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Which forumite would you take into war?


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Well, I think you should all be picking me if you want a good soldier, as I actually know how to use a rifle and all, and I'm probably one of a few who's used a firearm.


I've used one, although I was so small I had to put the rifle over my shoulder instead of tucked into my chest. Barely hit anything, but didn't feel the recoil.

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Pacifism is the way forward! I will only ever use violence as in defence of myself and others, and only as a last resort.

However, if violence is needed, you want to be on my side. :heh:




Me and you could team up and kick some arse! :heh:


We go down the left, Nintenchris and Stefkov go down the right, and UK and Stuwii run around in the middle in bright clothes. :awesome:


It's such a great military tactic, it might just work!


haha big time I played cs on pc and er call of duty on the wii. Oh dear im dead lol.

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Dan Dare. Because he's basically me, and I'd trust me in a volatile situation.


I was just about to suggest you, on the grounds that we are brain twins, and thus would form an invincible psychic assassin squad when in close proximity. Just think Summer Glau with more facial hair and the pressing need for a codpiece in a combat environment.

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Guest Stefkov
Well, I think you should all be picking me if you want a good soldier, as I actually know how to use a rifle and all, and I'm probably one of a few who's used a firearm.

I've fired an air rifle a fair few times, a couple times a year. With competitions in Derby which I never won ¬_¬.

Fired a pistol meself aswell, into the air mind, lets of a lot of noise though.

Oh and also a shotgun, that was awesome.

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Now that Beardy Man is part of the forums (finally) I would take him.

Why? Cause he has such incredible luck, nothing bad would happen to us.


Now that I'm in the forums ( finally! :) ) I would take Hellfire and oxygen!

My incredible luck would make us impervious to any attack, Hellfire would endlessly taunt the enemy thus driving him into madness and oxygen would give an Heavy Metal thunder in these days of Doom! ...


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