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Mario Galaxy Vs Halo 3


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Halo has sold very well indeed, we've had a crazy hype machine, and it is by all accounts a very good (although very short) game.


However as someone else has pointed out, New Super Mario Bros has outsold any Halo game, as has Mario 64 and even Sunshine sold over 5 million copies outselling the original Halo.


Now we see the Wii dominating global sales, surpassing the 360 in terms of TOTAL sales and it shows no sign of slowing down, infact it sold more than the DS last month in North America.


Mario appeals to everyone, he is a gaming icon and has been since the 80s, he is synonymous with great gameplay without leaving the casual players out in the cold. He appeals to a worldwide audience far more than Materchief who doesn't have that critical pull outside the Western hemisphere.


Galaxy is also THE major Nintendo release and debuts at Christmas. All in all, taking past sales data, system sales, total system uptake and the worldwide audience into account Mario has a very real chance of outselling Halo 3.


PS: How come Mario 64 has fallen out of the gamerankings top 10? It's fallen from 20 to 19 critical reviews? Why has one been removed?

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Put simply long run Mario will win short run Halo.


Halo may have stood a better chance in the longterm if the ignorant Japanese gamers would actually buy a 360 machine.


Both games will offer completely different kinds of gaming experiences and as Aalborg said who cares which one sells better aslong as you enjoy them.

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My bets are on Halo, i think it will be close as Mario Galaxy looks amazing. But i just still think Halo will appeal to more people.
No, I don't think so. I do think that Halo appeals a lot more to people buying games though, and I don't think Mario Galaxy can get close to the Halo 3 sales. It's just not the same audience, the same hype or the same console. The 360 seems far more susceptible to gaming hypes than the Wii is.


Also, the Wii sales don't really give the Wii an advantage, as the number of 360s and Wiis sold is still virtually the same.

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Think about it. Halo 3 will sell extremely well in two regions where there is a huge 360 install base, US and Europe. The Wii has a hold over Europe, US and Japan. Logically thinking, Mario Galaxy will outperform Halo. Obviously not in 24 hours, leading up till Christmas and beyond however, yes.

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Some people are being REALLY contradictory here, for example, one person says "I think Halo appeals to more people" then someone says "no you're wrong, mario appeals to more people, not all people like FPS"

The truth is, there are people that like and dislike both genres. Not everyone who bought a Wii will want galaxy, saying it will sell as many copies as there are Wii units is ridiculous.

However, not everyone that has a 360 will want to buy Halo, i know for a fact, as i know a few people (online and off) that aren't interested in buying halo.


Galaxy will probably win, because of basically what HoT said, in that Japan don't like the 360.

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On the note of advertising, can I ask what benefit advertising a game before release does? If the game looks really good, and people will rush out and buy it, why would you want the advert a week before release (When they have time to change their mind, reconsider etc) then a week after, when people will go out and buy it instantly?


From Nintendo's point of view, the sales the gain from advertising arn't effected by when they get them. If they advertise a game 2 months after release, why should it matter? They're still getting the sales and to most people a games release date doesn't effect if they want it.


Also, the Wii's extra userbase is going to be the telling difference between sales. The Wii is going to have a huge huge userbase by say, Christmas 2008, and I reckon by then we can expect Mario Galaxy to have far surpassed wherever Halo ended up stalling.

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The point that people are missing is that the only real thing we can go on is past sales data, the worst selling Mario game on the worst selling Nintendo home system at a time when Nintendo wasn't 'cool' still sold 5.5 million copies, more than the original Halo.


Believe in the plumber!


At the end of last year, Halo 2 had sold 6.5 million.

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Also, the Wii sales don't really give the Wii an advantage, as the number of 360s and Wiis sold is still virtually the same.


Right now they are the same, but the Wii is selling at a faster rate than the XBOX360. In a year's time, if current trends continue, the Wii will have a much larger user base than the XBOX360. And I'm fairly sure both games will still be selling (possibly in a Platinum series) in a year's time, so this is why hardware sales give the Wii an advantage IMO.


New Super Mario Bros is still selling fairly well considering how long it has been out. Probably fuelled by people buying it with a new DS.

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Jesus Christ why even compare the two, either this is the most pointless thread ever or we need more threads arguing the possible sales of two upcoming titles that are completely different in every way. :heh:


Different in every way? These games are similar in that they are both the main mascots of both companies, are being released in Autumn/Winter on consoles that are about even on sales...Yes, this is interesting, so I wouldn't call it pointless...But you sure did make possibly the most pointless post of the topic. :heh::)

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You guys can't use the "New Super Mario Bros sold over 10 million" line because you forget that's on the DS, which has a unit base of around 50 million people. More units = more games sold = more Marios sold.


Will has only 9 million owners (which is very good), but you can't expect Galaxy to sell 10 million plus.


And obviously, people buying an Xbox 360 for Christmas would get Halo 3 with it.

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You guys can't use the "New Super Mario Bros sold over 10 million" line because you forget that's on the DS, which has a unit base of around 50 million people. More units = more games sold = more Marios sold.


Will has only 9 million owners (which is very good), but you can't expect Galaxy to sell 10 million plus.


And obviously, people buying an Xbox 360 for Christmas would get Halo 3 with it.


POINT OF FACT: The Wii has more than 9 million owners, nearly 11 million infact, it's passed the 360 in worldwide sales now.


POINT OF FACT: People buying a 360 for christmas may well get Halo 3 with it, however people buying a Wii will be getting Mario with it.


Time will tell which game sells more, but I think it will be Mario. People forget that Mario 64 sold 11 million copies and even Sunshine sold 5.5 million. I think we can all agree that this game will sell better than Sunshine.


The Gamecube in it's lifetime sold 21.63 million units, the N64 sold 32.93 million units in it's lifetime. The Wii in less than a year has sold 10.7 million units.


From this we can see that roughly between a quarter and a third of Nintendo system owners in the last two generations have purchased that generation's installment of the Mario series.


The XBOX sold 24 million units in it's lifetime. Halo sold 5 million units and Halo 2 sold 6.5 million units. Which shows that between Halo and Halo 2 had an uptake rate of 21% and 27% respectively. This compares to Mario 64 (33% uptake) and Sunshine (25% uptake) and the figures are reasonably similar, albeit slightly higher for Mario.


Thus, basing predictions on current worldwide total sales of XBOX 360 and Wii, current rate of sales of XBOX 360 and Wii and previous uptake rate of the last two released games in each series I think based on the data we can all agree that it looks like Mario should take this title.

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You guys can't use the "New Super Mario Bros sold over 10 million" line because you forget that's on the DS, which has a unit base of around 50 million people. More units = more games sold = more Marios sold.


Will has only 9 million owners (which is very good), but you can't expect Galaxy to sell 10 million plus.


And obviously, people buying an Xbox 360 for Christmas would get Halo 3 with it.


When New Super Mario Bro's launched the DS had a worldwide userbase of about 18 million users, whereas Super Mario Galaxy is set to release to about 13 - 14 million users. If anything I'd say Super Mario Galaxy has the advantage for sales, as it's being released much closer to Christmas and will be avaliable for longer in the Wii's lifetime.


No handheld Mario platformer has ever outsold it's console counterparts in a single generation, so I'd say Mario Galaxy should be looking at well above 12 million in the very long term.

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