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Guest dynastygal

I've never played a MMORPG that you had to go out and buy....mainly because my PCs suck so bad and can struggle with some with a lot of graphics. It didn't like PSO much.


I've always wanted to try Dynasty Warriors Broadband but it's still not come to European shores. :\

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I played WoW for a long, long time, but it doesn't really do anything for me anymore. The main reason is that the quests are very rarely imaginative and generally involve killing X amounts of Y, finding Z of a certain object, or speaking to someone. There's no space for player creativity or puzzle solving, two things which would help stave off the grind.


On a more old-school angle I played loads of Phantasy Star Online, including Version 2, on the Dreamcast. It was amazing at the time, but the PC versions have never really interested me and Phantasy Star Universe just felt... wrong.


I've also dabbled in trial periods for a lot of PC MMOs, and the odd Beta, but they are all rather samey or try to innovate in completely the wrong areas. The only game I'll let myself hold a glimmer of hope for is The Secret World, as that's being headed by Ragnar Tørnquist, the creator of The Longest Journey.

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I still play WoW, have had done since release, although not played it much recently...


Will most likley start playing "hardcore" again when the next patch is out (leveling is made easier, so I can level my Rogue alt up)


Other MMORPGS I have played have been; Final Fantasy XI, City of Heroes, City of Villians, Lord of the Rings Online, and some of those "free to play" ones, but have never stuck with any, since they have nothing on WoW in my opinion.


Although defiantly looking forward to Warhammer Online and Darkfall.

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If i hadn't played it Friday night when i should have been asleep i'd have been rather upset :yay:


It's the same old amazing UT :D Only thing im not too keen on is the graphics, they're so grainy it actually hurts to pay attention to the screen!


Not so sure i like that walker vehicle thats on the deathmatch level. It's too powerful, took me ages to get a couple of bots out of there! Got to try it online next, will be tuesday evening before i get a proper chance though


TBH i can't wait on the full release, I WANT TO PLAY WAR!


What I find interesting about the Dark Walker level is how the dynamic of the fighting shifts when it starts roaming around. Everyone heads inside and the battle changes from a shock-fest to close-quarters combat. Of course, what could also happen is that everyone who isn't in the Dark Walker temporarily turn their weapons away from each other to take it out before who ever's in it goes on a rampage.

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I've only played bot-matches so far, and unfortunately that doesn't happen. The bots just try to take the bloody thing down with whatever weapon they have equipped lol. I've come close to loosing a game because the bots kept charging at it and dying!

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Apart from the ??? > Profit thats exactly right.

Stupid beta.


Anyway, is UT3 even playable online yet? I've been playing too much PGR4 and Super Paper Mario to even care.

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Apart from the ??? > Profit thats exactly right.

Stupid beta.


Anyway, is UT3 even playable online yet? I've been playing too much PGR4 and Super Paper Mario to even care.


The "??? > Profit" thing was a joke. I know I got it from somewhere, I just can't remember where. :heh:


And yes, UT3 is playable online, and it's bloody crazy. It's fantastic! :grin:

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The "??? > Profit" thing was a joke. I know I got it from somewhere, I just can't remember where. :heh:


And yes, UT3 is playable online, and it's bloody crazy. It's fantastic! :grin:


The Underpants Gnomes from South Park?


So far my first online UT3 game has laster over 2 hours, it's a complete stale mate lol! It won't end until someone captures a flag either!

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Does anyone know where I can get some drivers for the 8600M GT?


Apparently you have to get them from where you bought the laptop or something, which is proving useless for me. I downloaded 163.69 and updated the .inf file so it would work with the 8600M GT. It's improved the performace of the card by quite alot, but still not what I think it should be (or what other 3dmarks tests etc thing it should be).

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nVidia don't have mobile driver support. The manufactuer has to pay for nVidia to supply them via their own website.


Messed up, but thats how it works. Contact the people who made your laptop.

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The Hellgate London is just fucking annoying to get....


Step 1: Download (stupidly low speed)

Step 2: Extract the demo

Step 3: Install the demo (Seriously WTF? Couldn´t they let us download the demo installed like Steam?)

Step 4: ?????

Step 5: Throw keyboard at wall in frustration

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Hey guys, I have just got Vista Ultimate Editon and will be doing a fresh install on my Computer soon but wont to upgrade few parts on my machine, I currently have:



AMD AM2 Sempron 3000 1.7Ghz

2x 1GB Geil PC6400

WinFast PX6600 TD DDR2 GPU



I Would like to improve the GPU and have about £70 to spend on a card, dont need to great but would like it so I can run some games and plug it into a HDTV as well as a LCD monitor. Also I will be upgrading my CPU to a AM2 Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 6000 and adding another 1GB of ram. I would so like to add another HDD I have been looking at Maxtor 320gb SATAII hard drives that are about £45.


what graphics cards can you suggest and where is a good place to buy from?

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