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There are people on the steam forums saying that Portal was a rip-off beause it's only took them three hours to complete. I personally would equate this with complaining that Picasso was a crap artist because most of his paintings were little bigger then about 6 foot square.

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Portal was fucking brilliance. It took me about 3 hours to complete it but it was so amazing the whoke way through.


Especially seeing as there's cake up for grabs.


No, but even the credits are awesome. There's a simply epic song that plays and will have you laughing, promise. Time to try out TF2.


(No, I don't own the orange box, but my friend does. I'm on his PC atm.)

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Episode 2, then.


So anyway after <SPOILER> in that AMAZING <SPOILER> (lovely soundtrack, BTW) I was heading through the <SPOILER> and his witty homosexual banter + ass kicking <SPOILER> He gestures us towards a <SPOILER> and I was like,<SPOILER> with yer ma last night."


NOTE: Deleted all possible spoilers. Just to tease you. Actual spoiler tags a tad too messy.

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Use Paypal? Thats what i do.


Wish i could, me and Paypal fell out about 18-months ago. Long story but i lost £50 :mad:


Think my mum is gonna lend me her card though, so it's all good. Day off tomorrow, should have a good spin through Portal and TF2 (decided im buying the full box on PC now).


Anyhow, im off to complete the rest of HL2 so i can play EP1+2 (How long is HL2? Im probably 2.5 hours in, im guessing it's a bit longer than Halo 3?)

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