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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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It's funny to look at Super Mario kart and how much of an incredible racing game that was to this simplified mario kart.


I understand Nintendo are trying to get more sales as it's on the Wii, but MKDS came out when Nintendo were trying to capture a similar market and that wasn't simplified at all.


How is MK Wii simplified? That's something I've been trying to understand.

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Those of you complaining, hands up who's actually played it, and who's basing it on EDGE's review, "because EDGE is the best gaming magazine out there!"


Mario Kart Wii is not simplified. It's the goddamn same hectic fun that we've come to expect from the series. When I played it, I hardly got any items other than the usual bananas and shells, so that's the item argument blown out of the water. The Wii Wheel controls are great (my Sony loving friend is urging me to buy an extra Wheel). Nothing's wrong with the game.

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Im not complaining about it potentially being a bad game. I'm sure it will be great and lots of fun. But I've played too many MK games that are so similar already. I've got better places to put my money that's all and frankly, I'm surprised more people don't.

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Whats with Edge giving Mario Kart 6/10? and their quote...


"having sacrificed racing intergrity in double dash to side with social silliness, Nintendo has turned 180 degress into an akward halfway house"


I'm still looking forward to it and I'm not gonna let one review disuade me (especially not one of Edge's :P)



It's all pretentious bull...


Looking forward to this; for pure racing skill I'll be content with MKDS2 - I'm more than happy with a more 'simplified' MK for the Wii, if it will provide many a multiplayer romp. DD was great fun, and although it kind of negated player skill a bit, it wasn't about the winning.

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Im not complaining about it potentially being a bad game. I'm sure it will be great and lots of fun. But I've played too many MK games that are so similar already. I've got better places to put my money that's all and frankly, I'm surprised more people don't.


I do actually see your point, it in some respects is just another Mario Kart Game, but I think theres much more to it. For one the wheel makes playing Mario Kart very different. While everything else is pretty much the same, there's also online play which is a first for a home console Mario Kart.

I understand your point I just think your overlooking some of the things Mario Kart Wii does over its predacessors.

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i know this game will be awsome


Yes I can see how you'd think you know more about a game than a magazine that has already played it to completion. :p


I don't buy claims of anti-Nintendo bias either, I've always found EDGE to be very fair when it comes to reviews. Have they ever given Zelda a lower score than 9? Miyamoto drew their 100th issue cover as well. If they gave it a 6, then that's what they think it deserves. Not because they have some kind of agenda.

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Thinking about it, the Wii wheel will be very fun to play with, and the problem isnt that there's more control with the GC pad, it's the skill in being able to use the wheel the best out of everyone else playing.


For manual drifting what does it mean?

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edge are the worst mag, they usually underscore nintendo games , and it looks like they have become more xbox pc fan boyish latly,



90 % + ive seen in other reviews, i know this game will be awsome


Thats BS. Edge have nothing against nintendo


Super Mario Galaxy 10

Super Smash Bros. Brawl 9

Twilight Princess 9

Resident Evil 4: Will Edition 9

No More Heroes 9

Zack & Wiki 8

Mercury Meltdown Revolution 8

Warioware: Smooth Moves 8


Double Dash got very high scores from other mags/sites also remember..

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Thats BS. Edge have nothing against nintendo


Super Mario Galaxy 10

Super Smash Bros. Brawl 9

Twilight Princess 9

Resident Evil 4: Will Edition 9

No More Heroes 9

Zack & Wiki 8

Mercury Meltdown Revolution 8

Warioware: Smooth Moves 8


Double Dash got very high scores from other mags/sites also remember..


yeah was just going to say...they have given ninty games great scores...funny how people forget the good scores.. when one of their favourite series doesn't score well...

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Double Dash got very high scores from other mags/sites also remember..


Yeah, but most when asked now probably wouldn't agree with that ;) Same with Mario Sunshine, everyone raved about it at the time and now loads of people look down on it. Reviews aren't enough to get me to buy a game, nor put me off one. I will use them sometimes as a guide to help confirm or deny my present thoughts about a certain game if I'm uncertain. But everyone saying they love MK Wii for instance isn't enough to get me to buy it, as my issues are my issues. And I need to work them out to help me decide.


But one thing I think (in relation to this thread) everyone can agree on is the fact that MK Wii will be fun, I don't think anyone's denying that. But people who are probably in agreement with me will be looking deeper then that, that isn't enough. Because the argument of 'we've already got 5 of these' still stands for me, and it being good is just something I expected anyway, I need more then that.

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If anyone's interested, I've written an impressions blog about Mario Kart Wii and the Grand Wii event from yesturday, I know its limited to like playing a few matches on one cicuit but it does include some Wii Wheel impressions,


You can find it here


Nice blog Start/Select :awesome:


Some good impressions! :D Thanks.

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I don't think EDGE has any anti-nintendo bias either, but you forgot some reviews there:

Metroid Prime 3: 7


I simply can't trust a magazine's reviews with scores like these.


Oh no, not a seven.


Shit, according to Edge's definition of 7 out of 10 Metroid Prime 3 is a good game...


I raged.

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I wish every thread wouldn't turn into an irrelevant argument :hmm:


I'm looking forward to Mario Kart, doesn't matter if anyone else is- as long as I have fun playing my game, that's what matters.


I'm not a moderator (clearly) but can we please get back to talking about the game? It may be the same Mario Kart at heart, but there's 12 player online, a new way to control with the Wii Wheel and 16 new tracks as well as 16 old tracks.. and you can basically 'make your own GP' in multiplayer so you can pick a few of your favourite tracks to play! Then there's the tricks.. I'm looking forward to seeing how they fit into the game :smile:

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Well... In a turn of news, My Mario Kart Wii has been despatched from Game... Wonder if it will get here before friday?


To me Mario Kart is about fun racing, something most racers near miss perfect at and in my opinion Mario Kart has always hit the target, its my favourite racing game!


" 06/04/2008 14:41:12 Your order has been dispatched. "

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Oh no, not a seven.


Shit, according to Edge's definition of 7 out of 10 Metroid Prime 3 is a good game...


I raged.


It's still a 7 to one of the best games to come out lately from a magazine that gave Halo 3 a 10. I'm not saying they're implying it's a bad game, but it's still an unfair score and the review itself was crap. good game yes, but MP3 is excellent, it deserves more than that.

This isn't an EDGE thread though, so enough, point is, I don't care about their scores, but tbh I don't care about any scores, if I could I wouldn't hand out scores in my reviews either.

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I don't get it. Where exactly is this Edge review? On the may issue? It sure as hell isn't on the April one. And Wikipedia says Edge gave it 9/10.


Anyway, I gotta give Edge the old tip of the hat, they refuse to submit to the rating system of the likes of IGN or Gamespot, where an 8 means "meh, it's not really worth it". Jesus, a 5 is a game with half good content, therefore a 7 is something with something between 65% and 75% of good content... wich means = a great game.

But MP3 deserved at least an 8.

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