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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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Raced online again, this time H-O-T and MatTheHat were in the same matches!


I stupidly changed my character and used a different bike and couldn't control it at all...so i came last. :heh:


Yeah its been great. Stefkov, Cookyman and MATtheHAT showed up later aswell. I was in a tight race on Rainbow Road as I knew someone was behind me and I just won, turns out it was Stef :)

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Guest Stefkov
Yeah its been great. Stefkov, Cookyman and MATtheHAT showed up later aswell. I was in a tight race on Rainbow Road as I knew someone was behind me and I just won, turns out it was Stef :)

I was annoyed at myself I should have thrown the red shell sooner but you stopped it with a banana. I could have won that race aswell..=(


Hmm, 249 wins and 114 losses. Not bad.

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..well.. I have finished 50cc this morning and unlocked a few things..


I am really enjoying this game and some of the new tracks in the game are just fantastic! (Star Cup and Special Cup in particular) ..and, also, the returning N64 tracks are great and the memories are so good! I enjoyed them all back when Mario Kart 64 was released and Sherbet Land, being one of my favourite tracks back then, is even better now- I love that track!


To be honest, the track design in Mario Kart Wii along with some of the returning tracks from Mario Kart 64, Super Mario Kart and, to an extent, Mario Kart Super Circuit put the Double Dash tracks to shame! I loved Double Dash, but the tracks were always it's weakness for me! I would have much prefered more N64 or SNES tracks in place of the returning disappointing Gamecube tracks (in particular, Peach Beach) ..though the GC DK and Waluigi levels are OK..


Speaking of tracks, Peach Gardens was never that entertaining in the first place on DS.. but graphically on Mario Kart Wii it is laughable and certainly isn't any more fun than it was before. I like how the game looks in most other levels (and the graphics aren't particularly important anyway) ..but that level looks so bad with the hedges and the terrible flower beds :heh:


The game is brilliant though, well worth picking up. I have dipped my toe in online too and it was completely smooth and I look forward to plenty of online racing with everyone on here!


I do have a question though.. I haven't been reading about it or anything but I remember someone saying Mission Mode was in this game. At the moment, I don't feel like it is in there and that the screenshot which suggested it was must have been from one of the challenges that will be available on the Mario Kart Wii Channel..


Are these challenges/competitions basically the Mission Mode? And will they always be available to you or will they be limited to a certain amount of time?

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Are these challenges/competitions basically the Mission Mode? And will they always be available to you or will they be limited to a certain amount of time?


Thats it dude - wonder when they'll start????


Unlocked Funky Kong and Birdo today! - SWEET


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How'd you get those...I dont have them yet :(


[spoiler=]For Birdo you can get her/him/it by winning 250 times online or by unlocking Expert Staff Ghosts in Time Trials, think it may be 8 or possibly 16. For Funky unlock 4 Expert Staff Ghosts in Time Trials



EDIT: Just checked G-Faqs and I was wrong about one of them[spoiler=]For Birdo you just need to times on 16 different tracks in Time Trial mode.


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FFS, unlocking those is nigh on impossible ¬¬


[spoiler=]Birdo is easy. You dont even have to break any records in the Time Trials just play them and set a time. The online wins is techinically not matches but players. So in a 12 person race if you come first that counts as 11 wins.


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had a bit of a crack at time trials. I love the way you can download peoples replays :D After stuffing around for an hour or so I posted the 2nd best luigi's circuit time on the continental top10. Can see myself having some fun with this! Long way to go to catch those crazns on the worldwide top10 though :(


Also, which kart/bike are people using for online? I just can't decide :(

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Awesome pics there Maiky. Using Diddy too. Legend. Where is the Wii though? You have it hidden in a secret compartment?


my Wii is on the other end of the room (i work with component switch boards and a 15 meter long high quality component cable)


In the back of the chair you see a white spot that is where my 2 wii's and 2 360's stand


the cable runs from the TV down al the way to the back of the house





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They really should of replaced the Bullet bill and or blue shell with the new items rather than add them on top, it feels cheap at times with all these items.

Still it's the best Mario Kart since the DS version much better than Double Dash and maybe Mario Kart 64, I'm glad the ditched the gimmicky two person per kart thing too.

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