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A pair of slippers.


The most valuable present ever. I got a pair last christmas, have worn them all year and now need new ones as they have ripped.



Oh and MarioKart + Tony Hawks (for DS)

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Dont know what I want...I'll probably have to pick between: New Phone, PSP, 5th gen iPod or the Xbox 360...

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For Christmas , I want either the Xbox 360 Premium pack or the 5G iPod. But most likely I'll get neither.


No, don't use the word Christ and then go against everything he stood for :P I've decided I'm against the word Christmas when combined with the idea of presents in our modern culture. A £200+ present in the name of Jesus? No. WWJDFFS?* Xmas all the way, down with hypocricy!


.. I'm asking for nothing but I'll probably get a satsuma, some nuts and a bag of chocolate money!


* Probably ask Santa for an Xbox 360 too, by the looks of things.

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I'm really looking forward to christmas, I've already booked my travel to see my family and started buying them presents. My sister will have had her baby by then too so it will be great. I don't ask for presents anymore it's just a surprise, I'm not very picky though.

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No, don't use the word Christ and then go against everything he stood for :P I've decided I'm against the word Christmas when combined with the idea of presents in our modern culture. A £200+ present in the name of Jesus? No. WWJDFFS?* Xmas all the way, down with hypocricy!


.. I'm asking for nothing but I'll probably get a satsuma, some nuts and a bag of chocolate money!


* Probably ask Santa for an Xbox 360 too, by the looks of things.


Yes, because Jesus was a well known commie. Down with capitalism!

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No, don't use the word Christ and then go against everything he stood for :P I've decided I'm against the word Christmas when combined with the idea of presents in our modern culture. A £200+ present in the name of Jesus? No. WWJDFFS?*


I'm a believer. We give presents at Christmas because in the Christmas story, the Wise Men/Kings gave presents to Jesus.

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In keeping with the disgusting American trend of putting out xmas merchandise the day after Halloween, ill go ahead and jump the gun too.


What do you want for Xmas?

Ouch, Low blow :p , but everyone i know that celebrates Halloween and Chirstmas knows that Thanksgiving comes before Chirstmas.


but besides that. I really want that Mario Kart Bundle and MONEY. :awesome:

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Its so awesome, my Xbox360 is pretty much paid for.I SHOULD be getting the premium pack for xmas(I convinced my Mum that I want it but she still a bit edgy that its £280 but I think she'll get it :wink:) and also, I want Kameo which I was going to buy myself, but my sister said shes spending up to £50 on me this year because she has loads of money from beginning working so thats that paid for :D


I might buy PD0 but i'll wait and see. Other than that I'm waiting till next year for other games, most launched games will probably be rushed anyway.

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Ouch, Low blow :p , but everyone i know that celebrates Halloween and Chirstmas knows that Thanksgiving comes before Chirstmas.


Cmon, you cant tell me your wal-mart doesnt already have christmas trees up

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Cmon, you cant tell me your wal-mart doesnt already have christmas trees up

No dude. As soon as Thanksgiving is over Then Chirstmas stuff will be up.

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Yes, because Jesus was a well known commie. Down with capitalism!


Think about it all the water turned into wine and the loaf of bread feeding a whole crowd of people theres surely some commie propaganda in there somewere.

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Lots of money

Any videogame I want that I dont have

XBOX 360


And some other stuff that can't be bought like perfect health, a girlfriend and so on.

I dont usuallly get a lot of presents though...

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I'm getting the new iPod (it arrived yesterday :)). Though thats for my birthday (Christmas Eve) and for Christmas because its expensive. Every year I seem to be pushing the limits, last year it was a £160 mobile, and now a £200 iPod. I still think I'm asking for a bit too much, and I know I won't get anything else from my parents.

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i am deeply offended by this atrocious arguement. i am a christian and you have utterly upset me. it should be christmas not xmas because we are celebrating the day when christ was born and we should not just think about presents. im appauled


just kiddin, i dont have any religion


hmmmmm, for christmas id have some kinda ipod thing called a Zen micro

they are good quality and dont break like most ipods

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hmmmmm, for christmas id have some kinda ipod thing called a Zen micro


Do not compare Creative with Apple. NEVAR!!!!!











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Christmas stuff out the day after Halloween? Hmm, I'm in the US too and it's much worse than that. HSN have been selling Christmas stuff since July, and things have been in the shops since September. 2 weeks ago I saw Christmas trees and a giant inflatable snowman in a ball complete with fake snow for $299 at Wal Mart.

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wonder if the mods'll lock this one too :heh:


Last one was locked cause people were moaning it was too early.


Perosnally I don't mind Xmas stuff being up earlyish, I like the festive period so its not so bad.


Anyway all I want for christmas (at the moment cause I never make a list up til it comes to a point where my mom is like "What do you want!?") is my PC back. Pretty please.

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Yes, because Jesus was a well known commie. Down with capitalism!


Truth. Why else were there queues for bread and fish when he was around? ;)

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This buety:


<a href=aegm15cam15a4carbine6db.jpg' alt='aegm15



It's a classic army m15 a4 carbine, air soft rifle,metal body, fires at about 330 f/s and looks sweat as (it's bassicly an m4a1 carbine). -just in case you have no idea what i am on about it is not a real gun it's for airsoft (paintballing with bb guns).

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A plane ticket so I can go visit my girlfriend ;_; I hear florida is alot nicer this time of year. *hates cold*


florida is great this time of year pending on where abouts you are. because it still can get a bitter cold as england, but a 20 min drive in most directions can sort that out. but were ever your girl lives i would advise not to walk around to much as you would be seen as being from the ghetto :shock:

and dogs like to chase people on foot. and its no fun runnin from a doberman in the heat,


but for christmas i would like their to be no more christmas again, EVER.

bah humbug.

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Everybody wants a sodding XB360 thingy. I just want a bag of chocolate money like Emo and a back of condoms for clean wanks. And an XB360.

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Everybody wants a sodding XB360 thingy. I just want a bag of chocolate money like Emo and a back of condoms for clean wanks. And an XB360.


lol, we call em posh wanks up here

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