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Heroes Season 2 *Spoilers*


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Guest Stefkov

I hope they save both of them. I never really liked Niki but I just want her alive. You never know maybe DL didn't die and comes back to pull her out...

But Nathan, maaybe the bullets were lined with another virus simlar to the one Peter destroyed but less fatal to all of mankind, and he can't really recover.


I shouldn't even try to write a story...

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From heroesrevealed.com, some things that were supposed to happen in Volume 2:


1) Kristen Bell was originally suppose to be in 8 episodes and then killed off but due to fan support they are keeping her around for a bit longer


2) Elle was setup as a Bob’s step daughter and the daughter of Meredith which in turn would have been Claire’s SISTER but they dropped it due to lack of storyline and plot holes.


3) Stephen Tobolowsky (Bob) also had a slightly different story, he was supposed to be more evil then he is now and even recruited his SON WEST to make Claire turn against her father this was dropped early in Volume 2 for “various reasons”.



1) Ali Larter will return to the show (as Kristin at E!Online has already reported) but are planning to wrap up her storyline up in Volume 3. (editor’s note: Also, there are rumors floating around that Ali Larter’s evil alter ego Jessica will be a part of the Volume and not Niki.)


2) Micah’s storyline will end also


3) David Anders (Adam) will return and will meet a new friend


4) Adrian Pasdar (Nathan) well thats it up to the fans and he “might be back so don’t worry.”


5) Zachary Quinto (Sylar) will be more bad ass then ever and when we come back he will kill a star on the show.


6) Villains is the start of something bigger for Heroes and hopefully it will be more fast pace then Generations (Volume 2).


or of darker storylines for the Superhero genre so it is good to hear that Adam and Sylar will be back terrorizing the Heroes.


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Watching parts of the last episode as my manager was watching it on his lunch and remembered some things that annoyed me;


"This is where I killed Isaac Mendez, bwahahaha!" he may as well have been twirling a large mustache. Rubbish.


And I am pretty sure Nathan was going to sing I Will Survive during that speech, as he did say something like "I was afraid". Would make sense, hes been looking like a transexual all season.

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3) Stephen Tobolowsky (Bob) also had a slightly different story, he was supposed to be more evil then he is now and even recruited his SON WEST to make Claire turn against her father this was dropped early in Volume 2 for “various reasons”.


I fracking knew it, I was saying that from the first time they West appeared, I knew he was evil at the start I bloody well knew it.


Why the hell didn't they keep it like that, it would have made Wests character more interesting anyway.... and we'd maybe get to see Claire kick his ass too :)


I wonder if their "various reasons" had anything to do with me figuring it out from the first ep :heh: :heh: haha




Oh yeah just realized something, even if Peters blood couldn't heal Nathan, how long would someone have to be "dead" before Claire/Adam blood won't work anymore?


I'd say in season 1 when Claire and Peter were "dead" they were both out for quite some time.... also HRG must have been dead for a good amount of time too and they were still able to bring him back, so maybe not too late for Nathan, all Peter needs to do is teleport himself and nathan to Claire and ask her for some blood :heh:


and now that i've said that, he'll prolly stay dead as that is likely how they would have brought him back, but now that i already said it they'll have to change their storyline, again

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1) Ali Larter will return to the show (as Kristin at E!Online has already reported) but are planning to wrap up her storyline up in Volume 3. (editor’s note: Also, there are rumors floating around that Ali Larter’s evil alter ego Jessica will be a part of the Volume and not Niki.)


2) Micah’s storyline will end also


3) David Anders (Adam) will return and will meet a new friend


4) Adrian Pasdar (Nathan) well thats it up to the fans and he “might be back so don’t worry.â€


5) Zachary Quinto (Sylar) will be more bad ass then ever and when we come back he will kill a star on the show.


6) Villains is the start of something bigger for Heroes and hopefully it will be more fast pace then Generations (Volume 2).


or of darker storylines for the Superhero genre so it is good to hear that Adam and Sylar will be back terrorizing the Heroes.


I bet Adam and Sylar team up. It would be pretty cool if they did a scene where Sylar opens up Adams head to check out his power, copies it, then Adam heals up again.



I fracking knew it, I was saying that from the first time they West appeared, I knew he was evil at the start I bloody well knew it.


West was left open as possibly being evil in the first fews eps so people would be suspicious of him due to the painting.

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I fracking knew it, I was saying that from the first time they West appeared, I knew he was evil at the start I bloody well knew it.


Why the hell didn't they keep it like that, it would have made Wests character more interesting anyway.... and we'd maybe get to see Claire kick his ass too :)


I wonder if their "various reasons" had anything to do with me figuring it out from the first ep :heh: :heh: haha


Perhaps because their relationship was a boring cliche as it was anyway, so adding the "oh no my [first?] boyfriend is the evils!" would have just been rubbish.

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Just been watching the first season again this morning since my girlfriend hasnt seen it before. And apart from noticing loads of little things that i didnt pay any attention to the first time, the main difference between season 1 and 2 is in season 1 the intro and ending to each episodes are a lot better. Where Mohinder is speculating on things and making points that are all relevent to the episode whereas in season 2 it seems a bit tacked on

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Is strength really that necessary when you already have telekinesis?


Well Niki could have hauled that vault door off faster than Peter did with Telekinesis...


all Peter needs to do is teleport himself and nathan to Claire and ask her for some blood :heh:


Yeah, but Peter sucks when it comes to controlling most of his powers. The only ones he can actually use are Healing, Electricity and Telekinesis. If he tried teleportation who knows where they'd end up? The moon?


The guy is pretty lame tbh. He should be the most powerful of all and yet if Hiro wanted to kill him there'd currently be a headless Peter corpse in the Primatek lobby.


As for the episode, could make for an interesting next chapter. What Hiro did to Adam was brutal, surely worse than death! And i doubt Peter will take Nathan's death lightly, as lame as he may be there aren't many who can stop him.


On a side note, could we see a return for Matt's dad? If so who breaks him free of his mental prison?

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Bought the Complete Series 1 boxset, just watched the unaired pilot, interesting to see what was changed, the muslim terrorist story with Matt was interesting, but obviously predictable and maybe too cliché, though i'm so glad they changed the actors for the FBI agent and Matts Wife, Matts wife especially (i missed her in season 2).


And their approach for Sylar...well thank god they changed that, they didn't keep as much mystery round him in the unaired version and didn't make him seem as dangerous.... also it looks like he already had a full blown power, wonder what it was.



Also something I only really copped while watching it.

Peter gets the powers of others by just being round them, yes?

Well he's been round Charles Devereaux and his parents a hell of a lot, so he MUST have their powers also, but we just don't know what they are/were, so maybe he doesn't either. But I'm wondering does the part when Peter was talking to his mom saying the night Nathan had his accident, he (Peter) knew it happened..... did someone have future seeing powers without the need for painting?

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