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Monster Hunter Tri


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I recon this has a very good chance of selling well...for a third party game..


see people have been complaining about the sales of red steel 2 but I still believe it to be a niche style game.


This could be the very first third party game to crack the wii properly..

Its part of a big series, its getting good reviews, its not a gimmicky spinoff


Just my views. Theres always a chance it'll still sell like shit because its essentially a big ip over here and I hear its selling shitty in hapan already.

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I was wondering, will I need a new Wii Speak for this? I registered it on my white Wii but thats only for the channel and not the actual device, correct? If it doesn't work on my black Wii then at least I have the keyboard all set to go.


Yeah that's just for the channel, will work fine on the game. I've used my WiiSpeak and never bothered to download the channel.


Screams of joy once revenge is mine I tell you!!! I'm sure he one shot me(or there abouts) Got him to retreat back to the water after taunting him to the land. Then once he got back in the water after charging right me, lifted up his head and looked right at me while I was drinking a mega potion, shot lightning orb at me and I went right down.


Only 3 groups had beaten him in the events since they started, we were gunning for the 4th but never made it. We laughed as we seen Quropeco as 1 star difficulty, Barroth was 3, Lagi was just "DANGER".

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Went to the cinema today and this was advertised before the film! Very good if you ask me! If this doesn't do well, then i don't know what they have to do...


I personally think it'll do well, or at the very least, do a fair bit better over here than the prevous entries. The marketing campaign behind has been really good so far and the pre-order charts are looking really hopefull.



I am very much liking it. The online quests will really make things so much better than it already is. I really see this as becoming my top Wii game.

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:( Help.


Should I buy this?

I probably will have Demon's Souls when Monster Hunter 3 is released. Besides that there are still so many other games that I have to play through.

But I want it. A lot. More so because its online is free-to-play.


Maybe this + Demon's Souls will prevent me from buying more games throughout the next 3-4 months.


Well, I pre-ordered it, but there's still a probability that I'll cancel it.


Edit: What's your guess on how many from NE will buy the game? :p

Edited by drahkon
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Some of the weekly quests on the PS2 version were great, especially the ones that pitted you against the smaller enemies and then you had to kill them all ASAP to get on the leaderboard. There was always a mad rush of entries before the quest ended for the week, everyone tried to nab that top spot at the last minute. :D

It made for some great, friendly competition amongst everyone and it helped you brush up your skills with various weapons as some were more suited than others.


My advice to those sitting on the fence with this game ( seems to be a few of you ) is don't get it unless your willing to put alot of time in to it. I've said before, as have the reviews and previews, that the learning curve is pretty steep if your new to the series.


I would love everyone to buy it but its a marmite series that won't appeal to everyone.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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:( Help.


Should I buy this?

I probably will have Demon's Souls when Monster Hunter 3 is released.


Hm. Demon's Souls. Now there's something that'll make me go *nom* when i have a go at it. :D


Just preordered my MHT bundle. Got the chest pack for £49. Now i definitely can't wait for the 17th... agh... Manchester, here i comeeee!!!

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My advice to those sitting on the fence with this game ( seems to be a few of you ) is don't get it unless your willing to put alot of time in to it.


I am willing to do so. I will be able to put a lot of time into gaming from May to October since I don't have anything to do then.


Never played a game of the series and I haven't seen much of it to be honest. But I know that I'll like this game.

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My advice to those sitting on the fence with this game ( seems to be a few of you ) is don't get it unless your willing to put alot of time in to it. I've said before, as have the reviews and previews, that the learning curve is pretty steep if your new to the series.



Such is the reason why I'll seriously consider a purchase after I've done my A-Levels. I'm just worried that come the end of June, I'm going to be so hopeless compared to everybody else...

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We shall show you the way grasshopper.


Some details on the whole online quests:


Event quests: 4 players can join together that meet the required hunter rank to participate in numerous challenges and fighting out against monsters of varying difficulty. These event quest will also offer the 3 specialized weapons that fans of the series produced for Capcom some months ago. For the hunters to low of a rank to join in will have to work on their hunter for the next time that specific event returns.


Gigantic Monster Quests: Specialised 1 day events, so make sure you're quick to take up this challenge. This will put players against the mighty Jhen Mohran while on a ship, which will have you make use of the ships cannons aswell as your own hunter skills.


Arena Quests: These put 2 hunters to work together in coliseums battling massive beasts, or in a time attack style which will offer better rewards the faster your completion time is.


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Let him dream. Let him dream...


I'll continue playing Monster Hunter 3, but just not as hardcore as I will for the first month :heh:



Now Nintendo make sure you don't only do this for Monster Hunter 3 but for Dragon Quest IX as well >_>

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Yeah same here most likely. Exams will end up pulling me away so i'l be on less for a few weeks. Curse you education system!!!


Also, I wonder what the size of this Rathalos figure will be. It looked a fair size from the release picture. Would be good if they took one of it just sitting on a desk or something.

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Just preordered my MHT bundle. Got the chest pack for £49. Now i definitely can't wait for the 17th... agh... Manchester, here i comeeee!!!


From Gamestation/Gameplay? Just noticed that they've reduced it by £10 to £49.99. Still £59.99 at GAME, but they may follow suit. Naturally, I've changed my order so I can get those 2 busts :bouncy:


If anyone is after a Wii Speak PM me with a price as I'll have a spare one now, or I'll just create a thread in the bargains board later. :laughing:

Edited by welsh_gamer
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My nephew and I were doing a little digging around for info yesterday and found out some great stuff.


The Event Quests in Japan have changed from what they used to be on the PS2 version. There used to be 1 quest per week but now it seems that there are at least 3-4 per week. These quests offer various things to do but also offer different chllenges depending on what Hunter Rank ( HR ) you are. Some quests won't be open for you unless you reach a certain HR but as its been stated before the events will come around again. So most of the time the EQs will give new and experienced hunters something to do.


Looking at the Japanese schedule of events they seem to get repeated more often than they did on the PS2 ( due to the amout per week ). This is a good thing because it was very annoying not being able to farm the items you needed and then have to wait say another 2 months for something like Kirin to appear again.


We looked at the carve rates of various beasties and thankfully there is nothing as bad as Lao/Rathlos/Rathian Plates from MH1 which had a carve rate of 1%. The plates ( and rubies/sapphies ) themselves are still in the game but the percentage is higher now at around 3-4% and you get a chance to get them in the rewards screen just like on the PSP games. You usually need these carves to make some of the best weapons and armour in the MH games.


I sat down and had a look at the MH guide I got free with ONM and was quite shocked when I looked at the controls for the Classic Controller Pro.


I assumed that they would use the PS2 setup with it having 2 analogue sticks but it seems the right analogue stick is for the camera and not the attacks, while the buttons are used for the attacks just like on the PSP. Im not that bothered as im used to the PSP games but they said they wanted to make this MH more user friendly so the PS2 controls should have been the way to go as they were way easier to get to grips with than the PSP ones.

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Ooh, hello surprising IGN UK review


9.0 Presentation

Monster design is superb, the world feels organic and alive, and the maps are varied and visually interesting.


9.0 Graphics

It's the most graphically ambitious game on the Wii by far; open environments and astonishing, detailed, frightening and enormously proportioned monsters push the console further than we've ever seen.

8.0 Sound


Sounds of nature transform into fast-paced orchestral battle music in combat – each monster's is different – but it's the roars, thuds and forcible impacts that resonate most.


9.0 Gameplay

With a Classic Controller, Monster Hunter Tri plays perfectly; combat is heart-poundingly compulsive and different weapon types offer enormous scope to make the game your own.


9.5 Lasting Appeal

Monster Hunter has hundreds of hours' worth of content, but you may not want to experience them all. However much time you spend on it, though, Tri rewards in spades.




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