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Some Advice Please


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I'd just like to say in advance that I have nothing to do with this person and what he's been doing has nothing to do with anything I've done.


Anyway, there's this kid in my class at school who every lunch hour gets high on some kind of drug. Now for no reason at all he's decided to come after me a few days ago he stole one of my textbooks and gave it to one of his druggie friends who from what I was told disposed of the book into one of the school garbage cans. Of coarse I didn't find out about this until I noticed it was missing but he said a few things that were just as good as admitting that he took it, and a friend of mine saw him handing it off. The vice principal is trying to track that down but for now I'm out of a text book and I have a project coming up in that subject. Today he came after me about 10 minutes ago on my way to lunch (I think he was already high) and he tried to punch me so I shouted at him and he walked away (probably to get some of his druggie friends) but I got safely home before he came back.


So what should I do about this, I'm just afraid that he's going to do something really bad (unfortunately he knows where I live).

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Start judo. Worked for me.



Nah, just take a gun into school and kill him, wearing a trenchcoat and listening to Linkin Park.


Get your school to bring his parents in and tell them about what he's been doing. Let them know that you know he's been taking drugs, and make sure you walk to and from school in a group.

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Buy a new text book and do your work.


See the problem with that is Its a school owned text book and if I paid for a new one it wouldn't come until my project was due. Plus I'd be out about 100$ Canadian. The main problem is that he's targeting me not that the text books gone as I could probably get most of the research done on the internet.


The other problem is that my teacher isn't very bright and thinks that whoever has the book will have it on them and be using it. So instead of talking to them she just grabs the book and checks the number.


Sounds like the best plan.


I don't think he's ever met his dad before and apparently his mom works from very early until midnight. Plus she knows he's on drugs.

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Stick with your friends always at school, buy a new book and be a bit more confident, guys like these are normally pussies if they've got something to lose, if he starts pushing you around you push back, and if you ever start insulting each other here's a good one:


"No wonder your dad fucked off, you're a fucking ****."


Harsh and personal, the way I like it.

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What kind of drugs exactly?


Don't worry about teh text book. You don't have to pay a penny - it's not like the school can steal the money off of you, so just flat out refuse.


That was my plan, I think he's on Marijuana but I don't really have any idea.

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That was my plan, I think he's on Marijuana but I don't really have any idea.

well weed's the most likely thing. Bear in mind, though, that if he's an asshole it's not smoking pot that's going to be the reason. I would recommend the main pursuit should be the theft, not the character judgement though.


It doesn't sound like he's completely 'after' you - he could be hassling you much worse. You say the principal is doing something about it, I would recommend doing your project from a friend's copy, or maybe check the library. I'm sure even if they don't have any copies to lend out they'd have a reference copy, and you could do your work in teh library?

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The best advice you'll get here: stop being a fucking pussy. Confront him, verbally, if he gets too physicall, respond. Never back down, never give in. Even if you get your ass kicked, respect is earned through preserverance of will.


kill him....make it look like an accident, like suicide or an overdose


My proposal take the corpse to the bathtub and drain the blood out of the bastard, but strip yourself nude first so you don't get blood on your new shirt and cut the fuckin' corpse up like a butcher to meat kid, put the pieces inside trash bags so he'll be wreaking like a fags ass with flesh covered in leeches and throw the bags away in various trash bins in different areas.

Nobody notices some asshole taking out the garbage who would know it's a carcass?

Even if they were focusing 'cause the plastic bag is dark, and even some nosy bitch wouldn't open it, it make no sense and if you do it just before a trash pick up, the bodies hauled away before it decays and stinks up. It won't be noticed in the middle of literally tons up other shit. And your bag is in the middle buried right under it. Especially if you double-bagged it


Bodies begin to stink within an hour of death and if it's warm outside then it's quicker for the sour stench to leak out the flesh, so think about the steps you taking killing and be willing to consider the best.

Be extra careful and grab an aerosol can of pepper spray to coat the pieces (the smell is unbearable). Hold the first layer of bag beautifully that'll keep animals from tearing open the bag to get to the meat.

Officers with dogs that smell won't find shit when they thrown off the scent


You could hang a fuck upside down in a tub and slit his throat from ear to ear to remove a large amount of blood most of it'll gush out on its own at once But to get that last couple of pints drained work his arms like pumps.

For dismemberment I recommend heavy duty brawn saws that cut through gendleums like pendulums. But if you want to take your time don't rush it

either cut each piece off like Pizza Hut pizza with a rusty cleaver, then put each piece up in a freezer... take out the trash in a couple of days the stench of decomposition's meager.


A wood chipper turns a corpse into chopped meat spread it all over ya grass then water it down properly, within a few days the cadaver's fertilizer.


Regardless how you tried these methods be careful with prints and rented equipment use cash and fake id's.


(hoping for someone to recognize this)

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The best advice you'll get here: stop being a fucking pussy. Confront him, verbally, if he gets too physicall, respond. Never back down, never give in. Even if you get your ass kicked, respect is earned through preserverance of will.


I've been doing that.


I found out my project probably shouldn't use the textbook so I should be fine there, and if this hasn't been resolved by the time the projects over (and since the vice principal hasn't so much as talked to him yet...) I'll walk up to the vice principal and demand a new book (well I doubt it but It depends on what else happens)

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First of all I feel for you bud, i went through something similar. I kept out of the way for awhile but like a bad stench they just come back. People will probably bitch about this but the best thing to do is really: Tell a teacher.

Tell them what you've told us on here and say you're just a little concerned and "frightened". Just say you want them to keep an eye on it and make sure it's documented. If it continues go back to the same teacher and say it hasn't stopped. They should have it all documented if you asked them too. If there is paperwork (documented history) you can get pretty much sort anything out there and then. I'm sure the hassle the dude will get from this will mean he backs off and goes and bothers someone else/sorts himself out.


If he doesn't change the teachers will see this. And remember: He will be living from the dumpsters trying to feed his drug addiction whilst you'll be a better person. Just get your head down and get your work done regardless. I'm sure some fit girl in your class will have the same notes you need. Bonus!

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