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And Jade Empire is free on origin. I dismissed it initially because the name didn't really ring a bell, but then I saw it was a Bioware RPG.


Bought Axiom Verge in the sale (you still have 10 minutes :p).


Bought a physical copy of The Evil within for 10 euros. I'll buy the DLC in the Steam winter sale (Steam comments seem to be positive). It's now installing 40GB from 4 discs, geez. I can't remember the previous time when I bought a physical copy of a game in a physical store though.


And I'm very tempted to get myself an X-Box one elite controller. I've wanted a controller for my PC for quite some time, for the few 2D games or 3rd person 3D games I have. Keyboard and mouse suffices for a lot of things, Tomb Raider for example played perfectly, but I don't see myself playing Yooka Laylee for example, when it comes out, and I obviously need it for Axiom Verge mentioned above.


The other option is a Wii classic controller pro adapter, but the options aren't mutually exclusive, so I may get both.

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Interesting how a lot of the announcements at the PSX conference all carried an interesting title of "PS4 Console Exclusive", or "PS4 Console Debut" instead of the others that said "Only on PS4"...


Me thinks that we'll be seeing the likes of FF7 Remake, Ni-No-Kuni 2, Yakuza 0 and NiOh coming to PC as well ;)

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Bought some stuff from the Square Enix shop.


- Life is strange LE.

- Deus Ex: mankind divided.

- 2015 Holiday surprise box.


Loved Life is strange so much, I'll happily buy an extra physical copy.


I actually already pre-ordered Deus Ex, but then cancelled it to pre-order the LE, which wasn't available at their shop initially. But after their pre-order bonus debacle, and seeing what the LE actually contains, I re-pre-ordered (..) the regular edition again, I only want the artbook, but I'm not paying 120 euros for it.


As for the surprise box, I was happy with the previous boxes, so I'm looking forward to the next. I'm hoping for / expecting Sleeping dogs, everything else is a bonus. This time they didn't leave a hint in the form of a minimum system requirements, so there are no educated guesses on the internet. Apart from Sleeping dogs, I expect Lara Croft and the temple of Osiris.. Maybe they finally add a Final Fantasy to the box as well.


I also ordered that X-Box one elite controller.

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I have a Thief Steam code up for grabs. (regulars only please :P)


The Square Enix surprise box was slightly disappointing, with 2 duplicates.. One of them was Thief (I already got the master thief edition from a previous box, and wasn't interested back then..).


The other one is Life is strange ep 1 again, although that one will make a nice gift.. I'll see if there are any takers on Facebook, otherwise I'll give it away here as well.


Lara Croft and the temple of Osiris was expected and may be fun if it works properly and I can find some co-op partners.. The first one was fun, but nog in single player, which was usually the case.


The nice surprise was Final Fantasy XIII, which I'll happily add to my Steam library, though I won't be starting that 60 GB download just yet..


The last one is Final Fantasy XIV.. I'm not sure what it is. People say you can start a free trial anyway, so I assume the code includes a 30 day subscription at least. I'm slightly curious, but I'm not in the mood to try an MMO right now, with the accompanying big download.

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This is outrageous!! Why the hell haven't Valve shut down the whole thing yet!? The fuck are they doing!?!?!?


And once again, this is why I always tell people never store your card details online. EVER!


I always manually input my card details/PayPal details in manually every-single-time on every single online service/store for this very reason!

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Yeah, seems to be down for good now. It took them a whole hour!! Unbelievable!


This is far worse than the PSN hack! How the hell could something like this happen!?

Yeah that is pretty tragic. To anyone who checked, I assume they blank out parts of stored details? Certainly no 3 digit code on the back of cards I hope.

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Yeah that is pretty tragic. To anyone who checked, I assume they blank out parts of stored details? Certainly no 3 digit code on the back of cards I hope.


I'm pretty sure that it only lists the last four numbers of your card if you have it stored on there, but it does list your name and address, so anyone could've taken a look at those details...

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yeah this is screwed up, whatever the cause of this, i know that I could see other peoples account details on my account page every time I hit refresh, which means there's a chance someone was doing that to mine. I do not have any CC details saved on my account though.

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Guys, if any of you are considering getting the three Umihara Kawase games from PC, you had better hurry up; because they just got delisted from Steam!




Humble Bundle are still selling Steam keys (and yes they are redeemable and the games are still redownloadable; I just bought the original and Shun just now)


I wasn't expecting them to go down so soon! Agatsuma are being liquidated but still! Bloody hell, that happened fast and sudden! :o


Don't sleep on them! Get them while you still can if you even remotely like odd ball/high skill 2D platformers!

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I was just about to make the purchases I had been throwing into my cart for the last few days and then noticed the store was down. I'm glad I only ever make purchases through Paypal, and never save my information though.


Not sure which is worse? Security Breach or Steam winter sale prices higher than PSN January sale this year...

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Grow Home is a fantastic and cute little platformer-ish game. A bit phallic but that's part of the charm. I'd recommend it to anyone.


Also of note, Turok (original Dinosaur Hunter, not what came out last gen.) has a remastered sort of release on steam. Came out midway through December and it's a competent port of the game it seems.

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Grow Home is a fantastic and cute little platformer-ish game. A bit phallic but that's part of the charm. I'd recommend it to anyone.

Yes, thanks. Haven't quite looked at it that way.

Also of note, Turok (original Dinosaur Hunter, not what came out last gen.) has a remastered sort of release on steam. Came out midway through December and it's a competent port of the game it seems.

Apart from the resolution, and from the looks of it, slightly better viewing distance / less fog, it really doesn't look better than the original version..

So I just found out about this really fun heist game called Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist that was released a month ago. It's free and it's only about fifteen minutes long, so you should all probably play it, maybe?

It's from the maker of The Stanley parable.

I always use the nightvision perk to surpise the guards.. And I choose the steak as equipment, not for healing, but to distract the tiger.

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Yes, thanks. Haven't quite looked at it that way.


Apart from the resolution, and from the looks of it, slightly better viewing distance / less fog, it really doesn't look better than the original version..


You're welcome haha.


Yeah that's why I threw in a 'sort of' after remastered. The main thing is it runs great and is now easy to get a copy of it as opposed to the original release. Here's to hoping for Seeds of Evil to get a re-release.


Edit: They announced both at the same time turns out http://www.nightdivestudios.com/turok-turok-2-video-games-slated-for-digital-re-release/

Edited by Nolan
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They're missing Turok 3 then..

Since I own Turok 2, I prefer to get the others 2nd hand on the N64 if I'm ever in the mood for that, but I never finished Turok 2. I think it would be fun to try some time though.. I did watch a let's play some time ago for the nostalgia.


I do wonder how easy keyboard and mouse controls will make the game.

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