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Halo 3 is awsum


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Just played some co-op with Rob, it was fantastic. I honestly can't wait to see what the 4 player co-op is like. Roll on Wednesday!


EDIT: 9.5 from IGN.


Is there no random peeps online you can hook up with yet?


Co-op is gonna be where its at for me. Gears of War single player was a meh experience for me but when I played online co-op with a lad from work it was in a league of its own. With this being 4 player......*drools*....someone get me a towel.

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Gamespot gave it 9.5 too.


But that Gametrailers review increased my hype quite a bit. I've always intended on buying this, no question, but I've never been hyped quite like alot of people have been. Probably mainly since I haven't played the first two. But that review made it look really awesome.


Anywhere I can go to read up on the story btw? I don't really want to go on Wikipedia incase theres spoilers on it, but I'd like to know what happened in the first two.

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I'd love to read the recap aswell. I remember number 2 quite well, but I don't remember much of 1. It did take me les than a year to finish I think.


The Gametrailers review made me wet myself. It looks miles better than Halo 2 in the models of the Masterchief and everyone else. The Scarab looked amazing and I like the look of that grenade that was being thrown around.

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Gamespot gave it 9.5 too.


But that Gametrailers review increased my hype quite a bit. I've always intended on buying this, no question, but I've never been hyped quite like alot of people have been. Probably mainly since I haven't played the first two. But that review made it look really awesome.


Anywhere I can go to read up on the story btw? I don't really want to go on Wikipedia incase theres spoilers on it, but I'd like to know what happened in the first two.


Halo Prequel:- Earth Forces was having problems dealing with rebels scattered across the galaxy so they secretly created the SPARTAN PROJECT which gathered subjects who are children and trained them into killing machines. They were also enhanced using experiments to make them more than human. They were then kitted out with armour ( cant spell the name :) )which again increased there strength/agility etc. A boy named John was named their leader also known as Spartan 117 or Master Chief.


Later an Alien race named the Covenant attacked the human race while they were also looking for certain artifacts left behind by a race named The Forerunners. The Spartan warriors engaged the Covenant in numerous occasions and used their shield technology to futher enhance the Spartan Armour. Later Master Chief was given an A.I companion named Cortana who was based on Dr Hasley, the woman who came up with the Spartan project. She had the choice of picking any Spartan she wanted and she chose John as he had exceptional luck ( as seen in the first Halo book )


The Covenant managed to find Reach, the main base ( apart from earth ) for humanity. The Covenant Fleet came and glassed half the planet and all the Spartans apart from Master Chief who was on the Pillar of Autumn ship.


Halo 1:- The 1st game picks up where the 1st book left off. The Pillar of Autumn jumped into slipspace and arrived at an unknown destination. Where they ended up was right next to the HALO ring. Everyone left the ship bar Captain Keyes and they landed on Halo.


On Halo it was a big scramble to see why the Covenant were so interested in the it in the 1st place. Eventually Cortana hacked her way through the system meanwhile Master Chief went off and found that a new alien was on Halo, they were called The Flood. The Flood were parasite aliens needing host bodies so that they could spread. Many of the Covenant and Humans were transformed and a 3 way battle started.


Master Chief was transported away by a machine named Gulity Spark. He told Master Chief if he wanted to get rid of the Flood he had to follow him. He played along and was just about to active Halo when Cortana showed up. She told him that he was being tricked and that when activated Halo would wipe out every living thing so the Flood would have no source to reproduce.


Cortana and Master Chief decided the only way to stop the Covenant from getting their hands on Halo was to destroy it they went and found the wreck of the Pillar of Autumn and set of an explosion which blew the Halo ring to pieces. Master Chief and Cortana got off the planet, they were the only survivours...or so they thought.


Halo book 3:- There were a few others who got off the Halo alive, one of them was Sergeant Johnson. He was attacked by the Flood but they didnt use his body as he has an ilness regarding his brain so they let him be.


During this book the remaining heroes make their way back to earth only to stumble upon a huge Covenant fleet preparing to attack earth. With the help of Master Chief and a few human captains who do a suicide run they manage to destroy the entire fleet and escape to earth.


Halo 2:- The game starts with Johnson, Master Chief and Captain Keyes daughter all getting awards for surviving the Halo 1 war and making it back to earth. No sooner had they made it back when a Covenant attack starts. They attempt to take out the human defences but fail. Meanwhile the Covenant themselves decide to punish one of their leaders for letting Master Chief or The Demon escape. He becomes an outcast and eventually starts helping the humans as do the rest of his species ( get to that later ).


The Covenant is ran by Prophets who use Elites as guards and warriors. During Halo 2 the Prophets kicked the Elites to one side and decide to hire the help of Brutes, big ape like creatures.


Anyway back to the Chief, they end up finding another Halo ring and they also find out that there are many spread across the galaxy. Master Chief and Cortana end up in the clutches of another being ( sorry im drawing a blank on his name, wanna say Gravemind for some reason ) anyway he also has the outcast Elite (The Arbiter ) in his grasp. He tells both of them that they must work together to stop the Prophets from unleashing Halo.


The Arbiter goes off and fights the Brute leader and at the same time rescues Captain Keyes daughter and Johnson. They eventually destroy another Halo ring, kill the Brute leader and head back to earth.


Master Chief heads off to kill one of the Prophets, he does so and jumps on a Covenant ship which is heading to earth. When he gets there Earth is under attack and he prepares himself to finish the fight!


Halo book 4:- I dont know whether this will come into play in Halo 3 but in the 4th book you find out that the Spartans that were on Reach during the events of Halo 1 were infact still alive. Also the humans started traing another set of Spartans using SPI armour. Not as good as Master Chiefs but it has the ability of camo and is alot lighter. The spartans training in that were also enchanced using experiments but at a far younger age. There were 300 trained and only a few get killed in the book so as to what happens to the rest of them I havent a clue......




Yes there are bound to be things that are wrong or that I have missed out but its 10 at night and Im full of flu, I did my best...ENJOY!

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Ok, I've just finished the fight on normal difficulty. And it's much better than Halo 2! It's hard not to give my thoughts on it without spoiling anything, but the last 'chapter' of the game is one of the most epic moments in gaming I've ever played. I was holding my controller aloft, trying not to cheer out loud when I finally completed it! It's that good.

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