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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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I've always wondered why all the world records are set by people playing as Funky Kong too, is he somehow fasty than all the other large characters?




Apparently different characters have different stats as well. Funky Kong gets +4 in speed, so that should make him the best in time trials. It also explains why 9000+ players use daisy/baby daisy alot.

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Does anyone else feel some of these glitch shortcuts effectively ruin the time trials?


Absolutely...the people who had genuinely fast times by racing properly must be gutted! I can't think of a way to avoid the situation though as there always seems to be a way around it. It would take a lot of time to put invisible barriers around every course where these sort of "mega shortcuts" could be performed.

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I sort of agree, it qould probably be more fun if these shortcuts couldn't be performed. Invisible walls wouldn't take very long either, they're a really simple thing to add. Then again at least it's not unfair, especially in this youtube age, once everyone else realises the shortcuts it's just a matter of doing them the quickest.


EDIT: That was said after seeing the Mushroom Gorge video - that Grumble Volcano one is absolutely rediculous! Way to make that track irrelevant from a time trial perspective.

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I have 37s in the comp so far and I've finally broken into the Continental Top 10 at Luigi Circuit with a 1'10"148 :D


I see you're down to 35s now, well done, I just can't get the hang of manual bikes no matter how hard I try! Managed to get below 39s though, thanks to youtube :heh:

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I'm concentrating on my Race Rating, I'm up to 9250 now!


That's a very respectable rating but it is very dependent on who you are playing against. If you just play a bunch of noobs then it's easy to rack up a few cheap points but once you start beating those of a higher rating, that's when yours increases more realistically. With my choice of manual karts, it's difficult to get out of the 8000's but I still get good races no matter. It's so easy to lose on "random" courses, like Luigi Circuit or Moo Moo Meadows which anyone can win on that I tend to end up losing whatever I've accumulated, especially if it reverts to 100cc which is so much easier for others to catch you up on.

So, really, ratings are not always a fair representation of a player's ability unless they are really good and win nearly all the time. Fortunately, I don't fall into that bracket and find it just as enjoyable having a good race against all manner of abilities and losing, rather than predictably winning constantly.

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I too use standard Karts all the time and am in the 8500pts range... I love it when you beat some prick on a bike who thinks he's gonna wheelie round the whole course with ease..!! It is harder in karts but sooo satisfying when you win....Its strange that they made the bikes so 'over-powered'...

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I too use standard Karts all the time and am in the 8500pts range... I love it when you beat some prick on a bike who thinks he's gonna wheelie round the whole course with ease..!! It is harder in karts but sooo satisfying when you win....Its strange that they made the bikes so 'over-powered'...


With you all the way on that one! I think they just underestimated the way people would be virtually totally reliant on a bike so as to squeeze every drop of speed out of it and therefore unbalance the lack of turbo with the wheelie. It's still more of a contest than trying to compete with snakers on every slightly straight section in the DS version though! Getting and staying ahead is definitely the key to success whatever you're driving.

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I managed to hit 37 seconds on the comp this morning, don't think I'll be able to beat that.


Shame not so many people seem to be participating in the competitions now, my friends list has always had enough entry's for a top 10 before, only got a top 2 for this one though. :sad:


I suppose most people are too addicted to Brawl at the moment. :heh:

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