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If you want to try and get everything in a level you pretty much have to set aside around 70-80mins. My average time was about 70mins per level, then again there was always a tree/building/billboard I missed and I would have to spend a good 10mins looking for that!


Yeah, I'm surprised at how long it takes. I haven't completely done any of the stages yet, but I like to do as much as possible nonetheless. With that in mind I just didn't think I could put another 30-40 minutes into it after the footy last night- means I can go back and redo the first few sections of that level again though!


I've noticed in the level summaries that I've missed the odd tree here and there- I don't look forward to going back and trying to get them all cos it can be so easy to miss little things like that! :blank:

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I really really want this game... but I need to set aside £120 for Far Cry 2, Fable 2 and Gears. Sounds like such a breath of fresh air, and an ingenious little platformer :). For a non-completionist, how long do you reckon it will take me to complete; and is there much replay value?


You can get through all of the 10 levels in about 7-8 hours. As for replay value you have multiplayer modes, freeplay, 2 secret missions after each level and challenges to complete in each stage. The challenges range from paint everything in the level to finding a blimp floating around and paint that :)

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I hate this, I was showing my friends deBlob saying it's a good game. And all they could say was "That looks shit, all you do is jump on buildings."

It was so annoying, just because there's not any macho men shooting aliens it's not a good game. I hate that attitude.

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I hate this, I was showing my friends deBlob saying it's a good game. And all they could say was "That looks shit, all you do is jump on buildings."

It was so annoying, just because there's not any macho men shooting aliens it's not a good game. I hate that attitude.

Did they actually play it though? Anyway, their loss at the end of the day.


My copy arrived. Gonna have a little blast and then put it away until I complete the other insane amounts of games I need to complete first!! Argh!! I need to stop buying games!!!!
Once you start playing de Blob, the chance that you'll "put it away" is somewhere between slim and none.

Trust me. :)

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Did they actually play it though? Anyway, their loss at the end of the day.


Most people like that don't like giving new things a fair chance, they make crappy comments based on how a game looks (and I'm baffled here - how can you criticise De Blob on this front?).

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^ trust me. Graphics whores/360 fanboys will always moan about Wii games regardless of how they look. Unless they are over saturated in brown then they don't care. Unless it has guns, they'll not try it. It's a shame that so many people are like this because they miss out on a hell of a lot of good games.

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Okay, decided to play this last night, a quick 10 minutes to check it out. It was late and I had to get up early!!!


Over an HOUR later and I'm still playing!! The game is quite simply amazing; and anyone who was thinking this or Wario, this is loads better (and I LOVE Wario); everyone needs to get this game! This and Zack and Wicki are games that need to be in everyones collection!! I can't believe this game hasn't been selling very well, it's tragic!!!

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Once you start playing de Blob, the chance that you'll "put it away" is somewhere between slim and none.

Trust me. :)

Okay, decided to play this last night, a quick 10 minutes to check it out. It was late and I had to get up early!!!


Over an HOUR later and I'm still playing!!

Told ya. :laughing:
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Okay, guys, just because jumping on buildings and colouring them doesn't look fun to someone, it doesn't mean he is Gramers.

Stop stereotyping, i don't really see any attraction in this game, and i'm not particularly a lover of Macho Man shooting Aliens game

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Just to confirm what has already been said many times over ...... this game is just f'ing amazing.


I opened it this morning with the intention of only giving it a quick glance to see what the fuss was about but I have only just managed to put the thing down.


So much time and effort has clearly gone into this , it defies belief.


Cutscenes , soundtrack , controls , level design and number of unlockables are just perfect and I would agree that this is quite possibly the best 3rd party effort on Wii. It just screams fun all the way.


I have been through the first 3 levels only so far , but was surprised how misleadingly expansive they were , so much to do , and plenty to go back for.


And to think I very nearly didn't pick it up - so if there is anyone out there who is still questioning this games worth (despite the previous glowing opinions) then don't hesitate in the slightest.

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Okay, guys, just because jumping on buildings and colouring them doesn't look fun to someone, it doesn't mean he is Gramers.

Stop stereotyping, i don't really see any attraction in this game, and i'm not particularly a lover of Macho Man shooting Aliens game


Good for you, but everyone else who's tried it has fallen in love with it.

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Sure, buddy, i wasn't calling the game bad, i was just saying that raging at someone because he doesn't like the game is kinda stupid.


Please, don't answer to me with an argument that doesn't even make sense related to what i told you right now, because that's what you've been doing in this topic

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Sure, buddy, i wasn't calling the game bad, i was just saying that raging at someone because he doesn't like the game is kinda stupid.


Please, don't answer to me with an argument that doesn't even make sense related to what i told you right now, because that's what you've been doing in this topic


It is in relation to what you've just said. No one's raging at anyone, and Diageo's friends didn't even play the game, they just made a silly comment about jumping around buildings without giving it a go.

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Told ya. :laughing:


I know, but I really thought I could put it down, I do with even the best games. But I just couldn't stop. For the first 5 minutes I was a bit disorientated, was unsure how flicking for jump was working etc. But 10 mins later I really started to understand how it worked and loved all the challenges etc. Just couldn't stop playing it. Now I have a dilema, I've nearly finished Forc Unleashed, still playing through Wario, Scarface, Bully; loads of DS games, MGS4 and Resistence. No more heroes. But I just want to play this......do I be strong and save it with Okami for the autumn, and finish off a few older games. Or do I yeild to the darkside and play through de BLOB?!?! :)

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I just finished the game, great finale to it.

Still got quite a few things left to do before getting 100% and all of the unlockables. And then of course there's still multi-player too. :smile:


Have unlocked all of the music though. The soundtrack to this game is just perfect, I love it to bits. It's so nice to have a game feature an exclusively Latin/Funk soundtrack, (2 of my favourite music genres) and it fits in with the style of the game so well.

Hats off to the musicians behind it! :bowdown:

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