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Mass Effect (2)


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New Mass Effect info....I need this game sooooo much!


Nihlus Kryik is one of the Citadel Council's most decorated Spectre agents. Born in a small mercenary outpost outside Hierarchy space, he learned the hard way to fight for what he wanted. His father died when he was 16, and his mother forced him to join the turian military. His outsider status made life difficult; though he was always at the top of his class, his superiors and peers never truly accepted him.


As a soldier, Nihlus' skills were unquestionable. His attitude, however, often got him in trouble. On several occasions, he disobeyed direct orders to do what he thought was best. Although his instincts were usually proven right, his notoriety grew. Even when he single-handedly routed an enemy patrol, and saved his squad from ambush, his commanding officers berated him for his recklessness. His military career seemed to stall before it even began.


"Cool under pressure, Nihlus has an uncanny ability to find an enemy's weakness and exploit it."

After being reassigned to a new squad for the third time, Nihlus was introduced to Saren Arterius, a fellow turian and a Spectre. Saren was impressed with the young soldier. He befriended Nihlus and offered to mentor him. Within a year of meeting Saren, Nihlus was asked to join the Spectres.


Free from the restrictions of military procedure, Nihlus excelled in his new role. He quickly stepped from his mentor's shadow and established himself as one of the Council's top agents. Since then, Nihlus has completed countless missions as a Spectre, each one more difficult and dangerous than the last.


Cool under pressure, Nihlus has an uncanny ability to find an enemy's weakness and exploit it. Though his methods aren't as brutal as Saren's, he will not hesitate to efficiently and thoroughly eradicate anything or anyone that stands in his way.


Also some damn fine new screens!!







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It is a little odd that female players/characters don't get the same choice. Somebody should write in and complain.

There are only three main characters, which are 1 human male, 1 human female and 1 alien female.


If you play as the human male, that means you can only have sex with a female (either human or alien).


If you play as the human female, you can have sex with the human male or alien female.

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Someone explain Mass Effect to me, aka what type of game it is, what the story is, etc.


Mass effect is a futuristic story set in 2148 and later. It's about a person you create called Shephard who must firstly become a Spectre, (Basically one of the Galaxy's secret agents) and then investigate a renegade Spectre named Saren. It is believed that Saren is controlling the Geth, (A race made by the alien species Quarians, and are basically Humanoid AI Robots) and he is using them for evil.


It's an RPG by Bioware, so you know it's good :P and it's also got a combat system that relies heavily on FPS elements and Tactical elements. There are also different powers, such as Biotics which are 'magical' moves such as 'Push' or 'Lift'. There is also 'Tech' abilities which can come in handy when you need healing or are taking out some form of machinery.


Its got a really deep conversation system, and check out the main website if you haven't already, it pretty much sums up everything, and there's awesome pictures! http://masseffect.bioware.com/


Also, does anyone know what is going to be in the Limited Edition yet? I've heard some things about Prima, and that it will include some form of art book and such, but is that only if you order it from them? Or is that just the contents of teh Strategy Guide? I ordered mine from shopto.net, and I'm worried I wont get some extras! And they'd better put some ultra-cool stuff in there!! D:


Here's the Prima thing: http://www.primagames.com/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780761556237

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Mass Effect trillogy, as far as we know is exclusive to Microsoft platforms.


This is a good and bad thing for Bioware really, it means that their games get more promotion... but it also means that EA might end up milking their RPG's to shit.

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  • 5 weeks later...
I'd say its highly likely this be ported to PS3 after its released, with the other two games of the triology being multiplatform from release.

It's a Microsoft Game Studios title, as in they're paying for BioWare to make it. We'll probably see it ported to Games for Windows, but other than that, nothing.


All the major reviews come out tmrw. I have a feeling this is going to be HUGE. Halo/GoW huge.

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I've heard rumblings that it might not be as great as well all hope it will be....I hope thats wrong.


I hear that levels are slow to load due to Bioware having to build it with people without hard drives in mind, but the rest of it's more then good enough to negate any such quibbles.

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