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Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World


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I'm going to take those famitsu scores with a pinch of salt (they always Tales rate them highly don't they?). I still think i'm not going to buy this. It would be supporting laziness.


Tales Of Famitsu Scores List

1 Tales of the Abyss PS2 Namco 36

2 Tales of Symphonia: Knight of Ratatosk Wii Bandai Namco 35

3 Tales of Innocence NDS Bandai Namco 35

4 Tales of Symphonia NGC Namco 34

5 Tales of Eternia PSP Namco 33

6 Tales of Destiny PS2 Bandai Namco 32

7 Tales of Legendia PS2 Namco 32

8 Tales of Rebirth PS2 Namco 32

9 Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World Wii Bandai Namco 31

10 Tales of The World: Radiant Mythology PSP Bandai Namco 30

11 Tales of the Tempest NDS Bandai Namco 28

12 Tales of Phantasia GBA Namco 28

13 Tales of the World: Summons Lineage GBA Namco 28

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Good news :)


I got confirmation that ToS-R is indeed mainly developed by Namco Tales Studio. As assumed before it's a mix of old (like Kasutoshi Sato who was last seen in ToS GC is now this game's main programmer) and totally new staff, so it may indeed be/become the third team ("Team Ratatosk"?). Consequently the composers/arrangers are Sakuraba and Tamura again. Supporting developer was Mineloader (which also participated in TotA and ported ToP PSP) besides some NBGI staff as usual. I'm in the progress of transcribing the staff list, will put it on my site once done so and may report again if there's something else noteworthy.
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Good news :)
That doesn't excuse the lack of funding and resources they had to not even do a World Map, and the final graphics of the tramp.


Could be even developed by Mythos himself and they wouldn't be off the hook (bastards prone to idiotic moneyhats *starts spouting insults*)

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Tales Of Famitsu Scores List

1 Tales of the Abyss PS2 Namco 36

2 Tales of Symphonia: Knight of Ratatosk Wii Bandai Namco 35

3 Tales of Innocence NDS Bandai Namco 35

4 Tales of Symphonia NGC Namco 34

5 Tales of Eternia PSP Namco 33

6 Tales of Destiny PS2 Bandai Namco 32

7 Tales of Legendia PS2 Namco 32

8 Tales of Rebirth PS2 Namco 32

9 Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World Wii Bandai Namco 31

10 Tales of The World: Radiant Mythology PSP Bandai Namco 30

11 Tales of the Tempest NDS Bandai Namco 28

12 Tales of Phantasia GBA Namco 28

13 Tales of the World: Summons Lineage GBA Namco 28


What the... They reviewed the Jap and US versions of the game? And gave'em 5 points difference?


EDIT: Forget it, just read pedro's spoilaz. But still...

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Gamer Impressions:


-Load times are a bit long (I didn't keep count of the videos I've seen for this, but it seems longer than Symphonia/Vesperia's, but a bit shorter than Abyss')

-The monster system doesn't seem that bad. I've seen a lot of people making use of them too.

-Animations are very nice and add a lot to the game's cutscenes.

-I've heard the game was about 30 hours. Now, mind you, this is from people that blew through the story. I'm guessing it's the usual 40 or 50 the series usually has if you take your time.

-Seems to be a lot of minigames and sidequests. Marta even gets a "pettanko" (flat-chested) title.

-Along with the sidequests, seems a fair number of titles are also there.

-Controls take a bit of getting used to, but it seems to be pretty simple.

-A lot of people find the new characters pretty enjoyable.

-Story's actually pretty serious and doesn't seem to "disgrace" the previous game.

-Emil's pretty fun to use (though from what I've seen of the beginning of the game things start out pretty slow).

-There's a lot of skits and Tenebrae's apparently pretty funny.

-Item synthesis is really useful.

-There's a lot of remixed versions of old tracks, but they're good.



I don't think anyone's found any costumes or a cameo battle yet, but now that a few people (mostly those that got the game early) have finished the game, I'm pretty sure people are searching the game for all the various sidequests.


I also haven't seen any animated cutscenes, no idea if no one's posting them or they're all ingame stuff, but the animation and the important cutscenes moving automatically (no need to press any buttons and all that) seems to make up for it at least.


Basically, from what I've seen, it's at least a pretty solid game overall.


Tales of Symphonia: Knight of Ratatosk Staff List


(voice cast, motion capture models, animation movie, theme music staff omitted)


Character Design (キャラクターデザイン)

Kosuke Fujishima (藤島 康介)


Original Scenario & Support (シナリオ原集 協力)

Takumi Miyajima (実弥島 巧)


Scenario (シナリオ)

Masaki Hiramatsu (平松 正樹)


Namco Tales Studio (ナムコ・テイルズスタジオ スタッフ)


Total Directors (トータルディレクション)

Kiyoshi Nagai (長井 潔), Eiji Kikuchi (菊池 栄二)


Director & Planner (ディレクション&プランニング)

Akihiro Arahori (荒堀 明弘)


Planners (プランニング)

Masahiro Abe (安部 昌宏), Go Murai (村井 剛), 高橋 翠, 長尾 聖香


Process Manager (プロセスマネジメント)

Keita Matsui (松井 圭太)


Main, Sytem & Field Programmer (メインプログラム, システムプログラム, フィールドプログラム)

Katsutoshi Sato (佐藤 勝利)


Battle Programmer (バトルプログラム)

大木 龍司


Battle Programming Support (バトルプログラムサポート)

木下 潤


Programming Support (プログラムサポート)

白尾 博樹


Lead Script (スクリプトリード)

Hiroyuki Suzuki (鈴木 宏之)


Script (スクリプト)

子浜 智, 及川 裕子, 高橋 翠, 白尾 博樹, Ryuichiro Okamoto (岡本 竜一郎), Nobuyuki Sawada (澤田 信行)


Skit Script (チャットスクリプト)

高橋 翠


Lead Graphic Designers (マップグラフィックリード)

Nobuo Kanuma (鹿沼 宣雄), Satomi Omameuda (大豆生田 さとみ, aka Susumu 進)


Graphic Designers (マップグラフィック)

岡崎 克志, 鴇田 春美, 三谷 香織, 長野 賢司, 高木 秀幸, Sadayuki Imai (今井 貞徹)


Lead Character Graphic Designer (キャラクターグラフィックリード)

宮國 賢剛


Event Character Designer (イベントキャラクターデザイン)

Asao Furukawa (古川 麻生)


Character Graphic Designers (キャラクターグラフィック)

Makiko Tono (東野 雅貴子), 八川 幸平, 阿部 伸吾, 峯村 依里, 掘田 紀子


Lead Graphic/Monster Designer (モンスターデザイン&グラフィックリード)

川口 徹


Monster Graphic Designer (モンスターグラフィック)

Yutaka Nihei (二瓶 穣)


Lead Animator & Event Director (モーションリード&イベントシーン演出監修)

Hisato Ito (伊藤 久仁)


Animators (モーション)

宮田 僚, 川北 昌幸, 三好 孔治, 石田 弘達, 西崎 智香子, 石川 大介, 友野 文恵


Battle Background Designers (戦闘背景グラフィック)

Nobuo Kanuma (鹿沼 宣雄), 三谷 香織


Field Graphic Designer (フィールドグラフィック)

鴇田 春美


System Graphic Designer (システムグラフィック)

松井 麻衣香


Effect Graphic Designers (エフェクトグラフィック)

Kazushige Tomita (冨田 和重), 藤川 浩一, 幡野 愛


Sound Programmer (サウンドプログラム)

Shuji Ikegami (池上 修司)


Music Composers (ミュージックコンポーザー)

Motoi Sakuraba (桜庭 統), Shinji Tamura (田村 信二)


Sound Effects (サウンドエフェクト)

Hiroshi Tamura (田村 宏史), 矢部 健太


Special Thanks (スペシャルサンクス)

Yasuyuki Sawadaishi (沢田石 靖之), 新原 雄二, 堀田 正人, 小林 明日香, 小林 美由紀, Isao Kadowaki (門脇 勲), Takeshi Yokoyama (横山 武史), Chikako Kiyota (清田 千香子), Yoshifumi Osaki (大崎 芳史), Yuri Handa (半田 百合), Kaho Yamauchi (山内嘉穂), Chie Kubota (久保田 千絵), 脊戸 義弘, 笠原 信寛, Jyunichi Uchida (内田 淳一), 高橋 憲生


Dreams (株式会社ドリームス)


Debug Staff (デバックスタッフ)

戸張 康幸, 仲田 征司


Mineloader (ミンリュウソフト)


Art Director, Lead Character Graphic Designer (キャラクターグラフィックリード, アートディレクター)

Yan Shuang


Character Graphic Designers (キャラクターグラフィック)

Chang Ning, Xiong Yan, Zhang Dingming, Zhang Yan


Lead Graphic Designer (マップグラフィックリード)

Gong Ming


Graphic Designers (マップグラフィック)

Hao Shan, Sun Jian, Hu Yiwei, Wang Yaxian, Gao Mingyan, Li Jingjing, Li Yue, Zhang Jianwei, Zuo Qian, Lei Ming, Chang Ning


Lead Animator (モーションリード)

Zhu Xinmiao


Animators (モーション)

Bao Yintu, Dong Li, Su Yu, Xu Yijun, Wu Jianhe


Coodinators コーディネーター

Xu Zhen, Zhu Xinmiao


Special Thanks (スペシャルサンクス)

Su Fang, Tang Yudong, Honjoh Haori, Yanshi, Jiang Hui


Supporting Companies (協力会社)

Bandai Namco Business Service (株式会社バンダイナムコビジネスサービス), Creek & River (株式会社クリーク・アンド・リバー社), Digitalscape (株式会社デジタルスケープ)


Namco Bandai Games Inc.


Character Design (キャラクターデザイン)

Daigo Okumura (奥村 大悟)


Design Staff (デザインスタッフ)

浅野 直子, Minoru Iwamoto (岩本 稔)


Cutscene Presentation & Direction (イベント演出・監督)

Yasushi Shibue (渋江 康士)


Motion Capture (モーションキャプチャ)

村田 寿夫, 河野 哲也, 大曽根 淳, 佐俣 康喜, 吉山 直子, 佐藤 水緒, 鈴木 馨, 伊藤 澄夫, 苗村 久美子, 石田 直秋


Event Design (イベントデザイン)

河野 紀子, 内藤 洋介, 飯島 弘道, Eriko Yamada (山田 江里子)


Ending Movie Production (エンディングムーピー制作)

Taketoshi Inagaki (稲垣 武俊)


Package Design (パッケージデザイン)

小尾 克志


Technical Support (テクニカルサポート)

小林 幸弘


Coordinator (コーディネーター)

高橋 牧江


QAC (クオリティー管理統括)

青山 正志


CS Sales Dept (CS営業部)

西澤 冬樹, 小野寺 浩, 熊田 直樹, 佐伯 博史, 高林 一浩, 西端 悟, 星合 真樹, 大石 幸平


CS Promotion Group (CSプロモーショングループ)

渡辺 浩孝, 田中 快, 青野 健太, 関根 裕子


Special Thanks (スペシャルサンクス)

Shinichiro Okamoto (岡本 進一郎), 野口 伸二, Yoshito Higuchi (樋口 義人), 大館 隆司, 新藤 貴行, 多田 功一 (株式会社 猿楽庁), 河久保 英子 (株式会社 猿楽庁), 渡邊 厚仁 (株式会社 猿楽庁)


Supporting Company (協力会社)

Digital Hearts (株式会社デジタルハーツ)


Directors (ディレクター)

佐藤 裕一, Asana Inoki (猪ノ木 麻奈), Hideki Hattori (服部 秀樹)


Production Producer (制作プロデューサー)

Teruaki Konishi (小西 輝彰)


Producer (プロデューサー)

Tsutomu Gouda (郷田 努)


Total Producer (統括プロデューサー)

Hideo Baba (馬場 英雄), Makoto Yoshidumi (吉積 信), Naomiki Yanagisawa (柳沢 直幹)


Executive Producers (エグゼクティブプロデューサー)

Shin Unozawa (鵜之澤 伸), Shukuo Ishikawa (石川 祝男)

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Guest Captain Falcon

I also haven't seen any animated cutscenes, no idea if no one's posting them or they're all ingame stuff, but the animation and the important cutscenes moving automatically (no need to press any buttons and all that) seems to make up for it at least.


I seem to recall reading a developer interview whereby they said there was only one animated scene (the intro) because all the characters were done with mocap and that they no longer felt them as necessary.

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I seem to recall reading a developer interview whereby they said there was only one animated scene (the intro) because all the characters were done with mocap and that they no longer felt them as necessary.
sorrisogv0.gifsorrisogv0.gifsorrisogv0.gifsorrisogv0.gifsorrisogv0.gif (I remember that)


yeah right, why did they feel the need to do a lot of them, according to them "a new standard" regarding the number of cutscenes for Tales of Vesperia again? oh I forgot, because it looks worse than motion capture on some lame lowpoly modeled characters without detailed shadows and no detailed mouths.

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Recent first-day sales from Japan:


Derby Stallion (NDS) - 120,000


Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World (Wii) - 120,000


Band Brothers DX (NDS) - 70,000


Evangelion (PS2) - 30,000


Higurashi (NDS) - 22,000


Ken to Mahou to Gakuen Mono (PSP) - 17,000


Gundam Operation Troy (360) - 20,000


Basara X (PS2) - 16,000


Bleach 3rd (DS) - 14,000


King of Fighters '98 (PS2) - 13,000


Disgaea: Hour of Darkness (NDS) - 11,000


Battlefield BC (360) - 9,000


The Tower (NDS) - 4,000


Winning Post 6 (PSP) - 3,000


Courstesy: Cubed3

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Horse racing game beats ToS to no1.


1. [NDS] Derby Stallion DS - 148,000

2. [WII] Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World - 137,000

3. [NDS] Daigasso! Band Brothers DX - 120,000

4. [PS2] Shinseki Evangelion Pachislot Vol. 12 - 55,000

5. [NDS] Higurashi no Nakukoru ni Kizuna: Dai-Ichi-Kan - 55,000

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Is this the weekly sales? Can you see how many the Tower on DS sold?


Yeah it is, sorry but only the top ten japan sales are out and the rest come out on friday night.


1. [NDS] Derby Stallion DS - 148,000

2. [WII] Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World - 137,000

3. [NDS] Daigasso! Band Brothers DX - 120,000

4. [PS2] Shinseki Evangelion Pachislot Vol. 12 - 55,000

5. [NDS] Higurashi no Nakukoru ni Kizuna: Dai-Ichi-Kan - 55,000

6. [WII] Wii Fit - 34,000 / 2,292,000

7. [PS3] Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots - 34,000 / 566,000

8. [WII] Mario Kart Wii - 31,000 / 1,508,000

9. [WII] Super Mario Stadium Family Baseball - 31,000 / 89,000

10. [360] Gundam Operation Troy - 28,000

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