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Sorry to hear that Dante.


My dad died when I was only 3 years old, it's crap.


My thougths are with you and your family.

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Im really sorry to hear that Dante. My thoughts are with you.

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Thanks everyone.

My dad was only sixty six when he died. :cry:


my thoughts as always are with you my friend.

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Man, I just sneezed whilst a tissue was shoved up my nose stopping the flow of blood.

I tried so hard to stop the sneeze, nothing could be done. I was bent over a bin though.



Can''t go to bed till this stops.

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Just finished a second draft of my short story, I'm going to sleep on it now. Need a bit of space to think about it. Its coming together nicely. I'm very pleased with it.

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I've been distracted from GTA all day when I was meant to revise all day. Bugger.

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Heres the most annoying thing thats happend to me all day:


I was at the super market, getting lunch. Just had 3 items, walked to the 10 items or less check out and some cock old woman was there with like atleast 30 items.


Its called 10 items or less for a reason. If it was up to me if you had way more than 10 you should be told to go to the another busier check out.



I was on a tandem checkout today and it was quite busy. Several people kept trying to use either self service or my tandem (10 items or less) till, and whenever they did I told them I couldn't serve them.


The customer is never right.

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I was on a tandem checkout today and it was quite busy. Several people kept trying to use either self service or my tandem (10 items or less) till, and whenever they did I told them I couldn't serve them.


The customer is never right.


agreed, I have to rant about old people so much they do my head in. Like friday I have to get on an hourly bus to get to my train station and I'm tall so I can't exactly sit with another person unless I'm on the end or by the window and I HATE sitting next to people anyway (I'm abit of a ew strangers stay away sort of person) so I was sitting down and there was other free seats with people alot shorter than me and this old fat woman sits next to me and I'm squished up.


grr woman I had to sit with my knees bashing against the seat in front and my back stupidly straight whilst she had all the bloody room and she tutted at me when I was about to get off, oo how tempted it would have been to smack her..


Now about little bratty kids on trains...grr.. :blank:

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and she tutted at me when I was about to get off,


Haha, what? Why the fuck would she tut you as you got off?

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Aww crap. I left something at work I really need to work on at the office, so I was driving out to get it.


And the car died. I called out the break down people, who think it may be the alternator, but he didn't sound convinced and there may well be additional problems. Gutted.


I might ask the bank for some money on tuesday and see about getting a new /marginally less ancient one. Hmmm. I wish I didn't live so far from work.

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Wow, I just wrote "Homo are the most prolific tools of all the genera." as the opening to an essay by mistake. :heh:

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Anyone know who Steve Penk is? Apparently I just met him, some sort of radio DJ and TV presenter.

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I'm sorry to hear that Dante. :(:(




We are here for you.


Anyone know who Steve Penk is? Apparently I just met him, some sort of radio DJ and TV presenter.


I've heard of him. I think he used to work on capital Fm. Someone made me listen to a Cd of his prank calls when i was on a coach trip to somewhere when I was about 12-13. They were quite funny! It past the time. :)

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Haha, what? Why the fuck would she tut you as you got off?


because I probably didn't say thankyou, why I should say thankyou when the old fart made me lose nearly all the feelings in my legs because of how I had to sit because she's too fat to walk further to get another damn seat I don't know!


Pissed off already, stupid mum, oh yeah have your presents on your birthday so it means by the time the fucking money clears my birthday might as well be the days you've come back..


I'm starting to realise how shit them going away is going to be..:blank:

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agreed, I have to rant about old people so much they do my head in. Like friday I have to get on an hourly bus to get to my train station and I'm tall so I can't exactly sit with another person unless I'm on the end or by the window and I HATE sitting next to people anyway (I'm abit of a ew strangers stay away sort of person) so I was sitting down and there was other free seats with people alot shorter than me and this old fat woman sits next to me and I'm squished up.


grr woman I had to sit with my knees bashing against the seat in front and my back stupidly straight whilst she had all the bloody room and she tutted at me when I was about to get off, oo how tempted it would have been to smack her..


Now about little bratty kids on trains...grr.. :blank:


Argh FAT BITCH!! You should of looked at her widen your eyes and patted the seat, thats freaky enough to stop any one sitting next to you...... unless there pissed or so screwed up they should be in a mental home...

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someone assumed i was an canadian lesbian today.

i was far more upset about them assuming i was anything other than british than the assumption that i had a girlfriend.. :blank:

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someone assumed i was an canadian lesbian today.

i was far more upset about them assuming i was anything other than british than the assumption that i had a girlfriend.. :blank:


Hehe. Yeah that sounds about right - Brits worrying more about nationality than sexuality.

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Christ, thats terrible Dante. I really hope you're alright, and if you want to talk you know you just have to message me on msn.




I'm shattered. I drank to much last night and got harldy any sleep due to being up and awake contemplating things (well that and trying not to roll off the sofa).

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Shit. Leeds just lost. :(


Just be thankful it hasn't ruined your birthday. Like a certain Irishman in Kiwiland.

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What a nothing of a day. Slept late. Wanted to do some stuff but it was rainy so I waited that out. Did laundry. Bought some Ibuprofen. Think im going to spend the rest of the day watching Jericho and force myself to do a bit of Wii Fit.


Tomorrow may go to Birmingham just so I do something with my day.

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Just be thankful it hasn't ruined your birthday. Like a certain Irishman in Kiwiland.


I'm speaking to said Irishman about it now. :(

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