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What I mean is if I make a swing motion down to the left it'd do it.


Ah, yea. I think that's what most people want.


I don't think they did it with TP because they would have needed to alter animations for pretty much every enemy.


My wiimote speaker quality is fine, maybe people who have problems with this should turn down the volume? You don't have to completely turn it off, just turn down the volume and all the static will disapear, but that's true for any game, not just Zelda. My controller makes great sound when you draw or sheath your sword. The Zelda Chime sounds different from the one coming from the TV, yeah, but it's not bad.

Just go to the controller menu on the Home menu and leave only 3 bars on the speaker volume, 3 bars will do fine, it's less than half the capacity, you can still hear it pretty well, and the static is non-present.


Is it me, or is the speaker just loud? I find the lowest possible setting is the best. Above 3 bars it just sounds very loud.


The controls are good. 1:1 would be bad imo, but having sword controls like horizontal, vertical and diagonal swing instead of just one swing would have been better.


I have the volume on my Remote turned all the way up as with some games I can't hear the noises it makes. Resident Evil 4 sounds are very quiet but then I play Twilight Princess and they are much louder. Maybe I should just turn down my stereo system but I want to feel the bass effects. Whats a boy to do


When i first got my wii and decided to play twilight princess at 1 in the morning and eveyone was asleep and the house was quiet and still. I had the fright of my life when loud slashing sounds came out the remote and it was on its highest volume and i didn't know how to turn it down. The Wiimotes for that game is very loud. :D

I think the controls work really well and i wouldn't go back. It made aiming better and generally heightened my experience of the game.


Well I've played both versions, and using items is easier with the Wii-mote but i'd pick the GC's B button for sword attacks over motion control by a mile.


I'd say yes. Its a bit disappointing that you cant swing down and Link'll swing down, gesture to the side and Link'll slash that way etc but I think its definitely a success. Even the waggle was nice I thought, especially the first one that unsheathes your sword- twas a nice feeling to run at some baddies/ a boss and flick your wrist and Link would draw the Master Sword and lay into them scums. :hehe:


What everyone has said about the aiming is true as well, its so much better being able just to point where you want.


Would I go back? Well, I thought it wouldnt be a problem but I didnt quite realise how second nature the Wii controls had become for me. The past week or that I've been playing Ocarina of Time, just reliving Christmas '98... and well, when I began and ran into some grass I didnt know what to do! It was like my hands wanted to waggle but my brain knew I was holding a GameCube controller and not a Wiimote. I actually had to stop for a second and think of what to do! Obviously since getting back into the game I'm back to button pressing, but that moment or two at the beginning was certainly unexpected!

Would I go back? Well, I thought it wouldnt be a problem but I didnt quite realise how second nature the Wii controls had become for me. The past week or that I've been playing Ocarina of Time, just reliving Christmas '98... and well, when I began and ran into some grass I didnt know what to do! It was like my hands wanted to waggle but my brain knew I was holding a GameCube controller and not a Wiimote. I actually had to stop for a second and think of what to do! Obviously since getting back into the game I'm back to button pressing, but that moment or two at the beginning was certainly unexpected!
On Zelda TP for the GC when I came to my senses I was shaking the wavebird with both hands trying to use the sword, now that was ridiculous.

That's not ridiculous, it's normal. After I played Godfather, I went back to Everything or Nothing on GC. Being 3rd person shooters from the same company, they play very much the same way and I was shaking the GC controller for reload many times at the begining.

And they were different games, you were playing the same game, so I think it's normal. Force of habit.


Indeed, I was playing Perfect Dark the other day and was shaking the N64 controller to reload....stupid I know. Especially when being shot in the head.


It just seemed to make perfect sense though. It just proves that the motion controls are ingrained in me now. Back to topic...I remember thinking the wiimote controls for TP were ok...Nothing revolutionary like, say Wii Sports. But the fishing is incredibly intuitive and when I was doing that giant eel/fish boss I was actually thrusting my arm in a stabbing motion into the fishes eye when stabbing him. That felt utterly awesome and I will never forget that moment. The sky temple and the use of TWO hookshots also felt wonderful with the wiimote and was incredibly like some kind of spiderman-like moment. Immersion at it's best. I doubt those moments are as good on the cube,

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