nicolasmasset Posted November 1, 2005 Posted November 1, 2005 Check it out guys!
Pyxis Posted November 1, 2005 Posted November 1, 2005 lol! That guy is a right retard. He is just latching onto what Matt was joking about over on IGN.
Shaolins_finest Posted November 1, 2005 Posted November 1, 2005 lol what BS. I don't beleive a single word he said. And the fact that you have to stand up and he was on a huge stage makes the gameplay experience suck. Who the hell has space like a stage? who wants to stand when your playing games at 2 in the morning? Also he posted this news yesturday which is when Shiggy stated he wants to elminate TV's and didn't want to talk more about his idea. He's clearly assuming shiggy's no tv plan is what the revolution will do. He's so full of crap.
Britprog Posted November 2, 2005 Posted November 2, 2005 seriousgamer said he had inside news about the Revolution Controller before the TSG unveiling. All his predictions turned out to be false, and he turned against Nintendo saying the pad is crap!!! And now he is back, saying he has inside knowledge again!! what an fool!! Anybody that believes him is a fool too!! Thanks for the post nicolasmasset, I needed a good laugh!!!
Gaijin von Snikbah Posted November 2, 2005 Posted November 2, 2005 Very nice read, though there isnt really any proof of him having been at Nintendo. I do think that a lot of the negativety conserning the Revolution, is caused by peoples lack of experience with the Revolution. They havent touched it, or played any games on it. So therefore they cannot know what it feels like to play with it.
Calibur Posted November 2, 2005 Posted November 2, 2005 Quote Anyhow back to business. There I was at Nintendo's headquarters looking at a stage with the Revolution on it talking to Reggie. What a cool guy he is by the way. One of the questions I had was WHY IN THE HELL ME?! I will give him one thing...He is a good storyteller.
Hostile Posted November 2, 2005 Posted November 2, 2005 I fucking love that guy, he is AWESOME. I love SG007!
Kav Posted November 2, 2005 Posted November 2, 2005 Yeah, it's funny, Nintendo are just picking random guys off the internet to test the Revolution. They flew me out to Kyoto and gave me a demo of it too! Obviously I can't disclose too much info about it because of the NDA's etc but here's what I can say: It involved the nunchuck set up, the console itself and an injection of some sort of serum into my neck. Somehow by magic I felt transported into a magical place and was at war with none other than Shigeru Miyamoto himself! We were running about with medievil weapons fighting each other, I managed to kill him with a crossbow... After I came too (the serum had worn off) we had tea and biscuits and then I flew home... but why me?! WHAT A TOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rolf Posted November 2, 2005 Posted November 2, 2005 Calibur said: I will give him one thing...He is a good storyteller.No he isn't.
phez_boy Posted November 2, 2005 Posted November 2, 2005 wow... if that wasnt the biggest load of crap i have ever heard... i really cant understand people like this, at some point, at some time, he will be proven wrong... then he'll just look like an idiot (if he doesnt already)
Moz La Punk Posted November 2, 2005 Posted November 2, 2005 Like I said in this topic: This guy is giving others a bad name.
Hellfire Posted November 2, 2005 Posted November 2, 2005 Im not even going to read it, why the hell do people still believe in this guy?And why does he bother? He probably has a sad and uninteresting life.
YenRug Posted November 2, 2005 Posted November 2, 2005 I'm not sure if he's hoping his "fans" seriously believe all of that, or if he's making an ironic comment about Miyamoto's imagination and Nintendo's rabid secrecy.
system_error Posted November 2, 2005 Posted November 2, 2005 It is not hard to tell that he only tells those "stories" to make money. Gamehelix, Playbomb, Google Ads, .... but there are always stupid people who will believe. Idiots can be found nearly everywhere.
BeerMonkey Posted November 2, 2005 Posted November 2, 2005 i havent read it....because WHATS THE POINT IN READING IT its a bunch of lies and this SG007 thinks people will believe anything...he must be a retard that has nothing better to do then write a page about what he had wished he had done wtf
The Peeps Posted November 2, 2005 Posted November 2, 2005 If he honestly wanted that to be read as a joke then he should state it somewhere on that page because at the moment he looks like an arrogant tw*t. When he's proven wrong it'll be funny to see if he says 'haha I was only joking'.
demonmike04 Posted November 2, 2005 Posted November 2, 2005 Why in the hell me? Because your just a normal gamer. So, they just happen to find a Nintendo maniac with a huge blog spot on his site to come play Revolution. I doubt that, but if its true, Nintendo have made a BIG mistake. What mistake is that? The Mistake that they are suppose to be gaining a new audience, they should of chosen some one who's never played a video game in their life. Thats the true test, Nintendo to choose some one who sticks by their judgement no matter what? No way, they need an opinion from a new player.
White_Wolf Posted November 3, 2005 Posted November 3, 2005 Stop feeding that idiot with attention. People are just giving him more hits and feeding the idiot with more and more attention.
system_error Posted November 3, 2005 Posted November 3, 2005 * seems to be offline - so no blog on that site works right now.
Shaze_Nab Posted November 3, 2005 Posted November 3, 2005 Well it seems to be back up now. As for SG, I agree he (aming other so-called insiders) give bloggers a bad name. Like I said this guy obviasly has a couple of problems. Anyone who calls themselves the king of gamers needs to have some form of reality check. I suggest a spade to te head... Who agrees?
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