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I'm the same, I've had ff12 for a year or something and only have 30minutes done. It's a bad game though tbh.




Anyways in all sorts of pain after starting my little workouts again. But ah, I have missed them. Also finished off making two wardrobes. Flat packs can be demanding, especially when its a two man job, but only one is available :indeed:

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Actually she's right. FFXII was the worst of the series I've played. (7,8,9,10)


Indeed, it'd be a decent game, but it's just so epicly long and confusing, even for final fantasy. The desert god don't even get me started on that. :blank:


I love ff games but that one just didn't seem to follow well

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Indeed, it'd be a decent game, but it's just so epicly long and confusing, even for final fantasy. The desert god don't even get me started on that. :blank:


I love ff games but that one just didn't seem to follow well


I missed out on seven and got it after playing 8, 9, and 10 so i think my view of it perhaps skewed but its not as great as people say. 9 is also overated. Put me to sleep it did. 12, was like a breath of fresh air compared to what has come before, although it does seem a little long. Really need to get back into it and finish it. Nothing touches 6 though, Really want a remake in the fashion of 3 for the DS :smile:

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I missed out on seven and got it after playing 8, 9, and 10 so i think my view of it perhaps skewed but its not as great as people say. 9 is also overated. Put me to sleep it did. 12, was like a breath of fresh air compared to what has come before, although it does seem a little long. Really need to get back into it and finish it. Nothing touches 6 though, Really want a remake in the fashion of 3 for the DS :smile:


See I played 10 first, then 7/8/9 and still found 12 til be crap, I don't know what it is but I just can't get into it like the others. I love 10 and 7, even x-2 but 12 just seems like they were trying too much. :blank:

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Did media studies for most of the day, and I'm really happy that I've pushed my overall grade up to merit (which could be a distinction by the deadline at the end of June). :D


yaya for merits :yay: and somebody who understands the same points scheme as me haha

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yaya for merits :yay: and somebody who understands the same points scheme as me haha



I do too ._.


I've finished my BTEC now though. It's a strange feeling for me, I'm borderline Pass/Merit, and I think I did just enough work to achieve the Merit. If I did, it's a whole 40 points different to my final UCAS score.


I think I needed 20 for a Merit and I ended up with 22, but there's a predicted Merit from my teacher in there (one unit is marked externally and so I won't know how I do until August :()


So yeah, strange times. I know I should have completed my course and gotten a Merit but the possibility is there for it to slip back down to a Pass and thus, me not getting in to Uni (They said a Merit was necessary for me to get in).

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I do too ._.


I've finished my BTEC now though. It's a strange feeling for me, I'm borderline Pass/Merit, and I think I did just enough work to achieve the Merit. If I did, it's a whole 40 points different to my final UCAS score.


I think I needed 20 for a Merit and I ended up with 22, but there's a predicted Merit from my teacher in there (one unit is marked externally and so I won't know how I do until August :()


So yeah, strange times. I know I should have completed my course and gotten a Merit but the possibility is there for it to slip back down to a Pass and thus, me not getting in to Uni (They said a Merit was necessary for me to get in).


we have a student tracker so we know exactly how many points we have all the time, I hated it at first but now it's handy considering I've got just under two weeks left.


I need 68 and I think I'm more than likely going to end up with that now, depending how much work I put in this week and next :)

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Make sure you do put the effort in, it'll be worth it come the end of the course!


Also I was so bored I decided to look at the members list sorted by post count, and very very strangely it turns out me and Platty now have exactly the same number of posts.


(And I'm now the 20th top poster >_>)

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:yay: What subject/s do you do, then?


I've been doing a computing course or IT practioning as they call it :blank: , yeah right, most of it is written rather than hands on like they told us.


I'm putting the effort in obviously, my two iva's were set as passes which would get me 4 points each, but now I have 16 because I got merits in them both :yay:


There's not much left for me to do, odd bits and bobs on assignments, there's only two more assignments I'm really worried about. :)

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It was annoying, I've only ever touched a computer's hardware twice in the whole two years, so basically everything I know is from pages and pages of books and essays, I don't really know much about anything, compared to what I was fobbed I was going to learn.

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In relation to the top half of this page:


10 is easily the worst Final Fantasy. Well at least until 13 comes out.


Face it - you all hate 12 because it doesn't have a sappy love story as one of the overriding themes of the game.


I can't really claim which Final Fantasy is the best considering I haven't even played the first 6 games of the series but out of the ones I have played IX was easily my favourite.

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I have X. I only got to the village of the guy that's done by Bender's voice actor. I couldn't keep playing, it was boring as fuck. The gameplay is comprised of: walk from point A to point B, trigger a turn-based battle, trigger a cut-scene, trigger a turn-based battle, walk from point a to point B, trigger a cut-scene... It's as if I'm not playing the game, I don't feel in control. I guess JRPG's aren't my thing.

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Today has been pretty good. Bit odd to get up and go to school again. :)


Started lessons straight away and I'm now learning the A2 courses though it's a little more relaxed. :D


I watched an Inconvineant Truth in General Studies! (though I wanted to watch March of the Penguins. :heh:)


Also RS and Psychology were interesting. ^____^ History was alright we did the most work in History.

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Guest bluey

joy!! just had a major breakthrough with professor layton. pesky maths puzzles!!! been bugging me for WEEKS then i had one of those eureika moments while i was making a cuppa tea earlier ^_^!!

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Guest Stefkov
I have X. I only got to the village of the guy that's done by Bender's voice actor. I couldn't keep playing, it was boring as fuck. The gameplay is comprised of: walk from point A to point B, trigger a turn-based battle, trigger a cut-scene, trigger a turn-based battle, walk from point a to point B, trigger a cut-scene... It's as if I'm not playing the game, I don't feel in control. I guess JRPG's aren't my thing.

I've only played X on the home consoles and this summed it up well. I got bored playing the game then it sat on the side for a while until I sold it and my PS2. I shouldn't have sold it...I wanted to play the MGS series before 4.


Today woke up late, had breakfast, slept some more. Watched some anime and now watching football.

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