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Guest Stefkov

i go to high school, in my last year, favourite subjects would probably be IT and electronics. worst, dont know why i took it: art

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6th form 1st year. It's OK. I'm doing...


Maths- practically impossible at AS

English- A tad boring

Psychology- It's OK

Government & Politics- I have like one of the best teachers in the school, and possibly the shitest one in the school, so it balances out as OK.


The worst thing about my school is that they give all my homeworks on a thursday and Friday, and expect it in the following Monday, and nothing else the rest of the week, so yoiu can feel my annoyance there.

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I hated school, but college was fun - the first time. Did my A levels and that was all rocking, cause I aced them with ease but I've gone to a different college to do an art foundation and I dunno, its just not clicking. I may drop out, its just so blah. And I think I could do with some time off before uni, just to relax as I rarely relax.

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I hated school, but college was fun - the first time. Did my A levels and that was all rocking, cause I aced them with ease but I've gone to a different college to do an art foundation and I dunno, its just not clicking. I may drop out, its just so blah. And I think I could do with some time off before uni, just to relax as I rarely relax.


art foundation courses do tend to be a bit crap, thats why i didnt do one.

to get into uni i just went down with my portfolio high jacked the nearest tutor and, blah blah blahed my way in. :awesome:

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They also go into school for Saturday morning lessons, would you really make that trade?

Probably, as i really want to learn it as i want to Japan for a gap year, but i heard its difficult as they have three alphabets or something like that.

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art foundation courses do tend to be a bit crap, thats why i didnt do one.

to get into uni i just went down with my portfolio high jacked the nearest tutor and, blah blah blahed my way in. :awesome:


Well you see I was going to go to uni this year but didnt feel ready and what not so I decided to do a local art foundation to kill time and make sure I didn't lounge around doing nothing. I may end up lounging around by the looks.

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Hmmm, in secondary school I kinda loved the language subjects. Latin, French, English... Dutch was a bit less fun because of all the stupid reading and plays you had to do (and of course it's just my mother language, so it's not like you're really learning anything new and interesting).

I also liked Biology, especially in the last year when it was about genes and stuff. Geography was okay, as was history.

Absolutely -hated- Maths, as that subject almost made me fail my 5th year in secondary school. Stupid me of course had to pick a Maths oriented direction in school. Ah well.


But my one true love was Art. Never had it much in secondary school, but I'm making up for that now by studying Animation. In my 3rd year now; got one more to go after this one. It's -a lot- of work, but in a way I'm sort of enjoying it most of the time. Of course not starting to really get some work done till the last minute might be a bit of a silly thing to do, but I guess I work best under pressure. ='3

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Well you see I was going to go to uni this year but didnt feel ready and what not so I decided to do a local art foundation to kill time and make sure I didn't lounge around doing nothing. I may end up lounging around by the looks.


it,s not a bad thing, some guy on my course is 34, and hasent had a job for 10 years, now thats loungeing!!!

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Meh, in Year 11. My school's allright although I'm absolutly bogged down with coursework and I've done next to none this 1/2 term which, looking back was extremly foolish.

Scared like hell of not getting the grades and not getting back into my school's sixth form. I go to a Grammer School so they demand uber l33t GCSE grades which keeps me awake some nights with worry.

So far I've done allright in all my coursworks minus Biology although I've got such a bad teacher, she brakes down and starts crying frequently :/

Drama can be the worst but also best if you're doing well and everything is coming along smoothly, however Im in a group of uncreative morons for a devised (make up your own scripts and scenes) groupand I'm really worried as we've only got a 5 minute scene out of a needed 30minute peice, and we're performing Nov 11 :(

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I'm also in Year 11. I'm doing English, Maths, Physics, Biology and Chemistry (what's the point in Science double award, Science every day, it's like being in Primary School again), IT, PSHE, RE (one lesson a fortnight of RE, it's alright, tho.), PE, and I chose to do Drama, Music, History and I did do Business Studies in year 10, but my estimated grade was a 'G', so I dropped it so I could catch up with coursework and homework.


I enjoy English because it's so bloody simple. I got an 'A*' on a piece of coursework, Music because I can play guitar in the lesson and not be bothered too much, I'm supposed to be composing my own piece of music but I've been doing that at home. PE although I was doing rugby but I think I don't do it anymore, might be doing trampolining now, wish I wasn't, tho. I'd rather do football. I wish they'd do football as a seperate lesson.

And Drama is my favourite because of what happened in year 10. I'll tell you, i'm quite proud of this:

When I started Drama GCSE my teacher only predicted I'd get a 'C'. Then we did the devised exam and I got a 19/30 mark, lost marks because my hair covered up my face so they couldn't see my facial expressions.

Then in March/April we did a scene from Billy Liar, where I played Geoffrey, Billy's dad. I got 23/30, lost marks because I lost my northern accent when I started shouting.

Into June, and my teacher's telling us our new estimated grades, And my estimated grade jumped from a 'C', all the way up to an 'A'. This made me more popular, because I surprised everyone with my drama capabilities.

Now I'm doing Scripted, i'm doing 'Find Me', a play about a schizophrenic girl named Verity.

Now, I've cut my hair and I don't need to put an accent on. Therefore I am bound to get an 'A' in this exam if I don't mess up.

Because of Drama, I now have 5 more MSN contacts, all from Drama, and my Drama teacher is my year 11 mentor.


Drama can be the worst but also best if you're doing well and everything is coming along smoothly, however Im in a group of uncreative morons for a devised (make up your own scripts and scenes) groupand I'm really worried as we've only got a 5 minute scene out of a needed 30minute peice, and we're performing Nov 11 :(


Bloody hell, I thought my drama class was bad enough. The head of Drama at my school has had to put the exam back a week so our class could get more work done, whereas all the other groups are ready.

But you're doing devised in year 11? I thought everyone did scripted in year 11. I did devised in year 10.

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When I started Drama GCSE my teacher only predicted I'd get a 'C'. Then we did the devised exam and I got a 19/30 mark, lost marks because my hair covered up my face so they couldn't see my facial expressions.

Then in March/April we did a scene from Billy Liar, where I played Geoffrey, Billy's dad. I got 23/30, lost marks because I lost my northern accent when I started shouting.

Into June, and my teacher's telling us our new estimated grades, And my estimated grade jumped from a 'C', all the way up to an 'A'. This made me more popular, because I surprised everyone with my drama capabilities.

Now I'm doing Scripted, i'm doing 'Find Me', a play about a schizophrenic girl named Verity.

Now, I've cut my hair and I don't need to put an accent on. Therefore I am bound to get an 'A' in this exam if I don't mess up.

Because of Drama, I now have 5 more MSN contacts, all from Drama, and my Drama teacher is my year 11 mentor.

Bloody hell, I thought my drama class was bad enough. The head of Drama at my school has had to put the exam back a week so our class could get more work done, whereas all the other groups are ready.

But you're doing devised in year 11? I thought everyone did scripted in year 11. I did devised in year 10.


Well, we had an abolsute beast of a teacher in year 9, an good ole Ozzie, and we got quite far ahead as we started doing our GCSe course in half way through Year 9. So we did a devised and a scrripted piece so we could fall back on that if we cocked up our final piece. However, then it was discovered that our great teacher was a peadophile :/ So we got mucked about for 1/2 a year with cover teachers all the time so now we are deperately trying to speed up.


Last year for my scripted I did Billy Liar as well :) :) :). What scene did you do? I was forced to do a dualogue due to the crappy cover teacher at the time didn't know how to split a class evenly so I did the scene in which Billy and Arthur are messing about. I can still remember most of the lines heh. "Now where them passion pills etc"

"Bluddy hell, you carnt do that, it was just last night I was teelling me Mum she'd had a miscarriage"


got a goodish mark for it bu due to us losing a teacher AGAIN we never got our essay pieces on it back :/



But now we have a good good teacher. Worked for 4 years and a student in her class has never got lower than an A.

Also, our devised isn't a major thing, just something we have to do :S.

Our scripted peice is our big daddy final assessment piece

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I'm in year 12 at the moment, studing Maths, Biology, Chemistry and Business Studies. I seem to be in a bad situation, where I hate all my subjects and teachers. The only good point is that recently Business Studies has become mildly interesting. Here's hoping the same happens with the other subjects.

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