say, and they have changed the terms of your contract regarding pay rises and bonuses i think you have a legitimate claim.


Hope this helps.

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Sorry to hear about your work being such a pain to you Rez. They suck. =(




I just got back from the doctor (managed to get my appointment in right before my sister). She took my blood, filled three of those vial things. O.o

First time ever I'm having my blood checked though, so I told her to check it for everything (vitamins and stuff, allergies, blood type...).


I also have a serious infection on my throat, but she doesn't know yet if it's because of a virus or not; have to call back tomorrow. Also have an infection on my jaw or something (where it connects to the skull), which is most likely what made my ear hurt... even though I can't really hear much from that ear, which she couldn't really explain. >.>;



Hooray for being ill! :indeed:

Had to cancel my shopping trip because of it, and I'm not sure I can go out with friends tomorrow (had to go birthday shopping for someone) or go help at my sister's party. =(

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They may as well have named the concert: "21 songs to slit your wrists to."


I hope you mean that as in you just dont like them. That's fair enough. But if you're implying they are a band that encourages such a thing, or even sound remotely miserable enough for people to want to do that, then that's just stupid, because they are no way like that.

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Guest Jordan
I hope you mean that as in you just dont like them. That's fair enough. But if you're implying they are a band that encourages such a thing, or even sound remotely miserable enough for people to want to do that, then that's just stupid, because they are no way like that.


Trust me, its the former.


Although, the points of authority remix music video is pretty awesome. Their music is just... pretty drab really.

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Trust me, its the former.


Although, the points of authority remix music video is pretty awesome. Their music is just... pretty drab really.


It his music taste Jordan just like yours is on your last.fm B*Witched, Will Smith, Nickelback and Good Charlotte.

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Guest Jordan

B*Witched = From Dead or Alive Xtreme... and trust me, i don't enjoy them XD

Will Smith = Some of his 90's stuff is fairly decent...

Nicelback = I don't even remember listening to that, jesus christ. What was i thinking.

Good Charlotte = Yup, used to like those guys a couple of years ago.


Oh Dante, you sure dislike me...

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B*Witched = From Dead or Alive Xtreme... and trust me, i don't enjoy them XD

Will Smith = Some of his 90's stuff is fairly decent...

Nicelback = I don't even remember listening to that, jesus christ. What was i thinking.

Good Charlotte = Yup, used to like those guys a couple of years ago.


Oh Dante, you sure dislike me...


Okay but I notice you like N.W.A, The Thrills, Motörhead, OK Go, Sugarcult, The Libertines & The Von Bondies. :D


I have my reasons.

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Guest bluey

rez. *cracks knuckles* i can be helpful too, eh? just lemme know.


seriously, thats rubbish. but i think just threatening to take them to court over it might do the trick, as they're blatantly over-reacting ...they cant fire you for disagreeing with them. fight fight fight!!!


jordan. for someone who dislikes you so much he's paying an AWFUL lot of attention to you.... :wink: me thinks the lady dante doth protest too much, ne. ^_^

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Guest Jordan

jordan. for someone who dislikes you so much he's paying an AWFUL lot of attention to you.... :wink: me thinks the lady dante doth protest too much, ne. ^_^


You think he secretly wants my ass? Hmmm... interesting.

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jordan. for someone who dislikes you so much he's paying an AWFUL lot of attention to you.... :wink: me thinks the lady dante doth protest too much, ne. ^_^


Dont call me a lady and I was sticking up for Heaven. :blank:

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Guest bluey
Dont call me a lady and I was sticking up for Heaven. :blank:

thats what they all say ^___^

nah i didnt read the whole thing - consider that a random interjection rather than an insightful addition to the argument.... in fact i have no idea what you guys are talking about, but will smith is THE SHIT and anyone who doesnt like him can afford to be called a lady by me at least once. you've served your time, dante. you may go... :grin:

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Job hunting is so fucking awful. I'm in some ridiculous Catch 22 where nobody wants the guy with no work experience so I can't get experience to work for the people who want experience. It's like I'm being punished for being smart enough for University and well off enough to take it easy on my holidays.

It's a fucking piss. I have no money, my parents are pissed off with me, I have bills to pay, friends owe me for those and I have no money coming in. FUCK!

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Guest Jordan


Job hunting is so fucking awful. I'm in some ridiculous Catch 22 where nobody wants the guy with no work experience so I can't get experience to work for the people who want experience. It's like I'm being punished for being smart enough for University and well off enough to take it easy on my holidays.

It's a fucking piss. I have no money, my parents are pissed off with me, I have bills to pay, friends owe me for those and I have no money coming in. FUCK!


Yeah, its pretty fucking stupid Dan. I feel your pain dude. I do. :(

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thats what they all say ^___^

nah i didnt read the whole thing - consider that a random interjection rather than an insightful addition to the argument.... in fact i have no idea what you guys are talking about, but will smith is THE SHIT and anyone who doesnt like him can afford to be called a lady by me at least once. you've served your time, dante. you may go... :grin:


Right Miss Bluey. :indeed:

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Yeah, its pretty fucking stupid Dan. I feel your pain dude. I do. :(


what makes it worse is when I go to town all I see is a bunch of dudes with five yard stares and a bad suit and I can't help but feel I might just end up trapped in whatever godforsaken dump they work in while my ambitions go to fucking waste. I'm better than that, I know I am- I just don't think any of these small town middlemen are ever going to notice or even give a shit.

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