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yeah i understand where your coming from.


I just try to take the reviews as peoples opinions really, but these guys are suppose to be professional, and i think giving something 10/10 is a little naive.


Maybe a percentage score like you say, is more accurate?


It's not perfect, they don't say it's perfect. Scores are a stupid thing which are just used to show how good a game is at a glance. If you read the reviews they all talk about the good things and the bad things, that is what a review is after all. If a games positives vastly, vastly outweigh its negatives then it deserves a high score, and in some cases 10/10.


In the spoiler free 1up review the reviewer does mention a few small deficits in the immersion of the game, and Gears got 10/10 from 1up as well, showing that it is a game of extreme quality, which delivers on pretty much everything that it promised to.


Game scores aren't a science, there's no stupid formula or machine that you can run a game through to give a 'final score'. So instead of looking at the game, and then the score and saying, 'how the hell did it deserve that, it's not perfect', read the actual reviews to understand why it got the score it did.

It's not perfect, they don't say it's perfect. Scores are a stupid thing which are just used to show how good a game is at a glance. If you read the reviews they all talk about the good things and the bad things, that is what a review is after all. If a games positives vastly, vastly outweigh its negatives then it deserves a high score, and in some cases 10/10.


In the spoiler free 1up review the reviewer does mention a few small deficits in the immersion of the game, and Gears got 10/10 from 1up as well, showing that it is a game of extreme quality, which delivers on pretty much everything that it promised to.


Game scores aren't a science, there's no stupid formula or machine that you can run a game through to give a 'final score'. So instead of looking at the game, and then the score and saying, 'how the hell did it deserve that, it's not perfect', read the actual reviews to understand why it got the score it did.


Im sorry, but i dont agree. Giving it 10/10 is basically saying the game is faultless, to me anyway. Which of course is BS.


I think everyone has got caught up in the hype a little but too much. I was expecting this to be quality, i really was. But its average IMO.


E.g, go up close to something like a wall, or a girder etc and look at the crap textures.


I Might need the beer goggles on to play this one.


Cause it doesn't. It does if you look at the score and nothing else. Nothing in this world is faultless. Try reading the review and not just looking at the score.


There was an excellent discussion on NeoGaf yesterday about 10/10 not being "perfect". However, there was something of a meltdown and the thread has been lost, so I can't quote. I'll look for it again - why is it Neogaf has no search function? :/

Cause it doesn't. It does if you look at the score and nothing else. Nothing in this world is faultless. Try reading the review and not just looking at the score.


Your post would mean something, if i hadnt read any of the reviews.


However, Ive read several reviews about this game, as i was really interested in it until i played the demo, and im just dumbfounded at the high scores its given.


Heh, i guess its each to their own.

There was an excellent discussion on NeoGaf yesterday about 10/10 not being "perfect". However, there was something of a meltdown and the thread has been lost, so I can't quote. I'll look for it again - why is it Neogaf has no search function? :/


neogaf does have a search function, are you a junior member?

Im sorry, but i dont agree. Giving it 10/10 is basically saying the game is faultless, to me anyway. Which of course is BS.

But if you read publications score guidelines they will only use the word 'perfect' as a negatory. For instance we have Eurogamer that says, "Let us make absolutely clear that a 10 is not and probably never will be 'the perfect game'. There's always something criticisable about a game, however small." And IGN state, "No game is absolutely perfect, but 10s represent the pinnacle of gaming brilliance."


Perhaps if you gave a game 10/10 you would be saying that it is perfect, but game publications do not use your scale, they have their own. To draw in your own meaning is to warp their message.


I was expecting this to be quality, i really was. But its average IMO.


E.g, go up close to something like a wall, or a girder etc and look at the crap textures.

The same can be said of any game. Gears of War has plenty of muddy textures here and there if you care to look, they are simply not as noticeable as in some other games due to the third-person perspective.


BioShock is easily one of the astounding games I've ever seen, and by that I'm not talking about texture compression: Rapture is a fantastically realised environment, chock full of incidental detail and craftmanship. Epic harped on about 'Destroyed Beauty' for so long, but I actually think BioShock is far more deserving of the title as it truly is an explorable snapshot of broken dreams.


I'm not trying to force you to like the game, but I do want you to appreciate it.

Your post would mean something, if i hadnt read any of the reviews.


However, Ive read several reviews about this game, as i was really interested in it until i played the demo, and im just dumbfounded at the high scores its given.


Heh, i guess its each to their own.


What is it for you that makes the game average?


neogaf does have a search function, are you a junior member?


Yeah, I only registered a few days ago. Been stalking for awhile, though. I woulda thought junior members woulda been the most important people to have the search function :blank:

What is it for you that makes the game average?




Yeah, I only registered a few days ago. Been stalking for awhile, though. I woulda thought junior members woulda been the most important people to have the search function :blank:


Just get yourself to 100 post then your a proper member and the fun starts!

Your post would mean something, if i hadnt read any of the reviews.


However, Ive read several reviews about this game, as i was really interested in it until i played the demo, and im just dumbfounded at the high scores its given.


Heh, i guess its each to their own.




How can you say you dont agree with a review after playing about the opening 30 mins of a game?!


And you have some really screwed up views about scores, just accept everyone else sees the world differently to you, and that you need to accept 10/10s as 9.8s in your book of 'perfect scoring'.

But if you read publications score guidelines they will only use the word 'perfect' as a negatory. For instance we have Eurogamer that says, "Let us make absolutely clear that a 10 is not and probably never will be 'the perfect game'. There's always something criticisable about a game, however small." And IGN state, "No game is absolutely perfect, but 10s represent the pinnacle of gaming brilliance."


Perhaps if you gave a game 10/10 you would be saying that it is perfect, but game publications do not use your scale, they have their own. To draw in your own meaning is to warp their message.



The same can be said of any game. Gears of War has plenty of muddy textures here and there if you care to look, they are simply not as noticeable as in some other games due to the third-person perspective.


BioShock is easily one of the astounding games I've ever seen, and by that I'm not talking about texture compression: Rapture is a fantastically realised environment, chock full of incidental detail and craftmanship. Epic harped on about 'Destroyed Beauty' for so long, but I actually think BioShock is far more deserving of the title as it truly is an explorable snapshot of broken dreams.


I'm not trying to force you to like the game, but I do want you to appreciate it.


Good post, i appriciate what your saying. Bioshock doesnt look as nice as Gears i dont think, and i still stand by the fact that the textures on that Bioshock demo wernt great at all.


Ugh, the most bad ass game since half life 2 and someone had to come over here and hit all over it.


Wait, is this the "Bioshock Clusterf**k thread"? or can anyone talking about Bioshock post here?


I have as much right to post about how i dislike the game, as you do talking about how much you love it.


What is it for you that makes the game average?


Well i dont like FPS, plus i just dont think its as great as everyone is saying, like ive said before, i think the textures are poor on the environments (except the water) and because its dark, people dont notice it.


It makes me laugh when i see people post about how this is gonna be "Teh besst game eva!!11", when you think about whats coming out in the near future.




How can you say you dont agree with a review after playing about the opening 30 mins of a game?!


And you have some really screwed up views about scores, just accept everyone else sees the world differently to you, and that you need to accept 10/10s as 9.8s in your book of 'perfect scoring'.


Correct, it is a demo.


How can you sit there and tell me i cant pass judgement on this game from the demo, when you are doing exactly the same thing by saying you love it. How can you completley agree with a review and totally love this game from the opening 30 mins of a game?! Same applies. I played the demo and hated it, you played it and loved it. Im happy for you.


In my book, its screwed up to give something 10/10, and then say "but its not perfect, its really a 9.8764657 but what the hey!"


10/10 will mean perfect to me, always has and always will, your post isnt gonna suddenly change my way of thinking.


All that being said, hope you enjoy the game!

Apparently Gameplay and Game are starting to send these out now.

Really? I've had my order in with GAME for a while, but whilst it's currently being 'picked and packed' I'm pretty sure that's just so they can be sure the Limited Editions are all ready to be sent in time for release day. I can't see them breaking the street date, although here's hoping for a Thursday delivery.


As for buying a regular boxed copy, ShopTo have it for £32.99 amd you'll more than likely get it either Wednesday or Thursday.


I just want to randomly point the fact that Dexters way of arguing is way better than some xmembers *cough* zeldafreak *cough*


I understand where he's coming from, although i disagree with his 10/10 scale.

and TBH the Bioshock demo didn't blow me out off the water (no pun intended).

So I can understand why he doesn't think it deserves top scores in his book, he doesn't even really like FPS games.


I personally is looking forward to this game. Although it's only a must buy 'cause the reviews say so. I hope the game delivers when i finally get it (some days before release ^^)

Guest Jordan

Bioshock has actually been slightly 'downgraded' for its console release.

The PC version (the one i'll be picking up, due to it being cheaper) has far higher res textures, more particle, lighting and shadow effects as well as Direct X 10 support on Vista.


Anyone noticed the really weirdly clunky death animations of your enemies? I found that just... plain weird. Not a complaint, just weird.

Anyone noticed the really weirdly clunky death animations of your enemies? I found that just... plain weird. Not a complaint, just weird.

Hmm? I'm not sure what you're referring to. From what I remember enemies go entirely ragdoll upon death. Do you mean the transition from animated to physics-dependant is jarring?


I admit I might be missing something; I played the demo twice and then decided to wait for the full release.


Play.com have apparently sent out some aswell, though mine is still awaiting dispatch. But it does say "In Stock" on the item page. Maybe we're going to have some street dates broken over here, like TRU did :D

Guest Jordan
Hmm? I'm not sure what you're referring to. From what I remember enemies go entirely ragdoll upon death. Do you mean the transition from animated to physics-dependant is jarring?


It only appears to happen when you're right infront of your enemy. Which is the dodgy thing, usually if theres less animation detail its because of an enemy being far away, GRAW style.


But you could be right about it being an animation to physics transition.

Really? I've had my order in with GAME for a while, but whilst it's currently being 'picked and packed' I'm pretty sure that's just so they can be sure the Limited Editions are all ready to be sent in time for release day. I can't see them breaking the street date, although here's hoping for a Thursday delivery.


As for buying a regular boxed copy, ShopTo have it for £32.99 amd you'll more than likely get it either Wednesday or Thursday.


Thanks for that Aimless, will probably get it from there then.


EDIT: Just preordered it from Shopto.net. Are they a reliable company? Im a little worried as I have never used them before and im sure I have heard stories about them charging customers twice and other mixups on Xbox.com


Hmmm, now do I play this on Hard or Normal difficulty? - I've tried both in the demo and Normal didn't seem hard at all. Hard was more of a challenge and imo, that made it more fun, but I don't wanna get further down the line on Hard when I get to a Big Daddy or something and it becomes too difficult and ends up frustrating me. What difficulty is everyone else going to start on?

Hmmm, now do I play this on Hard or Normal difficulty? - I've tried both in the demo and Normal didn't seem hard at all. Hard was more of a challenge and imo, that made it more fun, but I don't wanna get further down the line on Hard when I get to a Big Daddy or something and it becomes too difficult and ends up frustrating me. What difficulty is everyone else going to start on?


I'm going to try it on Normal. Imo, "Easy" does seem way too, erm... easy. Normal isn't that hard either, though I'm worried the game might get too difficult later on if I try it on hard mode. Methinks hard mode will be for my second or third run through the game.

Guest Jordan

There is a way around to get to Hard mode... Look around on kotaku, there was a post a couple of days ago.

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