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Spawning from the MPT about Irish accents, I figured I'd make a thread about it as it's quite a nice subject.


What accent do you have?

If you could have any accent, what would you have?


And of course,

Which is your favorite accent? And are there any you just can't stand?



I personally find the whole reality surrounding accents intriguing. It's fantastic that simply because of our surroundings etc we learn to speak in a different way to someone else. I have a slight Norfolk accent, but mainly straight English now. Irish accents are my favorite by far, and I would definitely have one if I had the choice!


And whilst I'm posting, might as well point out that Scouse accents really get on my nerves most of the time. No offense to the scousers of the board!

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As I'm from the 6th richest town in the country, my accent is rather posh and snobby-sounding.


West Country accents make me laugh, if only due to them reminding me of a Bill Bailey joke about them. :indeed:


No accent for me... I wish I had one though.:)


That's strong coming from someone who lives in Unalaska...:wink:

Or is it spelt "arse end of no where"? :heh:

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:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


Errr I just sound like the average American White person.


What I mean is that you live in a place in America that probably has very few immigrants, so your accent is probably (as you have confirmed) very much a typical American one.

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What I mean is that you live in a place in America that probably has very few immigrants, so your accent is probably (as you have confirmed) very much a typical American one.


Actually the town is probably around 3/4 asian. :heart:


so you have an american accent then. Everyone has some sort of accent.


Yeah I suppose I do...

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HATE my voice. It's english, fairly posh, but has a quality I hate.


My most hated voice is really strong/rough scottish accents. I can't understand wht they're saying, it's so slurred.


(I live in Edinburgh too..)

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Actually the town is probably around 3/4 asian. :heart:




Yeah I suppose I do...


Lots of people loathe the american accent but I think its rather brilliant, unless its the southern accent which I hate to the point where I wish that part of america never existed. That (normal american) and the traditional britsh accent (i.e posh) are my favourite accents.

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Unless its the southern accent which I hate to the point where I wish that part of america never existed.


I hate it too. Even though I am American, I can't stand "Redneck" accents. That accent for some reason just makes me want to scream. :mad: Whenever I hear someone with that accent talking, honestly, I always think the same thing to myself. "Just shut the fuck up."

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I hate it too. Even though I am American, I can't stand "Redneck" accents. That accent for some reason just makes me want to scream. :mad: Whenever I hear someone with that accent talking, honestly, I always think the same thing to myself. "Just shut the fuck up."


I know what you mean. There is something about it that makes them sound like they have no idea what they are talking about...

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I used to find the Welsh accent really awesome in girls - but it's been so long since I met a Welsh girl I'm not sure if that's even true anymore.


I probably have a bit of an accent but I'm not sure. I feel like I just have an average blend of nothingness.

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I live in Essex but don't have the accent. I'm not common. :P


When I'm drunk I go slightly Australian as I lived there all last year. It sometimes rears it head when I'm sober but not as much as when I'm drunk.


Irish accents on good looking men are nice, but on ugly ones it's irritating.

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