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Great. I thought the day might've been good with my book coming from amazon and the new 360 update.

Seems delivery services really are the most annoying thing on this planet.

My 360 HD DVD player was meant to be delivered today. We got a note in the letterbox saying they came round. What's that no doorbell, but how were we meant to know they came round. It seems because no-one answered the door to an invisible doorbell it was left at number 18. But what's that, they havn't recieved anything in the post all morning. = |


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Great. I thought the day might've been good with my book coming from amazon and the new 360 update.

Seems delivery services really are the most annoying thing on this planet.

My 360 HD DVD player was meant to be delivered today. We got a note in the letterbox saying they came round. What's that no doorbell, but how were we meant to know they came round. It seems because no-one answered the door to an invisible doorbell it was left at number 18. But what's that, they havn't recieved anything in the post all morning. = |


Geeus H Cist! There must be something in the postman water.

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Methinks they were either behind or wanted to clock out so they just walked up and rammed the letter into your door and ran away!

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Thats the thing I dont understand with mine. Seriously there was a 30 second gap between the letterbox first sound and second....he must of started writing the letter immediately. Like...WTF...do you not want me to have the package?

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I also think they stole it or gave it to another house and just wrote 18 on the card cos they're incompetent pricks.

I now have to wait till the 7th, 3 days after the delivery estimate, before I can email amazon asking where it's gone. All because some penis head can't do his job properly.

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DAY SO FAR. Woke up, overslept alarm by 45 mins, rushed straight out, got to uni, had lecture/seminar on feminism and all it's anality. I was the only guy in the seminar so I was expected to know all about the stereotyping of these poor women. Oxymorons, the lot of 'em.


Got home and thought I'd lost my hearing aid. Website said i'd probably have to contribute to a replacement... they're like a grand each... then chris found it half an hour later! WOO!


Day to come involves.. pizza hut, a movie and some hair of the dog! I suppose I should eat, too. Where's my woman! the kitchen is empty without one!

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My days been ok. We cut up a rat in biology which really, really reaked.


Just had gammon for my dinner and it resembled the smell of the rat so i ended up leaving it.

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Had a not too bad day. Lots of work had do be done, which I never ended up doing.:heh:


Also, I have to be at college at 6am tomorrow! I'm going to a day of lectures in Manchester Uni (Philosophy and Ethics). 6am!!!:(

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Feeling a bit poopy. School was meh, not fun or anything.

Had a short nap after school, which has made me feel a tiny bit better, though I'm still very tired (as always). I'm now trying to work on my new Composition assignment, but I haven't had any inspiration for it all week. No idea what to do with it, which is totally not good. =(


I'm also kinda drowning in work again. Dad has a ticket over for a concert on Sunday that I kinda want to go to as well, but I think I have to say no cause of the amount of work. >.<;

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Had a rather shit day actually.


First of all, when I left my house to drive to school, I suddenly realised I had forgot my scooter keys. Since my parents were out taking the dogs for a walk, I was locked out. Due to sheer genius, I managed to get into my house, got my keys, and arrived 15 minutes late for school ¬¬


Later, at breaktime, someone kept slapping me around the neck, so I grabbed him by his neck, slammed him against a wall, and strangled him until I couldn't be arsed to do it anymore.


Also, I nearly fell to sleep during Physics and Chemistry about 50 times. In between this class and the final one, a few things happened that aren't worth mentioning.


One last shitty thing that happened was that when I was going to my scooter to go home (I was talking with a mate, by the way), since I was feeling depressed, I smashed my keys down on the ground, and broke the key for the chain, so I had to wait half an hour for my dad to come with the spare key.


On a lighter note, seeing

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It seems the neighbours did get my package. The woman there took it to work with her...why I don't know.

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On a lighter note, seeing


I forgot about that...

I wish I hadn't - it's made of win. :D


I've had a pretty good day, I drove home from the next town today, and that took us through two large roundabouts, and it got me to my highest speed yet - 55mph.


I'm liking driving!


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I forgot about that...

I wish I hadn't - it's made of win. :D


I've had a pretty good day, I drove home from the next town today, and that took us through two large roundabouts, and it got me to my highest speed yet - 55mph.


I'm liking driving!



What car do you have The Fish?

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urgh. finally had enough energy to go to work today after daaays of being ill ~ was SO busy >_< we got a delivery of 40 DS lites in at 12.00 - they'd ALL been sold by 12.45 O___o everyone's gone mad!

maaa-ha-ha-haaaaad i tell youu!

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I got up at 4:35pm today. That's diabollockal! :nono:


Oh god. Heroes was sweebern!


If by "sweebern" you mean "overrated and boring", I understand fully. : peace:

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If by "sweebern" you mean "overrated and boring", I understand fully. : peace:


Aston Villa is sweebern!


My day has been good, although just found out c3 and fp1 maths papers are exactly same time, therefore 2 big maths exams in one go in january :( bad times.

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Aston Villa is sweebern!


Touche, my Chelsea-supporting...er...acquaintance. :heh:


but what about teh Middlesbrough?

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Zoom zoom zoooooooom!


*hopefully people will realise I copied it out of scrubs*


Just found out I may still have to work new years day :o BAD TIMES INDEED:shakehead

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