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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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Has it been confirmed that you can choose to play people by the controller they use? (online)


I'm all for choice, but I don't want to be forced to use a gamecube controller cause i wouldn't have a shot at winning otherwise.

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Mario Kart Wii (Wii, Nintendo): 10 / 9 / 9 / 9 - (37/40)


( in comparison mario kart ds scored 36/40)


Wow so Mario Kart DS is better then the Wii

Why I say that well you have more in the Wii version and it only has 1 point more!

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Control: Mario Kart Wii is compatible with four different control schemes, so players can customize how they want to play:


* Wii Remote Controller (with or without Wii Wheel): Steer by tilting the Wii Remote left and right. Or snap the Wii Remote into the Wii Wheel to transform it into a steering wheel for an intuitive, motion-based control scheme.


* Nunchuk Controller: Steer with the Control Stick on the Nunchuk and use the Wii Remote to accelerate, perform tricks and drift.


* Classic Controller: Mario Kart veterans can let their thumbs do the driving with the Classic Controller. However, players cannot perform certain moves with this control scheme.*


Nintendo GameCube™ Controller: Experienced Mario Kart fans may also enjoy this familiar scheme, although some maneuvers cannot be performed.

Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection: There are two options for races and battles over Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection: up to 12 people via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection or up to 10 people via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection with two people playing locally.


In simple words that means people who are going to use either classic or gamecube controllers get limitations.


Nope GC/Classic controllers used the D pad for tricks and maneuvers.

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So is anyone actually going on Saturday to play this and see if they can get a fast lap? Might go to play it early and see what other people are like when racing.


Aka, I wanna see how much better I am than them :awesome:


I cant go becuse its not near me so I cant go I just have to wailt untill April 11th.

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Nope GC/Classic controllers used the D pad for tricks and maneuvers.


don't think its about the tricks, and surely nintendo knows that you can do the tricks with the dpad. I dont know what exactly is limited but there;s something.

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Do you mean Mario Kart Wii is better than Mario Kart DS.


Nope! I never played Mario Kart on the Wii but I can tell you more when I get it.

But I am saying that from the Review Score.

Mario Kart on the Wii comes loaded with new and advance features then the DS version does.

But still only made one point more compared to the DS. :wtf:

Think about it.

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Mario Kart on the Wii comes loaded with new and advance features then the DS version does.

But still only made one point more compared to the DS. :wtf:

Think about it.

Yeah but a lot of that stuff was to be expected, online and stuff. And as a result there being online wouldn't so much help raise the score so much as not lower it. Things like Miis ect are new and the channel, but when you have 5 games in the series already reviewers are likely to not be as impressed by it and the basic game is likely to get a bit less emphasis.

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I'm gonna take part in one of those tournaments on Saturday, and I'd really like to get a decent time. I was wondering if anywhere has the controls for each scheme detailed yet? I'm considering the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, but the news that everything's been gimped apart from the Wii Wheel is a bit worrying.

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It's not really a tournament though is it? Just to see who can get the fastest lap and that's it, is it not?


£50 vouchers and a god damn Mario car!


Plus I'm recording it for the main page, and I don't want to look like an MK noob.

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