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Mario Galaxy Vs Halo 3


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What are you actually saying is bull?


Halo sells well on day 1 and its hype that immediately goes away' date=' Mario sells well on day 1 and its got legs and will carry on selling at this level?


If we look at your previous Mario games it would seem to me the franchise is going one way:


Mario 3 - Best ever

Mario 64 - 10m

[b']Sunshine - not even a mention[/b]


Seems like the series hit its peak a long time ago from that.


Both the 360 and the Wii have roughly similar levels of consoles in homes and the fact is that Mario hasn't done as well as Halo 3.


Er... why not even mention sunshine? It sold 5.5 million copies. It was a hit by all accounts.


Long term worldwide sales are what counts, this argument will be settled in a long time. However, I'm happy to see SMG getting such good reviews and holding out so well on Gamerankings.


It got a 10 in the latest Edge too, which is saying something!

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Halo 3 is the fifth best reviewed game in history. So your argument doesn't hold any water.

That doesn't mean it's amazingly good....GoW's better.


Halo's Campaign has to be in co-op to be any good for a start; and the Multiplayer's pretty good.

Halo's majorly overhyped, so much so i thought I wouldnt enjoy the 3rd one, as the others weren't great, I ended up getting it anyway though, and i'd rate it about an 8.5. What I also rate all 3 360 CODs.

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What are you actually saying is bull?


Halo sells well on day 1 and its hype that immediately goes away' date=' Mario sells well on day 1 and its got legs and will carry on selling at this level?


If we look at your previous Mario games it would seem to me the franchise is going one way:


Mario 3 - Best ever

Mario 64 - 10m

Sunshine - not even a mention


Seems like the series hit its peak a long time ago from that.


Both the 360 and the Wii have roughly similar levels of consoles in homes and the fact is that Mario hasn't done as well as Halo 3.[/quote']


Mario sales have declined in the same way Nintendo's hardware sales have. That's just common sense, the less hardware sold, the less software sold, right? Well, it doesn't take a genius to see the Wii is flying off of shelves faster then any Nintendo console in history (maybe not the NES?) so you would except Galaxy sales to ultimately surpass that of any previous Mario. Seeing as it's now the faster selling Mario game in America, I'd say it's a fair estimate to say it's going to be in the record books.


And er, I love the way you skimped past the sales of New Super Mario Bro's. Let me guess, that doesn't count because it's on a handheld? Even though it's still the same franchise and same formula :/.


The whole long term sales argument makes sense for the Wii. I mean look at Metroid Prime 3 and Bioshock, Bioshock had very sizeable figures for it's first few weeks, and far outsold Metroid Prime 3. Now we're about 2 months on, and Metroid Pirme 3 is doubling Bioshock sales every week and narrowing the gap by 10k copies weekly. Yeah it's a large gap 250k, but chances are by the end of it's lifetime MP3 will have got it even.


This is just the trend we see in all Wii software and all 360 software, they're two completely different types of userbase which have some similarities. Halo 3 sales will soon die to the realms of negliable, whereas Galaxy will keep racking up the sales week in week out like all the successful games on DS, or Twilight Princess and Resident Evil 4 on the Wii.

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That doesn't mean it's amazingly good....GoW's better.


Halo's Campaign has to be in co-op to be any good for a start; and the Multiplayer's pretty good.

Halo's majorly overhyped, so much so i thought I wouldnt enjoy the 3rd one, as the others weren't great, I ended up getting it anyway though, and i'd rate it about an 8.5. What I also rate all 3 360 CODs.


I have to agree really. At first i thought it was fairly good. Now it's died off. CoD4>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Halo 3 by a fucken mile. Serial, H3 was overhyped to the max.

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Because it's short enough to be replayed hundreds of times, unlike something that's 5-7 hours long.

That's actually a good point; I don't mind playing through Resi DS a few times...But REmake?! No thanks :heh:


Actually they're 12 year old American kids. Or guys thinking they're gangstas.


Trust me, i've played enough on XBOX Live to know this.


They're younger than that:heh: Seem more like 8.:heh: It's Northern Kids a lot too.


Doesn't mean Mario had any effect on it though. People most definately bought 360's to play Halo' date=' I doubt quite so many bought a Wii to play Mario.[/quote']

People bought the 360 for COD, XB Lives greatness & Gears;)

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Mario will probably sell more in the long run. Galaxy is a unique game, if someone wants to play it in 10 years time then they will have to buy Mario Galaxy. In 10 years time there will be a Halo game far better than Halo 3, possibly even a Halo 3 remake.


If we were to talk in terms of hours played though, then Halo 3 will win hands down. I doubt Galaxy will ever be played as much as Halo 3 in its first 6 months of release. I'll pop in a quick estimate of 600 Million hours in the first 6 months, theres roughly 130,000 online at the moment and this will shoot up during America prime time. To say people didn't buy 360s for Halo 3 is idiotic, it's the most played 360 game, most played live game and biggest selling 360 game. Nearly every 360 owner will buy Halo 3.


Galaxy and the Wii is a weird one, to the majority of the Wii's fan-base it's just another game really. They don't read reviews etc and the game case, marketing etc don't really sell this up as being the new big Mario game. We know it's bloody amazing, but do the masses? Do they even care? Or is it just another game in the sea of Wii games, set to compete against titles like "My Horse and Me"? New Super Mario Bros. sold off the nostalgic feel, it looked and played old-school. Galaxy doesn't have that, so it's down to the 'Mario' name to make it sell.

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Nintendo have done such a tremendous job of weakening Mario's appeal by putting his fat hairy face in every other game they publish. I think Galaxy's impact suffered as a result.


Absence really does make the heart grow fonder, if only Nintendo understood this

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Er... why not even mention sunshine? It sold 5.5 million copies. It was a hit by all accounts.


Because it was a reply to someone else's post that didn't mention Mario Sunshine. I'm not saying the game didn't do well, just that it continues the declining Mario trend.


Mario sales have declined in the same way Nintendo's hardware sales have. That's just common sense, the less hardware sold, the less software sold, right? Well, it doesn't take a genius to see the Wii is flying off of shelves faster then any Nintendo console in history (maybe not the NES?) so you would except Galaxy sales to ultimately surpass that of any previous Mario. Seeing as it's now the faster selling Mario game in America, I'd say it's a fair estimate to say it's going to be in the record books.


Yes thats very true, the point of the thread wasn't the overall sales of Galaxy though, it was which of that and Halo 3 is doing better, at the moment thats Halo 3 - by quite a large margin.


The problem games like Galaxy face is that the majority of Wii owners are not people like us who have been into games for a while and know what the best titles are. Its telling that Mario Sunshine sold to 1 in 5 GameCube owners wheras so far Mario Galaxy is only selling to 1 in 20 Wii owners.


And er, I love the way you skimped past the sales of New Super Mario Bro's. Let me guess, that doesn't count because it's on a handheld? Even though it's still the same franchise and same formula :/.


I didn't skimp past it at all, I was responding to a particular post that made no mention of it. I'm not in the office today so I don't have any figures for me to make any worthwhile comment on it. I would imagine that Mario Galaxy will sell in a very similar fashion to New Super Mario Brothers indeed. The game still sells well now and I expect Mario Galaxy will do well for a good while too. Whether its enough to catch and overtake Halo I'm not sure. Its all going to depend on how long the Wii keeps up its ridiculous sales for.


I completely agree with the rest of what you say on the Wii sales model. Overall sales for exclusive games obviouslly depends a lot on the hardware sales for the machine a game is available on. This can cause problems with comparisons of actual performance and often a relative figure is more helpful in both comparing success and gaining knowledge on particular customer bases.


Of the people I know with Wiis the gamers among them have already picked up and are playing Mario. The more casual types have heard about it but haven't bothered with it yet, most have it on their radar as a possibility. Unfortunately the majority of Wii owners are made up of the latter type of gamer.

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Fuck this shit, thread ender right here:






It's physically possible for a game to have legs. Halo will drop off the charts soon, shit for all I know it already has, but Mario has saying power. Mario Sunshine was in the top 10 best selling Gamecube games a good 3 YEARS and sold over 6 million copies, thats just 1 million under Halo 1. Galaxy is selling faster than any Mario game ever. Put 2 and 2 together.

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Yes thats very true' date=' the point of the thread wasn't the overall sales of Galaxy though, it was which of that and Halo 3 is doing better, at the moment thats Halo 3 - by quite a large margin.[/quote']


The point of the thread is for which will do better in the end, not who is doing better at the moment :P. Halo 3 is a hype machine, so the stronger launch was a guarentee.


The problem games like Galaxy face is that the majority of Wii owners are not people like us who have been into games for a while and know what the best titles are. Its telling that Mario Sunshine sold to 1 in 5 GameCube owners wheras so far Mario Galaxy is only selling to 1 in 20 Wii owners.


It's too soon to say stuff like that, Sunshine sold for a period of about 4 years, and at launch was nowhere near a 20% attatch rate it acheived in the end. I don't think Galaxy will have as high of an attatch rate as Sunshine had, but that won't matter once Wii hardware sales past GameCube's total.



I didn't skimp past it at all, I was responding to a particular post that made no mention of it. I'm not in the office today so I don't have any figures for me to make any worthwhile comment on it. I would imagine that Mario Galaxy will sell in a very similar fashion to New Super Mario Brothers indeed. The game still sells well now and I expect Mario Galaxy will do well for a good while too. Whether its enough to catch and overtake Halo I'm not sure. Its all going to depend on how long the Wii keeps up its ridiculous sales



New Super Mario Bro's has sold about 13 million worldwide, so the appeal is there. I've no doubt Galaxy can appeal to the casual market the Wii is known for in the same vein that New Super Mario Bro's did, just it's not going to happen in launch week. Nintendo marketing campaign won't come into full swing until months or years after release, I mean NSMB still has TV adverts today.

Of the people I know with Wiis the gamers among them have already picked up and are playing Mario. The more casual types have heard about it but haven't bothered with it yet, most have it on their radar as a possibility. Unfortunately the majority of Wii owners are made up of the latter type of gamer.


I think it's too soon to judge what type of people are the majority on the Wii. Twilight Princess has sold 4 million copies now, all the other Mario games have sold over 1 million copies. While I'm sure there will be people who only own Wii Fit and Wii Sports, equally Smash Bros / Galaxy / Metroid / Mario Kart are going to sell it to people who will buy Galaxy. With all the shortages and stuff chances are there are alot of people waiting to get the game who simply just can't yet.

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Well like I say I've not got access to any actual figures at the moment so I won't comment on those bits of your post until I do.


I don't think theres too much problem in judging the Wii userbase at the moment, it should be fairly reflective of the overall base. If anything a consoles userbase will become more casual as it goes through its lifecycle so ratios of casual/hardcore are likely to be more in favour of the latter now than they will be later on.


I completely agree with those saying Galaxy will be slower to reach its eventual sales figure, I'm just not at all sure it will sell to the levels of Halo 3. I think the eventual attach rate for Galaxy will be extremely low, but as you say, if hardware sales continue as they are then that will not be a factor in it reaching a wide audience.


Its certainly interesting, I was chatting with the games manager in a virgin megastore today and they happened to be getting a delivery of Wii's about 4 hours later. The queue to get the machines was already full so I went and had a chat to the people waiting to see what they were buying. Nearly all of them had Mario and Sonic but only two of them were buying Galaxy (Only 8 people in the queue - not the best representation I admit).


Mario can certainly still sell the games he's involved with, its just that the new Wii market wants those games to be completely different to what they have been in the past it seems.


I'm just not even sure what the overall outcome of the Mario vs Halo situation will be. Its very easy to make an argument either way. Whatever the outcome they both deserve to do incredibly well as they're both fantastic games.

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What are you actually saying is bull?


Halo sells well on day 1 and its hype that immediately goes away' date=' Mario sells well on day 1 and its got legs and will carry on selling at this level?


If we look at your previous Mario games it would seem to me the franchise is going one way:


Mario 3 - Best ever

Mario 64 - 10m

Sunshine - not even a mention


Seems like the series hit its peak a long time ago from that.


Both the 360 and the Wii have roughly similar levels of consoles in homes and the fact is that Mario hasn't done as well as Halo 3.[/quote']


...what? After the intial hype week for Halo 3, 360 sales slumped massively. You could argue that the money they put into marketing it was the reason why it sold a lot. Mario Galaxy will sell absolutely loads over a long period of time, like Wii Sports (in the sense people buy Wiis to play it).


Clearly you can't write off the Mario series when Galaxy and New Super Mario Brothers seem to be legends in their own right, with intermediate titles like sunshine. So really it's gone great -> ok -> great.

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Of course 360 sales fell after the Halo 3 launch week, but you could hardly call it slumped massively. They took a good while to get back down to the level they had been before the games launch. It will be interesting to see where the consoles lie after Christmas. Wii and PS3 are doing very well and the 360 seems to be being left behind a bit. Nintendo really need to get more machines out there or they could suffer if they don't live up to the potentially massive sales available to them.

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Nintendo have done such a tremendous job of weakening Mario's appeal by putting his fat hairy face in every other game they publish. I think Galaxy's impact suffered as a result.


Absence really does make the heart grow fonder, if only Nintendo understood this


I agree, Mario has been over done a little.


However, he still sold 500,000 copies of Mario Galaxy in the first week in the US, making it the quickest selling Mario game to date. Mario games have never been ones to sell by the bucket load in the first week then die off, but have sold consistently well over the generation.


Halo 3 sold phenomenely well in it's first week, but has since tailed off.

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I've noticed some misleading figures about Mario Galaxy sales in Japan, they have been listed a 70,000 copies in its first week, this is however untrue. It sold over 250,000 in it's first week in Japan and over 500,000 in it's first week in the US, making it the fastest selling Mario game to date.



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