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Whats the worst thing about the Wii?


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From a hardware perspective, my only real gripe with the Wii is the lack of support for HD resolutions.


More games in the same league of quality as Twilight Princess would be nice, but they will come. Super Mario Galaxy is just around the corner! :yay:

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- No hd, I can sorta understand nintendo's reason for leaving it out, kind of. but still.

- I can't afford to spend money on shallow "party games". I'm having to wait and wait for good games to come out.

- WiiFit being nintendo's big surprise. Please.

- Power. While the 360 and ps3 can swap ports of their best games (if they want), the Wii will miss out and be (mostly) limited to ps2 ports and nintendo exclusives.

- All my friends have an xbox or a playstation. "Wii is hilarious but there's nothing that's impressive" is what I get told.

- DVD. Everyone wants dvd secretly.


Other than that it's not a bad machine. Still prefer my n64 though.

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Guest Stefkov

I hate that if you leave it off for a prolonged amount of time the loading times for some of the applications. It was flashing blue this morning so I flicked it on to see what it was, while I was there I clicked on the Forecast channel. About 6 minutes after looking at a black screen I had to turn it off at the plug.

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Well, I've got something that I'm disappointed in with the new 3.0 firmware: the lack of keyboard support for channels. I mean... YES! now we can connect our USB keyboards to our Wii's and type away, but only in the main menu/message system? wtf is that about. Making a small update for the Internet Channel wouldn't be too hard for Nintendo, I'm sure.


But thats just a small "problem" I guess.

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Since when was Wii Fit stated to be a "surprise", let alone a big one? I mean....they announced it around 5 or 6 months ago and told us what the basic thing about it was.


Well when watching e3 I was excited as they built up to their main feature. They skimmed past mariokart and smash brothers and metroid and the zapper and pretty everything else untill they got to wii fitness. (Okay I didn't mean a surprise, I meant their big event-based feature.)

It was a surprise to me that their main feature at a convention for gamers and people already involved in gaming, was something aimed at non-gamers. Maybe I'm not wearing the right tinted glasses but it came as a dissapointment that they were so eager to get through all their other titles to reach this one.

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You're mistaking a press (primarily for newspapers, non-gaming magazines and non-gaming sites - gaming press is a small portion of E3) event for a gaming event. E3 is not aimed at us at all.


The Lezpeig Games Convention, Tokyo Game Show and E for All are all open to the public (i.e. gamers), so we'll see more "gamer" games at the LGC, TGS and E for All (Nintendo is the main exhibitor for that one).


Nintendo showed off their big non-gamer game at the least gamer-orientated press event they attend.

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Something I find strange is that not even Nintendo are making use of Wii Connect24 for game updates!


- Why don't they add updates to the Mii customisations,

- New courts/courses etc... for Wii-sports. Sure they can hold everything back for Wii-sports 2, but then why have connect24?

- New Mario Party mini-games etc...


Seems about as popular as GC-GBA connectivity at the moment!

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