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Where were you? 9/11


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Why is this thread full of souless bastards that think they are solid saying




Fucking Grow up you *****...

So because I don't care it makes me immature? So, to be mature you have to give a toss about everything, everywhere at every moment. This topic has been quite the eye opener.


I must confess that I don't feel this makes me "solid" in any way. I'm sure 90% of people here could beat the shit out of me. Doesn't change my opinion.

It's nothing to do with how I feel it's just the fact that this thread was made for people to say where they where when this happend?


Not for attention seeking drones of society to post an indecent and quite frankly bizarre comment about "How I Don't Care, and so what?".

I said where I was, however you don't want to notice that.

Ant-Shimmain: Is it really that weird that non americans do not care six years after it happened? More people die of suicide bombers in Iraq every month, if not week. That's terrorism too. Do you care about them?

Course he cares. He'd be a hypocrite otherwise.

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I spent the day at Alton Towers with two mates, and when we set off home in the car, all the radio stations were playing dreary music, which we thought was odd. It wasn't until the news came on that we realised why, and we had to spend the 1 1/2 hour drive home just imagining what it was like, based on descriptions on the radio. I spent most of the evening watching news on the TV when I got home though, and even though it was obviously terrible, the image I'd conjured up in my head after hearing about it on the radio was actually much worse.

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I'm with EEVIL on this one.


There's been far worse things happen in the world and all this focus goes to show that the terrorists succeeded.


Yeah, thousands die every day yet no one remembers them. Its the media's representation events that shift everyone's focus. They should really start to drop it and begin to move onwards from it, rather then dwell in the past. Plus, its not like the US are all saintly; they've lead to thousands of innocents being killed - Guatamala, Bay of Pigs, El Salvador etc. Not to mention the "free" trade agreements that shaft the third world and leave thousands facing poverty.

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It was two years ago. Just after we got the Olympics.
But the term 7/7 isn´t nearly as widely used as 9/11 and the attack didn´t have any effect on us living outside the UK, so you can´t expect everyone to recognize that.


It may sound like a household term for most of you but if I asked about it from my dad for example, he probably wouldn´t know what it´s supposed to be related to.

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i just can't see how some people are more shook up by 7/7 than 9/11 it makes little sense, but on topic, i was at home doing work, mother walks in, sits down and turns on the 6 o clock news and sits there for 30 minutes with me alongside her


It wasn't worse, it just seems that way because it was closer to home.

And the death Diana was overhyped. But she was a good person.


Then again, I'm sure most of the people that get killed are good people.

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I was on my uni hols between my second and third year, so I was at home. Turned on the telly and they said a light aircraft had crashed into one of the towers. They were showing the smoke and interviewing some American guy (it still didn's seem a big deal to anyone then). The news reader asked him if it could have been deliberate and he said he didn't think so. Then *boom* the second plane hit and he said "Ah... Well, yeah, it's terrorism." I texted a few people telling them what was going on, watched the news for a bit then went down the pub then had a kebab.

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I remember being asleep at the time when my rooommate came barreling into my room to tell me about it.


I also remember being pissed for being woke up early but once i started watching the news, it was a bit unsettling considering it happened a few hundred miles away

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Why is this thread full of souless bastards that think they are solid saying




Fucking Grow up you *****...


Its an internet forum full of teenagers who this hasnt affected directlly. Sadly then they will come out with justification like there are bigger things that happened in the world when in reality they dont give two shits about that either but will cry with passion if the latest game they love gets a bad gamespot score. I completley disagree with the eevils attitude but at least he has the bulls to say it out straight and not cover it with excuses. Anyway past the rant yeh really sad day I was coming home from school and saw my mum watching the news then just sat and watched it with her :(

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