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Going beyond "run and gun corridors," "monster-closet AIs" and static worlds, BioShock creates a living, unique and unpredictable FPS experience. After your plane crashes into icy uncharted waters, you discover a rusted bathysphere and descend into Rapture, a city hidden beneath the sea. Constructed as an idealistic society for a hand picked group of scientists, artists and industrialists, the idealism is no more. Now the city is littered with corpses, wildly powerful guardians roam the corridors as little girls loot the dead, and genetically mutated citizens ambush you at every turn.


Take control of your world by hacking mechanical devices, commandeering security turrets and crafting unique items critical to your very survival. Upgrade your weapons with ionic gels, explosives and toxins to customize them to the enemy and environment. Genetically modify your body through dozens of Plasmid Stations scattered throughout the city, empowering you with fantastic and often grotesque abilities. Explore a living world powered by Ecological A.I., where the inhabitants have interesting and consequential relationships with one another that impact your gameplay experience. Experience truly next generation graphics that vividly illustrate the forlorn art deco city, highlighted by the most detailed and realistic water effects ever developed in a video game.


Make meaningful choices and mature decisions, ultimately culminating in the grand question: do you exploit the innocent survivors of Rapture...or save them?







I've been following this game since E3 last year, and i'm glad to say it's just got a European Launch Date. Perfectly situated before Halo 3 in the midst of August (the 24th to be precise).


This game looks to be the one of the best on the 360, a unique world so heavily detailed and rich in character, gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous graphics and mind blowing water effects in addition to extremely smart AI, no real linearity, a game where if you die and restart the enemies don't do what the did last time, or come from where they did.


The twisted little sisters just really do it for me, sucking Adam out of corpses and it's upto you whether you want to take on her big daddy and kill her for the massive amount of Adam she has, or let your paternal/maternal side win and leave her to run off.


While looking very tense and quite scary the gameplay looks to be the best of any FPS adventure type game. Easily eclipsing Preys annoying native american theme and portal gimick.


I for one cannot wait to get this game! Anybody with me?]


Video: http://gamevideos.com/video/id/12134

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Guest Jordan

I'll be picking up the PC version of this game. Letty can't wait for it, probably because its so fucked up, shes gunna be scared shitless playing it... just like me T_T

I'm just not botherd about this.


Dunno why.


Yeah Im the same at the moment, just looks like another FPS game to me. Again, like Mass Effect, despite not feeling anything for the game I will probably pick it up regardless.

Every video I see of it looks fecking amazing. I've got high hopes for this.


Same, and it's not too far off ^_^


Definitely one of my most anticipated games for this year. More than Mass Effect, or even Halo 3, probably.


I've been following this game for a very long time, I really can't wait for this! Plus it's by the makers of System Shock 2, one of my all time favorite games and, imo, one of the scariest ever. This is easily my most anticipated game of this year (along with Crysis). I really hope that the limited edition makes it over here. I'm deffo picking up the PC version too, as it's one of the reasons why I upgraded.


I'm not excited, but I'm definately going to get it, because it looks brilliant. It's just not the kind of game I get excited about I suppose. Same kinda goes for Mass Effect.

Same kinda goes for Mass Effect.


He who gets in the way of me buying Mass Effect stands to be separated into at least 12 different pieces of roughly even size.

You have all been warned.


I cannot wait at all for this game. I don't know why, It just looks amazingly deep/scary, and I like horror games. I really like the second trailer, with the Big Daddy drilling you. Creepy

Guest Jordan
It sorta reminds me of a more twisted version of Timesplitters?


Its a modern day, underwater version of System Shock.

In System Shock, you used electrical inplants to change your abilities, in Bioshock, you use crude biological weapons, straight into your body. Such as injecting yourself with flies, then using them against your enemy.


Sounds crazy, but it mixes things up.


Sounds really promising but my notebook won't have the power to deal with it properly I guess.


Pentium-M 2GHz, 1GB Ram, GF 6800Go 256MB Ram are simply not enough - but it will take a few years until I get a new machine :)


I guess it gets time for a second console...

  • 2 weeks later...
I'm just not botherd about this.


Dunno why.


I take that back, i've just seen some new trailers and videos and the game looks fantastic.

  • 3 weeks later...

Game has too much screaming. Every enemy bawls their head off constantly.



GotY confirmed.



But seriously, Bioshock looks divine. I love dystopian visions and I love shooters. Hence why I love Half Life 2 so much. There is no doubt I will be entoxicated by this game.


"Game of the Year. Game of the Year. La la la la la."


That is the song I shall sing when this game hits. Super hyped now. I trust PCGamer a lot, I had a free sub a while ago and the writers now what thoer talking about.


That 95 isn't a ONM 95 (aka a 70) that is 120 on ONM scale. In other words pretty damn sweet.


Better than HL2. I can't see it but I would love to be proven wrong.

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