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Kid that thinks I'm racist has been threatening me and being a general ****, but other than that it hasn't been too bad.

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You should stop calling him a nigger then.


Seriously though, whats that about Tellyn?


Lol :heh: He's been racist to my white mate all year, my friend turned round and called him a paki. He went and reported it and told me to go make a statement, I said no, henceforth I am racist and have been making terrorist jokes about him. Makes perfect sense really. :blank:

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Day has been good so far, apart from getting repetative texts and calls from my mates x g/f demanding an explanation to why i revealed her cheating on my mate to my mate. I ain't giving her one, she doesn't deserve one at all in my opinion.


Find out tonight if she is down pub, probably probe me for more info most likely.


It all comes down to how close you were with her.


if you where then its your friendship with her vs her relationship

IMO you were well within your rights!

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Yay!! The international food fair is back in town! There's a Dutchman selling ostrich burgers! Apparently he sometimes sells crocodile meat (But not alligator, that would just be silly.) :yay:

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Lol :heh: He's been racist to my white mate all year, my friend turned round and called him a paki. He went and reported it and told me to go make a statement, I said no, henceforth I am racist and have been making terrorist jokes about him. Makes perfect sense really. :blank:


Oy, I unfortunately know things like this all too well.


There was a large Pakistani presence in my secondary school. If you reported one of them for something, you were racist, if they reported you for something youd get told off/punished extremely, due to teachers being called racist is nothing was done.


Gotta love the time a guy called Jvard spat on me in the middle of the play ground, then with the clearly evident proof of it happening (Both from eye withness accounts and the residue on my top) and yet nothing was done. It was a joyful childhood.

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Today has been a good day. A mate came to me with a game idea and said if you've any ideas just throw them to him.

I'm loving what he's thought, but these are the guys who say they want to do this. They can draw what they want and they can visualise what they want, quite clearly, I can a little aswell. But these guys won't actually make the game. It would be good if they actually made one...yeah..

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Today I was up at 5am for work, I worked hard all day, came home and now im really knackered. I popped over the shops and man it's manic over there. People think it's Christmas tomorrow or something!!

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School was kinda okay, but boring as well and just meh. Even though I got back my results for my Flash exam; an "outstanding" is what I got (pretty much the highest you can get or something). Too bad that's only a small percentage of my actual grade.


Evening turned into a crappy one cause of stupid discussions going on at dinner over nothing really. Upsets me so much it makes me cry. ='(

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WEll i went back tot he doctors today, as my throat still hasn't cleared (after 2 coures of different antibiotics). i now have some stronger (larger) pills, that are apparently likely to make me throw up, and im going for blood tests tommorow for glandular fever.

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My sleeping habits are starting to really annoy me :/

Becoming very regular that i oversleep and then find out that my alarm clock rang and my mum came in and woke me and i have no memory of that happening!

Keep falling asleep during the day.

Thinking about talking to a specialist about this

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My day went stupid.


I got Letty's birthday present, got off work a little early so i could go get the bus.


However, i was at home and i realised "oh fuck, i have to collect rent tonight." So basically, i had to ring Letty, she was upset and now i feel like crap.


Joy of my fucking land lord making me do this shit.

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Oh no, just got shit. Claires/my dog had to be put down. :( :( :(


Thats terrible ReZ. :(


I Hope you/Claire are ok.

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Haven't posted in here for a few days, so will sum up the last few days.

Saturday I spent the day in town with my girlfriend and her cousin, then we went back to hers and she attempted to dye my hair red, it didn't work very well, so her cousin put ketchup in my hair :( I then made her hair look mad. Was fun. We then went to my mates 18th birthday party and had to pretend that we were 'just friends' as her ex who was there didn't know about us, and we didn't want him to know so it didnt ruin the party. We were told that he had found out, so stopped pretending, but it turned out that he didn't know. he just avoided us and then after she went home, he was in such a crap mood, making everyones night a misery. I got half an hours sleep at most.


Sunday was generally just shit due to lack of sleep and the rain.


Today has been good. Got lots of english coursework done, and had a great driving lesson. Just got my glasses back after being away for repair for 1 and a half weeks and I look well strange with them now!


Edit: aaww, sorry to hear about your dog Rez :(

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Today was a big waste of time. Went to school and non of the teachers were in, so today involved listening to music and eating :D


You know what, i think it's time for a sig change.

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Who are you collecting rent from Jordanian?


Flat mates...

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Mcoy had a busy day today, Mcoy was also an hour late home because of a meeting! Mcoy however is now relaxing on his favorite forums :)

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Thats terrible ReZ. :(


I Hope you/Claire are ok.


Edit: aaww, sorry to hear about your dog Rez :(


Thanks guys. Tis quite upsetting...she was a really cool dog, who I grew to love over the 2 and 1/2 years I knew her. Claire knew her obviously for longer and she is very upset. :(


(Here she is)




Anyway, I have a new signature and avatar combo. Must look at avatar first. Thoughts?

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Mcoy had a busy day today, Mcoy was also an hour late home because of a meeting! Mcoy however is now relaxing on his favorite forums :)


Do you type like a pretentious **** on all of them or just N-Europe?

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Do you type like a pretentious **** on all of them or just N-Europe?


aww i read it as more "drunk vegas tour-guide" than "pretentious insert-4-letter-word-here" :smile:


reZ sorry to hear your news :(

your avatar/sig reads well ... bluey approves.... (ahh i cant do it)

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I was feeling down for the day but I saw something that quite funny that has cheer me up.

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