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SeriousGamer007 has supposedly played the revolution


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Guest Ray Falling

Well...I doubt they'd have all these executives present too, I mean surely they have other people for that. Also the guy wont even reveal his name..but if hes so cool and the man, why would he hide it?


T_T it also ticks me off that he says he cant tell anything about it, and then goes ahead and tell anyway. This is exactly why they dont let in random people at them big meetings, they dont know how to keep their mouth shut...


Plus just about what everone else said that was negative n_n

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That's essentially my reasoning. The only is that I refuse to read it because it is a blog. Never trust a blog, nevertheless Seriousgamer007.



Thank you!!



God, it's people like Seriousgamer that give blogs like mine a bad name. You should open up a little bit more, not everyone is a lying son of a bitch out there.

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but Moz we know ur blog is awsome ^_^



Heheh, well thanks Shyguy, but the problem is most people think it's a pool full of rumours, nothing more. It couldn't be further removed from the truth. Blogs that spread nonsense only reinforce the wrong pre-conceptions people have about blogs. If I had a rupee every time someone said 'I dont read that cuz it's from teh blog!!!11' I would be a very rich little fairyboy.


Anyway, an editor of our site came up with an idea to give good blogs some positive place in the spotlight. I'll let you guys @ revo europe know when the time is right. It's about time some blogs got some positive attention. It's a voluntairy way of journalism and an independent one and in my opinion it should be applauded.


If the blog in question isn't full of it like SG007's, ofcourse ;)

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You are right about that yes, although sometimes blogs have the news up before some major sites since they can have acces too to the official press websites from companies.


Again, I take my blog as example because we have acces to press sites like Namco's and Nintendo's too. IGN only updates once a day, so when I get the info from the site first, we're ahead of IGN.


Not that it really matters, I am still a firm believer that well written articles are more important - since news is everywhere on the Internet, it's already a market that's overloaded and you cannot stand out with only news on your site.


Anyway I'm drifting away from the subject here. SeriousGamer. Laughable.

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Well the thing with saying that blogs shouldn't bother with news is, in my oppinion, not right. Using that logic any other site that posts news (including revo-europe) would not be needed since the bigger sites would have it first. After spending way to much time on revo-europe and the like, I can tell you I get the same amount of news from this site (and other smaller sites) than I do the two big one's.

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I second that :P

I hate people that get payed for lying, maybe the reason why I dont like the American government.


It seems most people are not aware that the vast majority of web ads only generate revenue for the website if the link is clicked, nowadays. The old "impressions" payment, where people were paid for every time the ad was loaded on someone's browser, are long gone because the business model was not valid. That means it's OK for people to visit SeriousGamers site as long as they don't click on the links, I think it even said that in his entry, that he wanted people to click on them.

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