Zell Posted September 9, 2007 Posted September 9, 2007 Mate, I would first try not to think too much about what other people think about you behind your back. If you dwell on it you will become paranoid, and that's a reason why you're unhappy. Besides most of the time what you think it usually completely wrong, I know for a fact that most people aren't laughing at you, they feel sympathy because they know and I know how much work you've put in and your great ambition to do medicine. And even if you do decide to retake year 12, I know and you know that you're great at making new friends, because you're a great guy. About the girl situation, I would honestly say give it more time. You're confused right now, wait till you're head clears first. You've been seeing eachother a lot recently, just keep going and your relationship will grow, and hopefully she'll develop feelings for you if she hasn't already.
LukeLee Posted September 11, 2007 Posted September 11, 2007 Relationships never seem to be that easy. I've been in a constant swing lately about whether i should end the relationship i'm currently in. I just seem to struggle to stay happy and settled, i can't go that long without feeling it's not for me. It's a crap feeling really cause i want it to work out.
Goron_3 Posted September 11, 2007 Author Posted September 11, 2007 Well I had my first year 12 bio lesson today; the class seems pretty nice Zell was right actually, I'm pretty good at making friends with people so if i just act cool i should be fine. Still feels really weird though, especially as these are the people i'm going to have to hang with next year. As for the girl issue, I think i'm just going to not tell her. I'm great friends with her and i love spending time with her. If it eats me up i'll tell her but until then i think i can hold it in for a while. And yes, relationships suck LukeLee.
sarah♥ Posted September 21, 2007 Posted September 21, 2007 Aw that really sucks I was in a similar situation with my mate, he told me he liked me a lot, and my first thought was FLATTERY, i had never been more flattered in my life, despite the fact he's not the smartest or best-looking of guys, i really enjoyed the compliment, if ur girl is like me, she would have no reason not to go weird towards you, i ended up being tht much closer to my friend coz i felt so much more special bout myself. Even though i didn't fancy him, i appreciated his compliment so much. And as for ur re-takes, who cares what ur mates think? ur doing this 4 u, not 4 them. Obviously the exam boards a bit of a dyke if they didnt really consider ur chickenpox, but ignore ur mates if their laughing [they wouldn't be ur real mates if they were] jus focus hard on ur exams, and prove to em u are capable xxx
Mikey Posted September 22, 2007 Posted September 22, 2007 Goron_3 said: And then my next problem is a girl problem. I realised last night that I’ve been in love with one my best friends for a LONG time. I was feeling really shit about the above issue and I spent lunch with her and she cheered me up like she always manages to do. She’s honestly the most perfect girl I could ever imagine, and we’ve been great friends for a long time (she’s probs my closest girl friend tbh). Thing is, I’m crazy about her. Even when I was with my 2 previous girlfriends, I thought about her a lot, and it only occurred to me last night how in love with her I am, and now I’m completely unsure of what I do. I’m aware she only see’s me as a friend but it’s really tearing me up inside. I really want to tell her because I just know it’s gonna hurt me in the long run so much. I mean, there are times when she’ll just run up to me and give me these massive hugs, and there’s always going to be a part of me that is just wanting more. Thing is, the last thing I want is to tell her and make it awkward between us. My friend Tim told her that he felt the same way I do about her a few months ago and they have barely talked since, and I would hate for the same thing to happen between us, especially as I’m going to need someone there to cheer me up if attending year 12 lessons gets me down again. I honestly couldn’t live without this girl; she means so much to me it’s ridiculous…but then again, she just see’s me as a friend and I know when she says ‘I love you’ it’s in a friend-to-friend way, not the way I feel. So what do I? I’m so confused…Do I tell her and hope she reacts in a good way and we’re still friends, or shouldn’t I in case it might go baaad? Well I've been in love with my best friend for about 2 and a half years now. She's wonderful, and she knows about my feelings. Unfortunately, she has a bf, and just doesn't seem to care how I feel about her. Telling her probably won't ruin your friendship, but just be prepared for her not to care too much that you like her. I'm in this sutation right now, and it sucks. Especially seeing as her current bf ignores her. Caris said: Shy kids get nothing. Shy men don't. Shy girls will always be asked out though.
MoogleViper Posted September 22, 2007 Posted September 22, 2007 Demuwan said: Don't worry mate I'll post it now. I suggest that you show this girl how much of a catch you are. Confidence is the key, here. By becoming more friendly and flirtatious with other girls it may open up her eyes to you and cause her to see you in a different light. (Plus there are plenty more fish in the sea mate, if she can't see your a great catch thats her problem). Also it will allow other girls ( go for her friends ) close to her to talk of what a sweet a nice guy you are, this is the response that you want, beacause if they start talking about you in a positive light it may strike a chord with her. Also some kind of physical change is always a good way for her to see you in a new light ( a new haircut, new style of clothes etc) This will help her to see you less like a confident and more of someone she would like to be with. Try to distance your self a bit also, because it is only when you don't have something anymore that you truly appreciate its importance in your life. The she'll start to realise just how much you mean about her. Try to go out on dates one on one and not with friends. Ask her to see a film with you and be more confident and try to crack a few jokes. Humour is always a good way to open up a converation and just try to be a generally fun person to be around. Overall, NEVER act desperate for her. Act confident but not cocky, try to look more physically attractive. (If you've got a good bod *that sounds really gay doesn't it * try and go swimming with her. Personally I've never had problems with girls but I know from mates that it can be really frustrating Keep me posted on how its going mate : peace: I completely disagree with this. That might work for just any girl. But this one is special. She is your best friend and according to you you are in love with her, not just some fancy. I would take a few days to clear your head, and if you are still sure then get her on her own and tell her how you feel. Tell her that you are best friends but you feel something more for her. I felt the same way about my best friend when she had a bf. I told her how I felt and she didn't say much. But we still stayed friends. And after I told her I didn't feel that way anymore. If she really is that special then she is worth going after. And if she really is that much of a friend it won't spoil your friendship.
Dante Posted September 22, 2007 Posted September 22, 2007 Mikey said: Shy men don't. Shy girls will always be asked out though. QFT! Im a very shy guy and I had a never had a relationship.
Slaggis Posted September 22, 2007 Posted September 22, 2007 Mikey said: Shy men don't. Some people like having to work to find the real person so to speak. But It's sort of more of a confidence thing rather than being shy that effects whether you get any or not.
MoogleViper Posted September 22, 2007 Posted September 22, 2007 Haggis said: Some people like having to work to find the real person so to speak. But It's sort of more of a confidence thing rather than being shy that effects whether you get any or not. But isn't being shy sort of a lack of confidence?
Eenuh Posted September 22, 2007 Posted September 22, 2007 Mikey said: Shy men don't. Shy girls will always be asked out though. Pffff, that's so not true. It doesn't matter if you're a guy or a girl; if you're shy, you're a lot less likely to get noticed by other people.
MoogleViper Posted September 22, 2007 Posted September 22, 2007 Eenuh said: Pffff, that's so not true. It doesn't matter if you're a guy or a girl; if you're shy, you're a lot less likely to get noticed by other people. Shy girls may be less likely to get noticed than confident girls. But shy men don't get noticed at all.
Eenuh Posted September 22, 2007 Posted September 22, 2007 MoogleViper said: Shy girls may be less likely to get noticed than confident girls. But shy men don't get noticed at all. Yeah, but that still isn't a guarantee that a girl will -always- get asked out. Not that has anything to do with this topic.
Slaggis Posted September 22, 2007 Posted September 22, 2007 MoogleViper said: But isn't being shy sort of a lack of confidence? Yes, but they are different things. I mean, I'm shy, always have been always will be. But when I'm in a small group of people I've got lots of confidence and am pretty loud etc. You can be shy and have confidence, it just takes the right person to bring that out of you. I probably just made no sense there but still.
Mikey Posted September 22, 2007 Posted September 22, 2007 Eenuh said: Pffff, that's so not true. It doesn't matter if you're a guy or a girl; if you're shy, you're a lot less likely to get noticed by other people. Girls are not expected to ever ask a guy out, so even shy girls are guaranteed to be asked out some time. A guy on the other hand is almost always expected to be the chaser. If you are a shy guy, you are fucked without some sort of therapy to help you get over it. I'm incredibly shy, and have never been able to approach a woman. Yet in terms of physical appearance, I'm probably the most confident person I've ever known. It's just the talking I can't do. This being said, I had been asked out a few times as a teen, but I knew other girls who liked me, yet never approached me. Dante said: QFT! Im a very shy guy and I had a never had a relationship. I have severe social anxiety, and have had it since I can remember. Even when asked out by girls, I used to have panic attacks, so approaching them is almost impossible for me. I can't make a diagnosis of you, but maybe you should look in to it? http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=social+anxiety&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a Haggis said: Yes, but they are different things. I mean, I'm shy, always have been always will be. But when I'm in a small group of people I've got lots of confidence and am pretty loud etc. You can be shy and have confidence, it just takes the right person to bring that out of you. I probably just made no sense there but still. This is the truth. I'm incredibly shy, yet in other ways people think I'm incredibly arrogant.
Dante Posted September 22, 2007 Posted September 22, 2007 Thank you Mickey. I have lots of problems in my life but I will check out your link sometime.
Mikey Posted September 22, 2007 Posted September 22, 2007 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love-shyness Look at that one too. It may describe better what you have.
Dante Posted September 22, 2007 Posted September 22, 2007 Mikey said: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love-shyness Look at that one too. It may describe better what you have. I think i have lots of things. I am 23 as well. Sometimes i wish that I could tell folks me toubles on this forum.
Haden Posted September 23, 2007 Posted September 23, 2007 Dante said: I think i have lots of things. I am 23 as well. Sometimes i wish that I could tell folks me toubles on this forum. Ah Dante you can add me on msn or talk about it here. 23 isnt a disaster btw. You know any girls at your work/education?
Goron_3 Posted September 23, 2007 Author Posted September 23, 2007 Dante said: I think i have lots of things. I am 23 as well. Sometimes i wish that I could tell folks me toubles on this forum. Aww dante You can tell us anything, we're all here for you Anyway, I spent ALL of Friday night with this girl, it was bloody awesome. The original plan was to tell her how I felt but i couldn't really do it, and then the only other oppotunity came up, I decided not to as it was at the end of the night and i didn't want to end it on a bad note. I will tell her though because i can't stop thinking about her. If I tell her and just don't act differently around her it should be ok i hope God she's so bloody amazing. It'd be awesome if i had some pictures of me and her to upload to show her off lol. She said i was one of her best friends aswell, made me very happy
The fish Posted September 23, 2007 Posted September 23, 2007 Goron_3 said: Anyway, I spent ALL of Friday night with this girl, it was bloody awesome. The original plan was to tell her how I felt but i couldn't really do it, and then the only other oppotunity came up, I decided not to as it was at the end of the night and i didn't want to end it on a bad note. I will tell her though because i can't stop thinking about her. If I tell her and just don't act differently around her it should be ok i hope God she's so bloody amazing. It'd be awesome if i had some pictures of me and her to upload to show her off lol. She said i was one of her best friends aswell, made me very happy Hmm... Well, firstly, I'm glad it went well for you, mate! Secondly, in my (recent ) experience, only tell her if you are sure she'll be ok to brush it under the carpet if she doesn't feel the same way about you. Oh, and as for the last paragraph, I know how you feel. To the word.
Dante Posted September 24, 2007 Posted September 24, 2007 Haden said: Ah Dante you can add me on msn or talk about it here. 23 isnt a disaster btw. You know any girls at your work/education? Goron_3 said: Aww dante You can tell us anything, we're all here for you My life so far has been kind of disaster to me and I have told a few people on here about my life problems. Also someone on here said I was literally the friendliest person they had known.
Slaggis Posted September 24, 2007 Posted September 24, 2007 Dante said: My life so far has been kind of disaster to me and I have told a few people on here about my life problems. Also someone on here said I was literally the friendliest person they had known. lol, You are Dante, you're a really nice guy.
Mr-Paul Posted September 24, 2007 Posted September 24, 2007 Dante said: My life so far has been kind of disaster to me and I have told a few people on here about my life problems. Also someone on here said I was literally the friendliest person they had known. You're awesome Dante! You always seem really nice, and you keep us up to date with news and hot girls
Dante Posted September 24, 2007 Posted September 24, 2007 JonSt said: Life hard under that rock Kigan? See this one of the reason I didnt normally talk much on here and only post game news stories. Haggis said: lol, You are Dante, you're a really nice guy. mr-paul said: You're awesome Dante! You always seem really nice, and you keep us up to date with news and hot girls Thank you guys.
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