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My vision on The Future of videogames:


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By Maikel de Bakker


In the future you will not buy your games at a game store but download them straight from your home console.


You only have to pay a yearly fee for all your (no matter how many you have) online games.


We will classic style games hi graphical games ands loads of educational games.


The games you save won’t be saved on your console but on the servers of the developers.


You wont be able to sell nor take your games anywhere without the console you play them on.


The inter activity between the hand held game consoles and the TV based consoles will used to the max. We will be able to play games, download games and get extra’s with this combo.


Developers will give us several music themes to choose from per game.


Games will get cheaper because they don’t have to package, distribute and locate the game any more.


You will be able to download a game in your languish when it gets there and you will be able to download others to. (So no more waiting for other translations for a game to finish)


All games will be region free.


Consoles updates will happen when you are not playing your games and you won’t have to confirm the download. the same goes for the games you have downloaded.


Gadgets will me a mayor selling point for the future games. We will see loads of more body movement based games.


The limit to how many wireless controllers can be used on one console will be gone. (16+ player games on one console will be possible!)


All multi player games can be played wireless LAN and online.


Don’t get reported! Gamers who have a foul mouth or offend people will lose the online functions for a given time depending on the punishment. (You can only get reported when more people file the same complaint.)


Games will finally have breached the visual limits so there will be no need for these games and we will start to see more and more art and fantasy based games. (Except for the simulator games of coarse)


Well this is “my†vision on the future of “videogames†and I don’t think I will be wrong mush. Although for some things I do hope I am slightly wrong. I hope you will enjoy this future as mush as I will. Were we will share our passion of videogames with our kids, parents and even grand parents. Life as a game will never be the same again. Gamers have grown and so will the games they play in any other way. I hope you all will stay because it will be cool to play.

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I would've thought that was pretty obvious to be honest. But you will still only be allowed a few on a Console (therefor forcing more shipments).


The only problem is that the internet at it's current state would't be able to take the future. There'd have to be a lot of hardware upgrading.

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Don't like the idea of not being able to play a game without the console it was bought for. So you can no longer share games with mates or sell them/trade them? You can't take a pile of games to a friend's to play a game night?


Sounds like you want all consoles to turn into PCs and have all social side of hanging out with friends taken away.

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i dunno, i mean i was musing the outher day, our pcs, phones, computers and tvs are looking to be the same unit in a few years time, why not include games? problem is that there has to be more then one console on sale to avoid a monopoly, so can't really be based in the general unit, which i imagine would be powered by a big company, such as ntl, bt or sky (who offer most of the services mentioned allready) and would run a high spec pc, which you could install windows etc on.


so maybe consoles would be closer to windows, thougfh i imagine youd be able to save onto a hard drive in the controler, kinda liek the wii mote. this could mean that you essentaly only have one personal remote, when the unit recognises it, it laods your settings, your games, your theams etc, you could program your music into games and take saves to friends houses.


i don't like that idea, i like buying games fromt he high street on impulse, i like being shut away fromt he internet on a game, i like being able to let my mates borrow games and have them play on games round mine, the idea of singular ownership sounds more like a money puller then any real advantage, and when i think about how often my wireless networks at home and uni screw up, it makes me wounder how bad this could be for gaming. plus, the internet is expensive, and un available in some areas, with out a major overhall of the internet (download limits etc) a soley online gameing system seems impractical to say te least.

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NiSuTe is still running?


jup we still are, mostly organizing events! We are NOT like N-Europe we dont do news reviews and previews we love to read them here. but we are into columns, gaming lifestyle and the games industry.


you cant change the future, you can only delay it


sure you can change it as soon as we all change the way we play games it will change

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You wont be able to sell nor take your games anywhere without the console you play them on.


If that would indeed come true the games industry can kiss me good-bye. I want to own a physical copy of the game. Especially as everyone it talking about intelectual property and not copying stuff and then they wouldn't even give me a physical medium where the games are on.


Apart from that I like your vision.

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If that would indeed come true the games industry can kiss me good-bye. I want to own a physical copy of the game. Especially as everyone it talking about intelectual property and not copying stuff and then they wouldn't even give me a physical medium where the games are on.


Apart from that I like your vision.


yeah i would hate it to! but i have eared them say it and i don't think they have put it on ice because it sells more games in the end


My vision of the future of videogames:


That's right, Frogger controlled by bike. You move forward by cycling, stop by braking and move left and right by steering. Also available are Pacman, Asteroids and Space Invaders.


hehe would that be nice hehe although this will not happen in my vision but i will not expel it

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yeah i would hate it to! but i have eared them say it and i don't think they have put it on ice because it sells more games in the end


Sure it's already starting. Look at Steam and that it just one of many who offers downloadable content. It will get bigger that's for sure. But at some point it ultimately has to stop and the consumer is the only one who can force them too.


When I look at older games. They had beautiful big boxes you could put flat with a seperate case for the cd, some artsworks, cards and a thick manual.

Now all we get is a short manual and a boring tutorial instead and the DVD Cases that take up a lot more space.

Sure production costs increased but I guess they're also making more money than they did back then and while downloadable content surely is good for indy developers I slowly start to wonder what good is it to pay for something I don't even physically own.

And I hope many will see it the same way.

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well the PS3 is also doing it with Little Big Planet a great game but only download able and i am sure that Sony will go on with this trend because it was they who said: "the future doens't lay with discs but with harddrives and download able content."

Yes the y actually said that and what is eve worse they said it right after the release of the bleuray! but they are right. it will be the future. so lets say Bye bye to our nice game covers and to reselling and second hand trait.


God and the more i think of it the more ill hate it!!

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