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Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World


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Guest Maase

Weren't you the one who was nitpicking this game?


If the answer is "Yes", why the hell are you buying it? To nitpick it even more? :X

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Weren't you the one who was nitpicking this game?


If the answer is "Yes", why the hell are you buying it? To nitpick it even more? :X

Yes, I have pretty good reasons, IMO, to pick on it, essentially I don't agree with the oportunism, and with Namco giving me, a long time fan of theirs the shortest end of the stick for no good reason.


To his salvation though, the game is not half bad so far, although it has a horrible beggining regarding pace, even worse than Abyss, tutorial for this tutorial for that... and dull ones at that.


Why did I purchase it though? not to nitpick it "ironically". But because it's tales; that won't stop me from nitpicking when I see fit though.

Although he nitpicks, he's still a Tales fan :heh:
Yes, I'm the official nitpicking Tales Fan of n-europe. :p
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I wanna hear your impressions and all... but just keep any major spoiler stuff in spoiler boxes, mmkay? Otherwise te voy a hacer picadillo, boy. :heh:
Ok, but I still want to play a little more before I go in depth.


The first hour of the game is pretty slow though, even the first battles (the ones we see in the photos, where Emil is still not equipped with his suit and is with a different sword... he's slow, can't do nothing but a simple attack... really "meh", then all of a sudden when he get's the suit it starts playing like it should, speed fluidity, dodge speed... pretty tight really.


Motion Capture is not always there... there's still "OoT'ish moments of a animation that end and returns to the beggining, and the mouths up close and head-on are just bad. The game has a subtle cell shading going on (already suspected it but hard to put my hand on it through images)


Overworld map remix rocks.

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Ok, but I still want to play a little more before I go in depth.


The first hour of the game is pretty slow though, even the first battles (the ones we see in the photos, where Emil is still not equipped with his suit and is with a different sword... he's slow, can't do nothing but a simple attack... really "meh", then all of a sudden when he get's the suit it starts playing like it should, speed fluidity, dodge speed... pretty tight really.


Motion Capture is not always there... there's still "OoT'ish moments of a animation that end and returns to the beggining, and the mouths up close and head-on are just bad. The game has a subtle cell shading going on (already suspected it but hard to put my hand on it through images)


Overworld map remix rocks.


Maybe... maybe I'll steal your brain thus gaining basic Japanese translating skills.


Yes! That's perfect! Oh, the wheels of your downfall are already in motion, Pedro-boy!

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I don't really care for the graphics, as long as the game itself is engaging and enjoyable I don't mind. Though I don't support the fact they seem to have invested little towards this sequel. Though the screenshot quality of the DotNW picture is pretty bad and doesn't really do it as much justice.

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If they do, as long as its more playable than GBA phantasia, I'd buy it.
I buy everything tales, as long as they don't release it on a platform that makes no sense while insulting me.


But... That doesn't mean I'm happy with it. A port of Abyss wouldn't be a bad thing in principle, if more "worthy" stuff was coming, but it would be insulting if done alone as in: "we don't want to invest, here's more scraps you stupid second rate customers".


Unfortunately... it seems like something stupid Namco would do, though.

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I buy everything tales, as long as they don't release it on a platform that makes no sense while insulting me.


But... That doesn't mean I'm happy with it. A port of Abyss wouldn't be a bad thing in principle, if more "worthy" stuff was coming, but it would be insulting if done alone as in: "we don't want to invest, here's more scraps you stupid second rate customers".


Unfortunately... it seems like something stupid Namco would do, though.


Namco has announced Tales of the Abyss has been anounced, with a change.


Namco have said that they will replace Tear with collete now :indeed:

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I noticed that some of you guys have tales of symhonia 2 for the wii and i have some questions regarding that.


Q1: Does the game have under scan(black bars) on you hdtv(if you have one)?


Q2: How does the game look i.e. on an hdtv?


Q3: Is the battle system the same as tales of symphonia 1?


Q4: Is the game a worthy successor to tales of symphonia(without giving spoilers)?

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I still need to play my Tales of Abyss on my PS2. It is still wrapped :D Heh.


I still want to play through this game as well. I'll be getting the US import when it hits over there in September (i think) How far have people got now with the Japanese one?

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New maingame tales of ... wii is coming and its rumour to be made by Team Symphonia.


So many Tales of games now.

  1. December 15, 1995 Tales of Phantasia (SFC)
  2. December 23, 1997 Tales of Destiny (PS)
  3. December 23, 1998 Tales of Phantasia (PS)
  4. November 10, 2000 Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon (GBC)
  5. November 30, 2000 Tales of Eternia (PS)
  6. November 28, 2002 Tales of Destiny 2 (PS2)
  7. October 25, 2002 Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 2 (GBA)
  8. March 7, 2003 Tales of the World: Summoner's Lineage (GBA)
  9. August 1, 2003 Tales of Phantasia (GBA)
  10. August 29, 2003 Tales of Symphonia (GCN)
  11. February 16, 2004 Tales of Tactics (MOB)
  12. September 22, 2004 Tales of Symphonia (PS2)
  13. December 16, 2004 Tales of Rebirth (PS2)
  14. January 6, 2005 Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 3 (GBA)
  15. January 31, 2005 Tales of Breaker (MOB)
  16. March 3, 2005 Tales of Eternia (PSP)
  17. October 14, 2005 Tales of Commons (MOB)
  18. August 25, 2005 Tales of Legendia (PS2)
  19. December 15, 2005 Tales of the Abyss (PS2)
  20. June 21, 2006 Tales of Wahrheit (MOB)
  21. September 7, 2006 Tales of Phantasia: Full Voice Edition (PSP)
  22. November 16, 2005 Tales of Tactics Gaiden (MOB)
  23. November 30, 2006 Tales of Destiny (PS2)
  24. October 26, 2006 Tales of the Tempest (DS)
  25. December 21, 2006 Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology (PSP)
  26. February 15, 2007 Tales of Destiny 2 (PSP)
  27. December 6, 2007 Tales of Innocence (DS)
  28. January 31, 2008 Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut (PS2)
  29. March 3, 2006 Tales of Eternia Online (PC)
  30. January 31, 2008 Tales of the World: Material Dungeon (MOB)
  31. March 19, 2008 Tales of Rebirth (PSP)
  32. June 26, 2008 Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World (WII)
  33. August 7, 2008 Tales of Vesperia (X360)
  34. Winter 2008 Tales of Hearts (DS)
  35. Winter 2009 Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2 (PSP)
  36. Winter 2009 Tales of (Wii)
  37. Winter 2009 Tales of (PS3)

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